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  1. #1

    Angry Need some dev help please!

    I just went into my Adder's /Mood_y /Emotes Compendium and did a simple text edit at the beginning of the article. I previewed the changes, made another text edit and previewed that change. Everything looked fine. I was preparing to do a major edit when the next Update is released to add the new emotes and change the text formatting since the Moria theme made much of the Compendium very hard to read.

    I saved the page and the ENTIRE ARTICLE DISAPPEARED!!!!!!!! WTH is going on!?! I literally spent weeks transferring that article from the forums to the LoreBook and then polishing it and tweaking it, but that was the first edit I did since everything was down for maintenence a few weeks ago. I know for a fact that I didn't do anything wrong to cause the entire article to disappear, AND BY GOD, a dev better tell me that they can recover it.

    I'm not going anywhere near that page until I hear from a dev here.
    [CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua][B][SIZE=4][I][COLOR=orange]Adder[/COLOR][/I][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/CENTER]
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  2. #2
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    Re: Need some dev help please!

    Ouch, I see what you mean. I hope they can fix it...
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  3. #3
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    Re: Need some dev help please!

    omnia mutantur, nihil interit

    The history of the page holds the last good version of the guide, so we can recover that. At the moment, the system is refusing to let me do so, which is something we'll investigate and resolve.

    We'll update this thread when we know anything more.

  4. #4

    Re: Need some dev help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by Duwis View Post
    omnia mutantur, nihil interit

    The history of the page holds the last good version of the guide, so we can recover that. At the moment, the system is refusing to let me do so, which is something we'll investigate and resolve.

    We'll update this thread when we know anything more.
    I hope you're right on that Duwis.

    I tried to look at the history but something wasn't right (sorry I can't be more clear about that. I think I was in shock.)

    And thanks for the unexpected weekend reply Duwis. It is very much appreciated.
    [CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua][B][SIZE=4][I][COLOR=orange]Adder[/COLOR][/I][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/CENTER]
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    Re: Need some dev help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by Adder View Post
    I hope you're right on that Duwis.

    I tried to look at the history but something wasn't right (sorry I can't be more clear about that. I think I was in shock.)

    And thanks for the unexpected weekend reply Duwis. It is very much appreciated.
    OK, currently, it appears the system no longer likes the length of your article. Manually trying to recreate it shows that I can get up to the 'K' entries. We're still investigating, but there is a possibility we might have to break your guide up into smaller bits. Hopefully, it won't come to that; we'll keep you posted.

    Thank you for your patience.

  6. #6
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    Re: Need some dev help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by Duwis View Post
    omnia mutantur, nihil interit
    When I looked that up the first response I got was...

    "I have no liking for prisons..."

    And I must admit I was greatly confused! I thought I was reading the direct translation of an anime like Excel Saga,

    "Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost."

    Makes much more sense.
    Fandieran Foxfire [COLOR="DarkOrange"]-[/COLOR] 60 Lore-Master and Founder of Desponte Illuminate Avante Set
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  7. #7

    Re: Need some dev help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by Duwis View Post
    OK, currently, it appears the system no longer likes the length of your article. Manually trying to recreate it shows that I can get up to the 'K' entries. We're still investigating, but there is a possibility we might have to break your guide up into smaller bits. Hopefully, it won't come to that; we'll keep you posted.

    Thank you for your patience.
    Anything new on the Lorebook here Duwis? Please don't tell me my guide needs to be cut up into pieces.

    I noticed in the section that is back that a lot of the font families were changed too although I can't tell you which one(s) I had used. I just know that the one there now is NOT what I had originally.
    [CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua][B][SIZE=4][I][COLOR=orange]Adder[/COLOR][/I][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/CENTER]
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  8. #8
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    Re: Need some dev help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by Adder View Post
    Anything new on the Lorebook here Duwis? Please don't tell me my guide needs to be cut up into pieces.
    Now, now, the halls of Khazad-dûm weren't carved in a day. However, I have mediocre news for you. Your guide is restored completely though you'll not be able to edit the whole thing in one place. For now, I've had to create a few templates to include on the main page:

    Best solution I can craft for you right now. Naturally, I can't reproduce this issue on my test forge, and access to the live forge is limited (something about devs singeing their beards and the beards of those around them). We'll keep poking at this, but this will at least get the article up and running again.

