I found which pub the Bird and Baby is supposed to make reference too. Apparently the pub that the 'Inklings' frequented at Oxford was called 'The Eagle and Child'.
I found which pub the Bird and Baby is supposed to make reference too. Apparently the pub that the 'Inklings' frequented at Oxford was called 'The Eagle and Child'.
That wasn't Turbine's idea. It was already in the books. They had to put it there.
There's no "Bird and Baby" in the books. As the poster above noted, the pub is a nod to the real life pub, The Eagle and Child, that the Inklings frequented. Their nickname for that pub was "The Bird and Baby". That's also why you can see the Inklings there in hobbit form.
Carlo Williams = Charles Williams
Owen Farfield = Owen Barfield
Jack Lewisdown = C.S. "Jack" Lewis
And, over in the town of Dwaling is their friend
Ronald Dwale = John 'Ronald' Reuel Tolkien
[COLOR=yellowgreen][B]"Pure creation is like a vacation."[/B][/COLOR]
[INDENT]- Welby of Landroval[/INDENT]
Huh - could have sworn it was...
nevermind then.
[COLOR=yellowgreen][B]"Pure creation is like a vacation."[/B][/COLOR]
[INDENT]- Welby of Landroval[/INDENT]
There's a wikipedia page on the show: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewis_(TV_series), ITV have their own home page on the show http://www.itv.com/Drama/copsandcrim...s/default.html, and there's a page on epguides.com too: http://epguides.com/Lewis/
As for watching it online, that's trickier - ITV make the show, but it's not been broadcast on ITV yet so it won't have appeared on the ITV player (http://www.itv.com/ITVPlayer/default.html.) The Belgian broadcaster Canvas is airing them, episode 4 of series 3 aired earlier tonight. I wasn't able to find an air date on CBC or PBS, nor a DVD release date.
This may be the last season of this show - ITV are hemorrhaging cash, I hear that they've already cancelled one of my favourite shows (Wire in the Blood), and there's rumours that Lewis might be next.
Perivane - level 54 Elf Loremaster Historian, Silverlode.
not sure if anyone else got bord and did this already but i wrote downs the runes from DD/Dark delving and the Ghost Forge, IXP instance. Then got out my, hand copied, Cirth to Latin Alphabeta translation. the rune stones in DD come out to:
Axathuras, the x may be a nj or z and the S may be an H.
in Ghost Forge there are cirth on the left near the entrence that read:
Maxarnul, the R could be an Nand the X might be an NJ or Z.
If the look in you copy of LOTR, complete volume. you can see the chart explaining Cirth runes. The following are the number next to the runes as used in said chat, as I didn't take pics on the runes in-game.
For DD: 48,17,48,10,42,12,46,54.
For Ghost Forge: 6,48,17,48,12,53,42,31.
Now if only the great Berephon could tell me if this is a random colection of Cirth or a message in LOTRO version of Khuzdûl?
P.S. If I made any errors its because, cirth rune can have more then one translation to latin letters. Or I simply wrote that rune wrong before translation.
[color=blue][b][i]Drakkonus[/i][/b][/color] Elf LRM [color=orange][B]Leonnidus[/B][/color] Man CPT [color=red][B]Cappricornus[/B][/color] Dwarf RNK [color=jade][b]Taurrus[/b][/color] Hobbit WRD [color=aqua][B]Aquarrius[/B][/color] Dwarf CHM [color=silver]
[B]Peggasus[/B][/color] Dwarf MNS [color=yellow][B]Scorppius[/B][/color] Hobbit BUR [color=fuchsia][B]Saggittarius[/B][/color] Elf HNT [color=purple][B]Centaurrus[/B][/color] Man GRD [color=brown][B]Ursaemajjorus[/B][/color] Beornling
Here's another obscure one. Apologies if it's been mentioned before.
Green Dragon's Breath Ale, found in the Green Dragon Inn of Bywater, is described "A brew that is true, of amber hue." This is a reference to a scene in the 1955 film The Court Jester, starring Danny Kaye.
That one brought me back. The only time I saw that film was about 15 years ago, in my sophomore year of college.
Just wanted to say that this thread was the final straw in convincing me to buy a life sub before starting to play. I have been playing for 5 months now and have totally enjoyed myself so far.
Sigismund - Loremaster / Macbeth - Captain / Jinjur - Warden / Minerva - Minstrel - Arkenstone
Love this thread! Don't know how I've overlooked it for so long.
I'm not sure if it was just for the winter event, but up in the hills in the Vale of Thrain, I came upon a snowman. I will try to post a screenshot of it later. It was absolutely whimsical and made my day. I've used it as a wallpaper for months now. Very cool of the Turbine to place everyday items throughout Middle Earth.
the snowman have been around in all the turbine games. :P
[B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Herugon LossDagnir, Dwarf hunter,[/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"]Herubaruk Auledagoram, Dwarf guardian,[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Herucebir Akhilledes, [URL="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?329590-An-Irreverent-LOTRO-Player-Psychological-Profile"]"irresistibly magnetic proprietor of unmatched excellence"[/URL][/COLOR]
Arkenstone, a [URL="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Prized-Pie/53472421428"][COLOR="Yellow"][Prized Pie][/COLOR][/URL] among cakes.[/B]
Any chance you can tell us what those khuzdul words translate to in English, Berephon?
We were discussing the translation of the first one here: http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=249806&page=3
[COLOR=yellowgreen][B]"Pure creation is like a vacation."[/B][/COLOR]
[INDENT]- Welby of Landroval[/INDENT]