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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    We continue to be very pleased with the success of the free-to-play addition, and extend a very big thank you to all our players who continue to help our new players feel so at home in Middle-earth! Some of the changes in this release and in upcoming releases directly stem from player feedback. Please continue to be active on the boards and on Bullroarer, so we can be sure to take your perspective and experiences into account!

    Read more in the latest Producer's Letter from Kate “Nereid” Paiz and post your comments here!
    Last edited by Clover; Dec 03 2010 at 12:56 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    Cool and thanks for clearing up what Tasks are for. :P This is why I enjoy the game and play as much content as i can as I level. So i dont miss out on stuff. Rushing through this game is a waste. XD

    I would like to see pets for all classes though. Would be cool to have say a dog following around my Dwarf Guardian into the Barrow Downs or North Downs or even into the Tomb of Elendil with my friends and see it in the foreground as I battle a giant Turtle just no buffs. Don't think this would help. Lore Masters get pets (birds, bears, etc) and Captains get a Herald or they can have a banner. So I think pets should be optional and no bonuses just for being there and maybe have emotes for when I get a kill or find a Tin Deposit.

    Plus I understand why it takes so long to get new content and it is best to make a new area totally available not just pieces. The Journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step and we have many more miles to go until we see Isengard, Rohan, Gondor, Mordor, and finally the Grey Havens and the Departure of the Elf-Lords, Gandalf and the Ring-Bearers and only the most resolute travelers will see it too its end. I hope to be one of those.
    Last edited by Harvain; Dec 03 2010 at 03:43 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    Wow I love it. We're getting not only information on what's happening but also WHEN!!!! Radiance changes, 1st ages, new raid. Thank you!

    For the record I will add that I would love to see tasks added for all levels. Since we have reputation across all zones, regardless of level, it would be nice to have this option available to help with the reputation grind. I'm not speaking of Enedwaith because I'm very, very happy with the addtions/changes there but more specifically with Moria. Having 2 factions to grind for is very...grindy. Plus I'd like to be able to experience the gift boxes
    Last edited by Skigorn; Dec 03 2010 at 01:10 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    Wow another massive disappointment.

    Tons of system changes (radiance, moster play, legendaries, etc) but virtually no new content (landmass, quests, level cap expansion, new skills, traits, skimishes, etc)

    So the only new content we can expect for the next year is the previously announced new raid and dungeon plus some festival fluff.

    Why did the LOTRO team learn nothing from DDO and their constant steam of new content?

  5. #5
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    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by sapman View Post
    Wow another massive disappointment.

    Tons of system changes (radiance, moster play, legendaries, etc) but virtually no new content (landmass, quests, level cap expansion, new skills, traits, skimishes, etc)

    So the only new content we can expect for the next year is the previously announced new raid and dungeon plus some festival fluff.

    Why did the LOTRO team learn nothing from DDO and their constant steam of new content?
    First off, it would seem that they are doing some much needed re-adjusting to the game based off of feedback over the past two years. This can take some time.

    Secondly, the game itself was moving too far, too fast. We were in Mirkwood probably much earlier than we should have been. Had we remained on the same path, instead of moving back to Eregion, then we would probably be hitting Mordor sometime next year.

    Once the re-adjustments are complete, I am guessing we will start seeing content. It takes time to completely change game systems, and trying to do content at the same time would hinder progress on both.

    There's a new EP on board now, and it seems that the path is changing. For the better? Time will tell, but there is a glimmer of hope in the latest Letter.

    My two cents...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    We’re looking into how we can make it so that all classes can customize their character by adding cute and fun creatures that may add small buffs to combat, but won’t be combat-oriented in their use.
    Don't like the idea of this at all. It's bad enough you want to make it so everyone can have a pet, but now little Fluffy can (possibly) give a combat buff? Will this mean LMs no longer have to do (I assume it's still in the game) the quest that allows them to have non-combat pets? Or will everyone have to do a Friend of the Wild type quest before they can use these cosmetic buff pets? I still just dislike the idea because I think of LMs as being one with nature and therefore able to communicate with various critters, and that is why they can have one of these critters hang out with them.

    with a Character Panel revamp
    Please be mindful of how you 'revamp' the character panel. You guys are already making panels too big and awkward. The new quest panel cuts of names of rewards even though the panel is twice the size as it used to be. Go back to the old panel, it's not that hard to scroll down to read everything and it was much nicer, in my opinion.

    First Age items will be available as rare drops in both raids mentioned above.
    Yay and boo. It'll be nice for their to be First Age weapons, just kind of sucks they (might) only drop in these new raids. I understand you don't want everyone running around with 'the best' weapons, but having another way to possibly obtain them would be nice for people who don't/can't raid.