  9. #9

    Re: Need some dev help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by Duwis View Post
    Now, now, the halls of Khazad-dûm weren't carved in a day. However, I have mediocre news for you. Your guide is restored completely though you'll not be able to edit the whole thing in one place. For now, I've had to create a few templates to include on the main page:

    Best solution I can craft for you right now. Naturally, I can't reproduce this issue on my test forge, and access to the live forge is limited (something about devs singeing their beards and the beards of those around them). We'll keep poking at this, but this will at least get the article up and running again.
    Thanks for all the work Duwis! That solution works for me. The Guide appears as though it is one continous document to the reader which is what I was worried about. I can handle the editting in chunks, but I didn't want the reader to have to jump around to access seperate sections.

    I'll do some editting this week to add the new emotes, to lighten the text and tweak/update a few things and I'll let you know if anything strange occurs.

    Thanks again for rezzing my Compendium.

    (And be careful around those forges. Singeing a beard is bad, but an eyebrowless Dwarf is just plain ridiculous looking.)
    [CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua][B][SIZE=4][I][COLOR=orange]Adder[/COLOR][/I][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/CENTER]
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  10. #10

    Re: Need some dev help please!

    One other thing I forgot to ask Duwis...

    Do you think you could, sometime while working on this, fix the title to reflect the correct punctuation? The title currently displays as - Adder's /Mood y Emote Compendium when in fact it should show as - Adder's /Mood_y /Emotes Compendium. The underscore in /Mood_y and both the slash and the 's' in /Emotes have disappeared for some reason.

    I would very much appreciate it, and thanks again.
    [CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua][B][SIZE=4][I][COLOR=orange]Adder[/COLOR][/I][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/CENTER]
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    [CENTER][URL="http://lorebook.lotro.com/wiki/Adder%E2%80%99s_/Mood_y_Emote_Compendium"][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=orange][B]Adder’s /Mood_y /Emotes Compendium[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/URL][FONT=Book Antiqua] [COLOR=lemonchiffon]- [/COLOR][COLOR=lemonchiffon]LoreBook[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
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    Re: Need some dev help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by Adder View Post
    One other thing I forgot to ask Duwis...

    Do you think you could, sometime while working on this, fix the title to reflect the correct punctuation? The title currently displays as - Adder's /Mood y Emote Compendium when in fact it should show as - Adder's /Mood_y /Emotes Compendium. The underscore in /Mood_y and both the slash and the 's' in /Emotes have disappeared for some reason.

    I would very much appreciate it, and thanks again.
    I can move the article to 'Emotes', but there is not much I can do about making it Mood_y. When creating a page title for an article, MediaWiki converts spaces to underbars (or underscores if you lean that way), and vice-versa when rendering the title in the HTML for an article. We could make it Mood-y; that's as good as it would get.

  12. #12

    Re: Need some dev help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by Duwis View Post
    I can move the article to 'Emotes', but there is not much I can do about making it Mood_y. When creating a page title for an article, MediaWiki converts spaces to underbars (or underscores if you lean that way), and vice-versa when rendering the title in the HTML for an article. We could make it Mood-y; that's as good as it would get.
    Hmmm. When Clover first set up the page for me, the original title was Adder's /Mood_y Emotes Compendium. I had asked her to add a slash in front of the Emotes, but the underbar/underscore was originally there. It only just recently disappeared. I guess if that's not possible though, the dash (/Mood-y) would work too. At least that looks better than that 'y' sitting there all by it's lonesome (It currently looks like it should read Adder's /Mood why Emotes Compendium. o.O

    I just noticed that you said move the article to Emotes. Does changing the title entail moving the entire article?
    [CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua][B][SIZE=4][I][COLOR=orange]Adder[/COLOR][/I][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/CENTER]
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    Re: Need some dev help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by Adder View Post
    Hmmm. When Clover first set up the page for me, the original title was Adder's /Mood_y Emotes Compendium. I had asked her to add a slash in front of the Emotes, but the underbar/underscore was originally there. It only just recently disappeared. I guess if that's not possible though, the dash (/Mood-y) would work too. At least that looks better than that 'y' sitting there all by it's lonesome (It currently looks like it should read Adder's /Mood why Emotes Compendium. o.O

    I just noticed that you said move the article to Emotes. Does changing the title entail moving the entire article?
    I guess that depends on what you actually want. Let's look at Clover's original posting.

