While we're on the topic the correct spelling of the dictionary is Merriam-Webster not Mirriam
While we're on the topic the correct spelling of the dictionary is Merriam-Webster not Mirriam
Also, the reason that many words such as "through" (by the way, most Americans spell it through, I'd just seen thru on signs to make it shorter) are spelled that way is because that when they were first written down, all the letters were pronounced. In the word "through" they would pronounce the o and the g and the h. In words like "here" they would pronounce both "e"s. Over time the language revolved, vowels and sounds got dropped and moved around, but we retained the old spellings, which is why it's such a mess now.
Anyway, one of my pet peeves is when a British person gripes about how Americans spell. I just want to put up a picture of the Atlantic ocean and say, "NOTICE ANYTHING THAT COULD CAUSE A DIFFERENTIATION IN LANGUAGE, BUDDY?" But I don't, I'm a nice person. But I still say that if you call Americans stupid because they don't include the letter "o" in color you need to get your head out of your ignorant butt, you big fat jerk.
Hey, this is all off topic now.
Actually you dont inclue the U, were fine with your amount of O's. But im a Kiwi, not British, so Im exempt.
Also, I dont think anyone has ever said an American is stupid for spelling things differently. Is just the way language is, which is what makes it interesting.
The only thing that annoys me is that Misrosoft didnt do enough research when it wrote word and even in NZ spelling they keep trying to make me put ize instead of ise.
[CENTER][COLOR=white]~ [/COLOR][COLOR=gray][COLOR=deepskyblue]OFFICER[/COLOR] [/COLOR][COLOR=white]- [/COLOR][URL="http://titanskinship.com/home/"][COLOR=white]TITANS[/COLOR][/URL][COLOR=white] - [/COLOR][COLOR=gray][COLOR=yellowgreen]LANDROVAL[/COLOR] [/COLOR][COLOR=white]~[/COLOR]
[COLOR=deepskyblue][COLOR=deepskyblue][COLOR=deepskyblue]Toulouse McManlySocks [/COLOR] [/COLOR][COLOR=white]-[/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=yellowgreen]Captain [/COLOR][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=deepskyblue][COLOR=deepskyblue]Schmippy McSillySausage[/COLOR] [/COLOR][COLOR=white]-[/COLOR][COLOR=gray] [COLOR=yellowgreen]Lore Master[/COLOR] [COLOR=white]//[/COLOR] [COLOR=deepskyblue]Phlex McAngryPants[/COLOR] [COLOR=white]-[/COLOR] [/COLOR][COLOR=yellowgreen]Minstrel [COLOR=white][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#00bfff]Lickin McNibbles [/COLOR][COLOR=white]- [/COLOR][COLOR=yellowgreen]Hunter[/COLOR][COLOR=yellowgreen] [COLOR=White]//[/COLOR] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Marmighty McYeastySpread[/COLOR] [COLOR=White]-[/COLOR] Rune-Keeper
[CENTER][COLOR=yellowgreen]SNOWBOURN[/COLOR] - [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Phlex[/COLOR] [COLOR=White]-[/COLOR][COLOR=yellowgreen] Hunter[/COLOR][/CENTER]
Vayde Northwind - 64 Loremaster - Guild of Venturers - Vilya - Founder
"Yet still some go wandering, sons of forgotten kings walking in lonelineness... [The hobbits] had a vision of a great expanse of years behind them, like a vast shadowy plain over which there strode shapes of Men, tall and grim with bright swords."
A while back I noticed a broken ring of stone on the ridge dividing north and south Barrow Downs was curious if that was the barrow ol' Tom rescued the hobbits from. As I recall it was basically flattened and the treasures within scattered on the ground. The text said he collapsed the inner chamber so I'm not sure if the whole thing was pulled down or not. On the ring of stones I thought I saw an archway that could have been the door to the barrow.
~Officer of the Black Knight Brotherhood (BKB) on Elendilmir~
~Herudraug, Hound of Barahish. Rank 4 Warg on Elendilmir~
Not all those who wander are lost. Just me. Now where did that refrigerator get to?
Does Thornley's Worksite have any connection to lore? I just noticed today that they've actually made progress on the construction over time. I wonder who's building such a big place...
[center][url=http://col.guildhosting.us/] Children of Illuvatar Kinship[/url], [b]Arkenstone[/b]
[url=http://my.lotro.com/redviolin06/]My Lotro[/url] [b]*[/b] [url=http://poetslife10.blogspot.com/]My Blog[/url]
There's a rabbit hiding in the Bird and Baby, the same room as the "inklings". Any hidden nuggest explaining this?