    We’ve received a lot of feedback on Radiance gating since its introduction and are pleased to announce that Radiance gear will no longer be a requirement for any of our instances or raids. In fact, with the release of our Q1 update next year, we will be removing Radiance from the game entirely. It will not be present in the new Instance Cluster or Epic Book and will be removed from all current instances. You should get your first look at a Radiance-free LOTRO on Bullroarer in early February of next year.
    Yay. I assume this mean gloom will be removed or are we to combat it another way?
    R.I.P. Elendilmir [30 Mar 2007-2015]
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    Wouldn't it have been better to produce this letter before the updates happened?

    We had a week or more of people complaining about lone lands ripping them off, maybe if they had this reasoning to it, they would have been less prone to be angry?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    A word of caution, don't give so much away for free or it'll work counter to F2P - on the flip side, you know your metrics best, so I have to hope a) you're doing a good job of datamining b) you're interpreting the results correctly.

    I CANNOT WAIT for radiance\gating to be gone, I much prefer the new Helegrod gating. Makes more sense!

    The LI revamp I am really looking forward to. I don't mind grinding instances for tokens to get gear, but it's really painful doing it on the LI's. I for one would by scrolls (from the store!) or grind for them if they gave me a chance to remove one legacy in exchange for a selection from a random two, kinda like when you reforge. Still grindy, but more tolerable because I'm not having to IXP up a brand new item. Or something, just please, lot less randomness and less grind.

  9. #9
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    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by be0wulfe View Post
    I for one would by scrolls...
    This is the worst idea ever. Do not do this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    re: tasks - hopefully those of us who are capped on quite a few characters will get a chance to run around doing some tasks too, while waiting for new instances/raidy things, et cetera. Sooner hopefully rather than later! More stuff to do in the meantime would be most welcome, yep yep. ;D

    Otherwise? I'm very glad to say goodbye to radiance as a gating system and I'm very much looking forward to the LI revamp (as well as First Age LI's dropping even as rare loot (as long as we're able to still get them the old way w/emblems also, o'course!). I wouldn't pay RL money for scrolls for LI's however, that's kinda not interesting to me. The way that part of LI's is set up is just fine by me imo, tyvm! n_n
    Last edited by Umbrael; Dec 03 2010 at 02:00 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    This is frustrating. We need to know some details about the LI revamp. We have no clue how they are going to change and from past history there is a very good chance that all the work we are putting into them currently will be made worthless. I would also like to echo the thoughts of others who aren't thrilled with raids being the only way to obtain first age legendaries.

    At this point, I feel like I could easily take 6 months off from the game and not miss anything and be better able to determine how to develop my character. With raids being the seemingly only new content between now and Isengard what am I to do with my max level characters? Grind radiance gear? Sorry that's being changed (no details how). Work on my LIs? Sorry that's being changed (no details how).

    The early content is not varied enough to warrant yet another alt, so I guess I am going to have to take a hiatus as I have done in the past. This letter leaves me frustrated yet again due to the lack of details. It doesn't even have to be ultra specific either. Just give us some real information to chew on. It's not like this stuff is a state secret or anything. You must have SOME idea how LIs are going to change and what the removal of radiance will mean in real terms.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    Good to see this all laid out. Q1 update, Anniversary Update, and a quick overview of what is in each one. Thank you for this.

    Hopefully First Age weapons will coincide with the release of the Legendary system revamp, which will cause most of us to seek new LIs anyway.

    One thing I didn't see mentioned that I hope is coming anyway is new scaled instances. GB, Annuminas, School/Library, and Helegrod are all well and good, but they're starting to wear thin. We could use some more scaled instances. I hope the new instance cluster will be part of the scaling system, assuming they are not just fixed at level 65.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    One new raid in march. in the Q1 instance cluster...not sure what that means. Does it mean there will be new "instances" aka 6-mans/3-mans in Q1 along with the one raid (she didn't actually say if it would be new, or a revamp of an old eriador one)

    then says a raid for Anniv Update (Late-April) which will include 2 instances. If my reading comprehension is still ok, it sounds like:

    (1) raid, (0) 6-mans/3mans for March update.
    (1) raid, (2) 6-mans/3mans for Late-April update.

    Just looking for clarity.

    Other stuff sounds great! Except for LM pets being no longer exclusive. My LM will now cry through the night hugging a bottle of Barliman's Best.

    2 bullet points for FLUFF (cosmetic stuff)
    1 bullet point for new group content
    2 bullet points for system upgrades/changes

    "Once the re-adjustments are complete, I am guessing we will start seeing content. It takes time to completely change game systems, and trying to do content at the same time would hinder progress on both."

    I hope this is the case.

    Anway, thank you Kate for the well-written update letter. This player appreciates what you guys are trying to do, for the most part.

    Jaylaxel - 140 LM | Moiron - 140 Champ | Aedush - R5 Stalker

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    It will not be present in the new Instance Cluster or Epic Book and will be removed from all current instances.
    So all radiance gear will have radiance removed right? That means some classes have 0 (zero) incentive to step into BG (the only one end-game raid), since they can get better sets/jewelery from other places. We already struggle to get specific people interested, like having 18 sign ups for LT, and from that is one loremaster and none warden or captain.
    The existing radiance sets should be atleast buffed in stats or set bonuses to balance the removal of radiance.