    Part the first: The URL Clover setup is the same as what it is today -- Adder’s_/Mood_y_Emote_Compendium. Notice the lack of 's' on 'Emote'; if you want the URL to read like your title, yes, we would have to move the article to the new title which in turn sets up an automagic redirect if someone comes to the old title.

    And B: Notice that Clover's original posting has the auto generated title Adder’s /Mood y Emote Compendium at the top above the community graphic. This we can't control and alter; it is how MediaWiki works. It converts spaces to underbars when creating an article title for use in a URL and then turns underbars into spaces when it spits it out as a page header.

    Now, you can also see it has the title Adder’s /Mood_y Emote Compendium after the big community guide graphic. This title is the result of the wiki code == Adder’s /Mood_y Emote Compendium == in the body of the article. Anyone can restore that code at any time. The how or why it was lost I cannot say; Clover's last edit still had that code in there, so she's in the clear.

    So, we come back 'round to where we started. We can leave the URL alone or move the article; we can restore the wiki code into the article but can't do anything about the auto generated title. There are limits to even my dwarven skills...

  14. #14

    Re: Need some dev help please!

    maybe if you used something like

    maybe you can trick it with the numeric HTML representation of the underscore. as you can see, the forums recognized it as an underscore, hence the need for my edit and code wrap.

    So, for instance, perhaps

    maybe it'll convert it into an underscore. but, then again, I don't know much about how browsers render URLs and such.
    Last edited by arinthros; Mar 02 2009 at 11:55 PM.
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  15. #15

    Re: Need some dev help please!

    WHAT!!! Since when does a Dwarf admit to having limits?!

    ANYway... My memory just ain't what it used to be I guess. I'd have sworn that the underscore was there, but I don't doubt that I'm wrong. Even the missing 's' has me scratching my head.

    But back to changing it... If fixing the main title means moving it, I won't ask you do that Duwis. As a matter of fact, when I started thinking about that, I went back through my PM records and sure enough, I did have this same conversation with Clover over adding the slash at the beginning of the Emote(s). I told her the same thing. I'm a stickler for detail. As a matter of fact, I can be downright anal about it being the perfectionist that I am, but I won't go so far as asking someone else to do extra work especially when you're busy enough as it is.

    So if you have the inclination to move it and add the changes to the title (or to use Arinthros' suggestion - I have no idea if it would work. I'm not a coder to that degree), I would be very grateful, but don't move it just because I asked. I can live with it as is. I'm just extremely happy that the article is there again to read and to edit to my heart's content instead of what I thought was going to be another two to three weeks compiling my notes from the forum and re-doing the whole thing, again.

    (On a side note here, I just noticed that the word 'anal' did NOT get filtered-out, yet words like 'cr ap' and other words even less offensive or less likely to be abused DO get filtered. Strange. Very strange.)
    [CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua][B][SIZE=4][I][COLOR=orange]Adder[/COLOR][/I][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/CENTER]
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    Re: Need some dev help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by arinthros View Post
    maybe if you used something like

    maybe you can trick it with the numeric HTML representation of the underscore. as you can see, the forums recognized it as an underscore, hence the need for my edit and code wrap.
    A good idea, but again, this still results in MediaWiki seeing an underscore and converting it to a space on the displayed title. So, no luck there.

  17. #17

    Re: Need some dev help please!

    aw bummer. thought I was on to something :P
    Firefoot... Our [Jewelled Bell] goes *Schwing*Schwing*
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    Re: Need some dev help please!

    Good work, Duwis. It'd be cool if we could do those kinds of fixes ourselves like we can on Wikipedia, but I guess that'd be asking for too much.
    As a level 1 burglar, Bilbo got a pony when he joined the Smaug The Dragon raid. Then he asked for leadership, looted the chest, assigned himself the 1st age Arkenstone and mailed it to an alt (Bilbo's a VIP so can mail from anywhere). They did some PvMP and an Epic Battle, then he apologized and gave the Arkenstone back because it wasn't BoA. He kept the pony.

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    Re: Need some dev help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by Banaticus View Post
    Good work, Duwis. It'd be cool if we could do those kinds of fixes ourselves like we can on Wikipedia, but I guess that'd be asking for too much.
    Actually, one of you could have done this on your own. Was simply a matter of breaking the page into a few templates to reduce the size. Ideally, size shouldn't matter *cough*, but I was simply being nice enough to do the work for Adder so the page would be fixed and he'd have an example to work off of going forward.

