Re: Dev Diary Feedback: SoM Combat Changes
The addition of instant skills sounds good; the rest sounds like a very weak solution indeed.
The result of normalizing weapon speeds will just be to change the "optimal" weapon. I.e., all else being equal (and animation issues resolved), spears will become almost mandatory for Wardens. Also, including daggers in the one-handed weapons category is going to lead to a lot of silliness: I just know I'm going to see Guardians and Captains using daggers as their main hand weapon within hours of SoM going live. Not to mention xbows and bows having equal speeds. *groan*
I'm also not thrilled with speeding up the combat. Maybe it's slow in comparison to WoW (I wouldn't know, have never played WoW) or Mage of Conan, but it's plenty fast compared to EQ2, Vanguard, or any of the older MMOs. I don't mind combat being more "responsive" (trying to interrupt anything with Stamp has always been an exercise in frustration), but if it leads to an even higher rate of button-mashing, that's going to make some of my characters essentially unplayable for me.
Yes, I know I'm probably in the minority here. *shrug*
Guess I'll have to see how it plays out. But it doesn't sound good from where I'm sitting....
Dwarf Guardian, Hobbit Hunter 65; Elf Rune-keeper 55; Elf Hunter 49; others 7 to 36.
Two of each class; 3+ of each of the ones I like; 8 x KSM and counting....
Asheron's Call'99, Dark Age of Camp-a-lot'01, Everquest II'04, Vanguard'07, (M)Age of Conan'08, Lord of the Rings Online'09, Rift'11.