Just seems odd that when I trip somone they wobble around with stars over their head. Any plans to change this?
Just seems odd that when I trip somone they wobble around with stars over their head. Any plans to change this?
Merridan - Burglar lvl 140 (Rank 12)
Mystarr - Loremaster lvl 140 : Gormadan - Minstrel lvl 140 : Traldan - Captain lvl 140 : Celebdan - Weaver (Rank 11)
I'd like Trip to be able to topple something over again. At the moment only Guardians and Wardens can do it as far as I'm aware.
Elenhael 60 Champ
Duske 60 Burg, First-2000-rating-burg-to-solo-Akulhun, Trintrû, 'n Tharbil-ALL-AT-THE-SAME-TIME-while-a-chicken, Bob-foe, ZC fan
House of Elders | [US]Gladden
/double signed for both of my burglars
I miss knocking things over. It is sad that trip no longer "trips" anything it just makes them dizzy.![]()
Essentially this was due to the fact that they wanted all FM initiations to look consistent. Since Trip initiates a FM, it gets lumped into the pile.
Based off of this decision - I'm curious as to whether or not burgs would give up the ability to start an FM with Trip, in order to get the effect back.
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[url=http://ksguild.org]Kindred Spirits[/url] The Resident Devil's Advocate
R3 Warg Scrunt Kindread Shadows
Let's hope so. Trip was a great fun animation effect
Slightly derailed, it's still a shame that fellowship manoeuvres were nerfed so much. The really fancy ones are hardly ever seen any more - Pure Of Heart almost everywhere unless there is the right group build for a red kicker - Break The Door I still like when I can get a team to agree to it...
I see 6 man straights with much more frequency now than I did 6 months ago in the 6mans. People still go PoH for safety on the 'important' fights though; I don't disagree with that... for some reason the 6-straights BARELY get pulled off on important fights with tons of warning and 1 target:
1) Ok you take blue door, I take green door, he takes the other two.
2) Burg will open with a conjunction, stay with the straight because it gives a superior incoming dot than 4Y.
3) Ok, any questions? Get ready to go right in after the conj comes up 30 seconds after we start the fight.
- 30 seconds later -
Conj: red red green red
Elenhael 60 Champ
Duske 60 Burg, First-2000-rating-burg-to-solo-Akulhun, Trintrû, 'n Tharbil-ALL-AT-THE-SAME-TIME-while-a-chicken, Bob-foe, ZC fan
House of Elders | [US]Gladden
Actually id be okay with the devs swapping the names of trip and startling twist as a fix
- startling twist (the skill formerly known as trip) would be the name of the conj starter that can only be used from stealth (5 min cooldown) and makes the target stand around with stars over its head
- trip (the skill formerly known as startling twist) would be the name of the trick removal skill that knocks down the target for 8s (45s cooldown) AND GIVE IT THE TRIP ANIMATION
Its just wrong for a skill called trip to not actually you know... trip things and stuff
Last edited by Mystarr; Sep 22 2009 at 03:07 PM.
Merridan - Burglar lvl 140 (Rank 12)
Mystarr - Loremaster lvl 140 : Gormadan - Minstrel lvl 140 : Traldan - Captain lvl 140 : Celebdan - Weaver (Rank 11)
[url=http://ksguild.org]Kindred Spirits[/url] The Resident Devil's Advocate
R3 Warg Scrunt Kindread Shadows
You guys know that Floon is in charge of the artwork - not animation, we should stalk the correct dev(s), I just don't know who that is.
?ª"˜¨¨?ª"˜¨¨ ¯ ¯¨¨˜ª¤.¸`*•.¸*•¸??? LOTRO???¸•*¸.•*´¸.¤ª˜¨¨¯ ¯¨¨˜"ª?¨¨˜"ª?
Trip and Marbles. 2 Skills
Seriously though, this should have been an opportunity to give more classes the ability to trip, not just take it away altogether. One of the great joys of being a burglar was knocking giants down and giggling hysterically.
Taking the 'little' things like this out of the game have made it a consistently more flat, and sadder experience. It really bums me out that this was removed.
I don't really understand Floon's response, at least in regard to Trip.
There are still skills in the game that have the same enemy response animation (Warden Ambush is one, and there are others).
And being knocked down is a combat state that is not specific to any particular skill.
Last edited by LagunaD; Sep 22 2009 at 07:25 PM.
Times 60, 70, 80 monsters. And then there are the monsters that can't visibly be tripped, so we need to indicate the trip via other means: now you have a skill that uses animation sometimes, and FX sometimes. In which case we then ask ourselves why it doesn't use the FX all the time, and yay, fewer animations to do on new monsters.
Seriously, every little savings we can find helps. And some of these savings are actually gameplay helpers, so there's that.
I completely understand your point and the reasoning for it, but it's a little sad for me that combat with my burg doesn't look as cool as it did 1 year ago. It just seems a bit odd to me is all.
I really agree with Mystarr's solution, any chance that can be looked at Floon?
Fell deeds awake; fire and slaughter!
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This all makes sense, but I still think trip is worth it.
There are some moments that cause everyone in your group to laugh, get excited, and have fun.......trip started a lot of those moments, I don't think something like that should be compromised because its easier to program it another way...
But what about all those skills that other classes have that STILL knock down the enemy?If you are doing that animation anyway for other classes why change it special for us? Why was it less work to change Trip then to leave it alone? Sorry, Floon, but I still don't get your reasoning if these same animations are still being done for other skills just not ours.
If trip is really going to continue to look just like a plain old boring mez or stun can we have the name changed to something else because without the mob falling down we are NOT tripping it. I'm glad it's saving you work but this change, however small you think it is, diminishes the enjoyment of playing my favorite class.![]()
Razor // Lusitanius // Crickhollow ~ Portuguese Kinship //
One other thing to mention here Floon is that you get picked on for a lot of petty little things, I really don't want to come across as doing that here.
All I would like to get across is that a lot of things have been taken away, first at the start of Moria, and then progressively through the various patches after Moria. Frankly the endless parade of nerfs and removals have done 2 things:
First, they have actively diminished the pleasure of playing this game.
Second, they have made me wonder, every time I see something new in the game; "How long will *this* last?"
Just. Think about that for the future, maybe consider putting things into the game for balance, or to repair things, instead of taking them out. Trip is a great example of this, but it is by no means the only example.
I rarely play my Burglar these days (love the class, just too many alts in line), but Tripping things was one of my most favourite things to do.
Also, I'm not understanding what makes the old Burglar Trip any different than, say, a Warden Ambush? If anything, the Trip would more reasonably, well, trip something than chucking a spear at it. I understand the goal of consistancy, but if the Trip has to lose it's animation, then other skills should too.
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I liked Floon before this comment. What a cop out. "...and yay, fewer animations to do on new monsters." Yay? For you only, mate. Not yay.
"Every little savings we can find helps"? Helps what - Your workload? or the SoM release date? or the server load, or Turbine's bottom line?
How about, "Sorry all, I simply don't have the time to do the trip animations for 70 new monsters. The choice was to delay SoM release or bring back trip animation for burgs, and unfortunately SoM release had priority."
or "Turbine don't have enough staff and resources"
or "I really don't like burgs"
or "Not having this animation is a gameplay helper because...x"
[SIZE=2][B]Holyfrogomir [/B]Burgler R8 - [B]Grenouille[/B] Champion R6 - [B]Borschtgash [/B]Reaver R6[/SIZE]
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