    I don't believe the Template namespace is restricted at all; if it is, please let me know.

  20. #20

    Re: Need some dev help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by Duwis View Post
    Actually, one of you could have done this on your own. Was simply a matter of breaking the page into a few templates to reduce the size. Ideally, size shouldn't matter *cough*, but I was simply being nice enough to do the work for Adder so the page would be fixed and he'd have an example to work off of going forward.

    I don't believe the Template namespace is restricted at all; if it is, please let me know.

    If I'd have known that I would have tried it myself, and I am sincerely grateful for your fixing it for me. But two points I'd like to make in my own defense for not doing so...
    1. I couldn't see anything at all to break into smaller parts. All I saw was the title and nothing more.
    2. If you knew how long it took me in the first place to get that article transferred from the forum post to the Lorebook due to not having a clue about the use of the Lorebook's markup language (I suppose that's the correct term), you would understand my dismay and trepidation at even thinking of redoing the article, let alone trying to figure out how to break it apart with templates (which I did not use in the original) and make it still appear as one whole cohesive unit as you have done.
    3. (OK, I lied, three points - I can't count above 2) Taking into consideration the above two points, and your *coughed* statement about size not mattering (Ummm, it doesn't, or so I've been told ), and the fact that it was fine for six months just the way it was so apparently something done to the LoreBook code broke it, well, you see my point. I hope.
    Anyway, I'm saying it again. Thanks Duwis. You did indeed do me a favor by fixing it and I very much appreciate it.
    [CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua][B][SIZE=4][I][COLOR=orange]Adder[/COLOR][/I][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/CENTER]
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    Re: Need some dev help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by Adder View Post
    I couldn't see anything at all to break into smaller parts. All I saw was the title and nothing more.
    *nod* *nod* It worked out for the best though, as I needed to diagnose what the issue was.

    However, for everyone's future reference, there is a "History" link in the upper right of the article. Let's use your guide to step through this. If you scan to the right of the "Article" and "Discussion" tabs, you'll come to the history link.

    On this mystical page, you'll find a chronological list of all edits made to the article. Scroll to the bottom of the page; you'll see a line reading "03:25, 21 February 2009 Adder". Click on the date. It will show you the state of the article at that date/revision.

    If you were to click the "Edit" link on that page, you'll be able to save the article and essentially restore that previous version.

    If you knew how long it took me in the first place to get that article transferred from the forum post to the Lorebook due to not having a clue about the use of the Lorebook's markup language (I suppose that's the correct term), you would understand my dismay and trepidation at even thinking of redoing the article, let alone trying to figure out how to break it apart with templates (which I did not use in the original) and make it still appear as one whole cohesive unit as you have done.
    Another reason why I went ahead and did it rather than explain it. Easier if there is something you can tangibly see and ask questions about.

    (OK, I lied, three points - I can't count above 2) Taking into consideration the above two points, and your *coughed* statement about size not mattering (Ummm, it doesn't, or so I've been told ), and the fact that it was fine for six months just the way it was so apparently something done to the LoreBook code broke it, well, you see my point. I hope.
    Indeed I do; we found why it happened and are taking steps to correct it going forward. Still don't know why it chose that particular moment to break, but there you go.

  22. #22

    Re: Need some dev help please!

    Dude! that's like a totaly insane page...

    All I can say is WOW! Good Job on that, will have to sit down sometime and read it all looks pretty cool and I can understand the panic attack on possibly losing it.

    Glad to see this as I didn't know one of these exists... Hmm... Guess I need to check out more of the lorebook.
    Kinship Officer - Keepers of Ayrshire, Landroval
    65 Rune Keeper - 64 Hunter - 55 Mini - 52 Champ - 37 Burglar - 35 Champ - 25 RK - And a bunch of others...

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: Need some dev help please!

    Hey Adder, looks like yer getting some publicity from this.
    [B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Herugon LossDagnir, Dwarf hunter,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"]Herubaruk Auledagoram, Dwarf guardian,[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Herucebir Akhilledes, [URL="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?329590-An-Irreverent-LOTRO-Player-Psychological-Profile"]"irresistibly magnetic proprietor of unmatched excellence"[/URL][/COLOR]
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