Terrific thread!
I don't want to dump spoilers on people who haven't done book 11, but I wanted to mention I thought I saw some story parallels with the fate of Celebrian in the books.
Two of my favorite nuggest are in Bree.
The painted portrait of the Elven hunter in the Scholar Trainer house is one of the best paintings in the game.
The cat lady's house up on the Scholar's walk.
As for the barrow where the hobbits were rescued, I have been searching for it too and have not made up my mind yet which one it is. Maybe we should have a screen shot contest as to which is most likely.
Oh and as for spelling, if you go back to before 1820 or so, it was often due (just spelled that "do" lol) to the fact typesetters would run out of letters when doing a book or newspaper, so they would use alternate spelling. This is one reason English in general has so many words that are pronounced the same way but spelled differently, as well as names like Stewart and Stuart being interchangable. Modern English developed around the same time as the printing press and around the time of the King James Bible and Shakespeare etc, there were often limited supplies of letters in a given printer's shop. The more popular the book, play, poem or pamphlet, the more likely the particular spelling in it would catch on and become the norm.
Last edited by Gaelivor; Mar 03 2008 at 06:18 PM.
Nobigar Proudbelly - L35 Grand Master Chef, 3 Myrtle Court, Cropfurrows, Southfarthing, Landroval; Gaelivor - L65 Hunter - Lorien; Raeph - L38 Historian - Breeland; Daintybelle Oakenchest - L 65 Midwife - Blue Mountains.
Could it be Queen Berúthiel's descendant, or is the cat lady actually nice to her cats?
Funny story about the cat lady's house. Not funny as in ha-ha, but one of those serendipitous moments that makes you pause for a second.
I was mindlessly wandering through Bree just days after I had to put my own cat, Merlyn, to sleep. I opened this door and there were cats all over the place! I'm not sure I believe in omens, but I do wonder if there wasn't some higher purpose to me finding that particular house at that particular time.
Weeeeeeee're baaaaaaack! :)
Well I hope so.
My two guys Roy Snuchicken (named after a commerical for Roy's New Chicken Sandwich) and the Count Petey Tagliabu Von Farfignewton both died of old age in recent years. Maybe I enjoy the catlady house for the same reasons.
Nobigar Proudbelly - L35 Grand Master Chef, 3 Myrtle Court, Cropfurrows, Southfarthing, Landroval; Gaelivor - L65 Hunter - Lorien; Raeph - L38 Historian - Breeland; Daintybelle Oakenchest - L 65 Midwife - Blue Mountains.
[CENTER][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]Kordred - Champ | Koridian - Hunter | Ainulindir - Minstrel | Korlod - Burgler[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=deepskyblue][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=yellow]I sense a disturbance in the forums, as if millions of grammar teachers suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=red]Vilya - Angarain Erain[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
That would not make sense since it is still whole and lots of active wights.
My guess is one of the mounds that don't do anything. But really, I think it is the one where we have to fight that signature woman and her creban minions. Doesn't she say something about hobbits in her little talk?
I think the idea is we get there right when she is there checking out what remains of the barrow after Tom collapsed it.
Here is the portrait I was referring to:
Last edited by Gaelivor; Mar 04 2008 at 12:59 PM.
Nobigar Proudbelly - L35 Grand Master Chef, 3 Myrtle Court, Cropfurrows, Southfarthing, Landroval; Gaelivor - L65 Hunter - Lorien; Raeph - L38 Historian - Breeland; Daintybelle Oakenchest - L 65 Midwife - Blue Mountains.
[url="http://www.lotro-abc.com"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Yellow"][b]lotro-abc.com[/b][/COLOR][/SIZE][/url] - ABC Music File Archive ([url="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=133150"]discussion thread[/url])[url="http://www.lotro-abc.com"][/url]
'[i]I too once passed the Dimrill Gate,[/i]' said Aragorn quietly; '[i]but though I also came out again, the memory is very evil. I do not wish to enter Moria a second time.[/i]'
Why would the Last Prince be there when Tom had destroyed the barrow and chased away/destroyed its owner?
Nobigar Proudbelly - L35 Grand Master Chef, 3 Myrtle Court, Cropfurrows, Southfarthing, Landroval; Gaelivor - L65 Hunter - Lorien; Raeph - L38 Historian - Breeland; Daintybelle Oakenchest - L 65 Midwife - Blue Mountains.