My apologies to everyone on this thread. The Devs were fine to post when the questions were regarding mounts on the PvE side of the game and even participated in lighthearted banter and joking about PvE centric mount issues....Then I had to spoil it all and chase them away by posting a serious question on how PvP will be affected by the new mount system.
Kind of like flipping a light on and watching what scurries for the darkened corners.
I will not ask any more questions in this thread w/a mention of the PvP side of this game, so you devs can come back out of the corners and resume the banter.
Again, my apologies to everyone.
EDIT: thanks Ransroth for letting me know what was up. Frelorn has just posted that the mount system and it's effect on the PvP side of the game is still being checked on...and he also provided some additional nuggets of information.
Thanks again
Last edited by NYSEguy1970; Oct 19 2009 at 05:05 PM.
I have a question that hopefully one of the developers (or someone else in the know) may be able to answer.
Once the new mounts-as-skills system goes live, how will we be able to trade our horses into the stable hand for the purchase receipt that we barter in exchange for the reputation and festival horses?
I would hate to have one of the "standard" horse in my skill tab and not be able to trade it in for one of the festival horses when I have the tokens, and be forced to buy a second horse just for trading purposes while the other one waits patiently for its turn to go to the glue factory....
Can we now collect horses and have more than one (we could before I think, but being an item made that, prohibitive)
Firefoot: Elendale (hunter) Galorlas (champ) Grimlaff (warden) Corny (warg)
Horse Emotes
While sitting idle you can make your horse/pony/goat randomly play one of three different animations. Simply hit the spacebar.
Does this mean horses will no longer be able to jump fences?
Arda Shrugged : Elendilmir (RIP) -> Arkenstone -> Anor (RIP) -> Landroval -> Treebeard
Making mounts a skill, and not luggage is a fantastic upgrade. ANother MMO I play has recently gone the same way
Now....can we please have seperate crafting space?...please....?
[CENTER][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=orange]Dorkchops[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=pink][COLOR=black]Dwarf Champion LVL65 SM Tinkerer[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=orange]Darwing[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=pink][COLOR=black]Elf Lore-Master LVL61 SM Explorer [/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=orange]Galiwyn[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=pink][COLOR=black]Women Burglar LVL65 SM Armourer[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=orange]Galibald[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=black]Hobbit Hunter LVL63 SM Historian, [/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=darkorange]ETC..
Been through all the posts and information and haven't seen this anywhere.
1.) With the change in getting horse at level 20 does this mean horse quests are no available at 20, rather than 35?
2.) Are horse quests the same as before or have they been shortened?
Certainly been said somewhere.
You do not need the horse quests to ride the slower, cheap, L20 horse. You will still need to do them at L35 to ride a "proper" horse.
I just posted a blog entry about another feature that got added to Mounts 2.0 after this Dev Diary was finalized. Wanted to mention it for anyone watching this thread .
How will that work with trying to mount your last used horse, say the Bay, if you were in Moria? Will it default to the goat, or will it give an error? If it gives an error, how hard would it be to change it to automatically register that you were in Moria and select your best goat? Seems like a simple if/else setup would work for that: If in moria > mount nimble goat, if no nimble goat > mount slower goat, etc...Just a thought.
P.S. I am still waiting on word on when hobbits can start doing /handstand & /flip while mounted. Next book update maybe? ;-)
¤ Hie Thaer ¤ Uhp Psydown ¤ Dey Javu ¤
It will *try* to use the last-used mount. So, if that doesn't work, you won't end up being mounted. As I tried to say in the post, there's lots of ways that I could imagine this feature being expanded / improved, but then it wouldn't be done in time for SoM.
Talk to Avon re /handstand and /flip - not my department at all .
Couldn't we get it as a /command too Please!!!
/mount and /dismount