    First Age Legendary Weapons – First Age items will be available as rare drops in both raids mentioned above. Yay!
    Please tell me we are not going back to pre-emblem era. I really really hope turbine learned from previous mistakes, and these first age items will drop in form of single emblem or more emblems like it is now.

    Cosmetic Pets – ... fun creatures that may add small buffs to combat, but won’t be combat-oriented in their use.
    I don't really understand that. Either we get fluff cosmetic pets, or combat buffing pets. I hope it will stay only at cosmetic pets, noone wants to see 12 pesky critters running around while we fight new badass bosses in the new raid. Also you should realize if you give combat buffs to any pet or pets, everyone and their dog will do whatever it takes to have such pet, even if they don't like pets, or don't like the look of the pet, combat buff is all they want.

    One thing not mentioned in the letter, what about "Month of *class*". Are we going to see any before these Q1 releases?
    Last edited by Finrandiras; Dec 03 2010 at 01:49 PM.

  15. #15
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    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingNorseman View Post
    This is frustrating. We need to know some details about the LI revamp. We have no clue how they are going to change and from past history there is a very good chance that all the work we are putting into them currently will be made worthless. I would also like to echo the thoughts of others who aren't thrilled with raids being the only way to obtain first age legendaries.
    This letter leaves me frustrated yet again due to the lack of details. It doesn't even have to be ultra specific either. Just give us some real information to chew on. It's not like this stuff is a state secret or anything. You must have SOME idea how LIs are going to change and what the removal of radiance will mean in real terms.
    I too would like to know if there is another way to get 1st ages without constant raiding. Rare drops are fine by me - they make the "best weapons" that much cooler. I just would like to know if rare drops could also include 6-man/3-man stuff.

    Also, should I grind on hele or annum gear right now, or will Radiance removal affect the overall quality of armor throughout the end-game? Same goes for LI's, how much of our current grinding will be wasted, and which parts?

    Jaylaxel - 140 LM | Moiron - 140 Champ | Aedush - R5 Stalker

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    Cosmetic pets that add buffs? I missed that.

    PLEASE tell me these aren't store exclusive.

  17. #17
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    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    Also great to hear about the new raids/instances, the revamp of LIs (let us choose the skin on our weapons!), and the removal of radiance. Really fantastic.

    Can't believe we're getting dates as well O.o

    Seconding motion to allow capped characters to do tasks!

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  18. #18
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    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    Who cares about changes to legendary weapons or radiance armor if there is nothing new to do with them for the next year?

    One new raid and a festival quest or two is not going to keep people interested for a year. New skirmishes, new landmass to explore, new dungeons and interesting story quests is what people look for.

    Lets raise the level cap by one ever other month and deliver pieces of the expansion over time instead of saving all new content for one big box at the end of 2011 and hoping people still care.....

  19. #19
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    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by sapman View Post
    Who cares about changes to legendary weapons or radiance armor if there is nothing new to do with them for the next year?

    One new raid and a festival quest or two is not going to keep people interested for a year. New skirmishes, new landmass to explore, new dungeons and interesting story quests is what people look for.

    Lets raise the level cap by one ever other month and deliver pieces of the expansion over time instead of saving all new content for one big box at the end of 2011 and hoping people still care.....
    We’re planning on releasing one raid with the Instance Cluster in Q1 and another raid and a couple of instances in the Anniversary Update
    emphasis added

    That definitely sounds a little more than just one raid. With recent instance clusters we've gotten 3-mans, 6-man(s), & a raid so I hoping this will be the same for the Q1. Even the most bleak outlook would say that in the first half of the year we'll see at least 2 raids and at least 3 other instances, though we will probably see more.

    I can't wait for Feb and BR to see what all is going on.
    Last edited by robnkarla; Dec 03 2010 at 02:34 PM.
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  20. #20
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    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by Kate “Nereid” Paiz
    Cosmetic Pets

    ...creatures that may add small buffs to combat...

    DO NOT WANT!!!

    Cosmetic Pets should be just that, COSMETIC.

    Trust me, I'll be lining up to get me some cosmetic pets, but let's not step on any toes or make things any murkier than they need to be by having the pets gives buffs AT ALL (in or out of combat)

    Just keep it a fun, fluffy system
    Mostly Harmless since 1999!
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  21. #21
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
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    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by Finrandiras View Post
    One thing not mentioned in the letter, what about "Month of *class*". Are we going to see any before these Q1 releases?
    Not in the "month of" form, no. As with the November update you'll be seeing more than one class getting some attention in Q1.

  22. #22
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    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    Good to see no new content until next year. Call me when you got something besides apple bobbing for end game content in Q2.

  23. #23
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    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by Drogo1 View Post
    DO NOT WANT!!!

    Cosmetic Pets should be just that, COSMETIC.

    Trust me, I'll be lining up to get me some cosmetic pets, but let's not step on any toes or make things any murkier than they need to be by having the pets gives buffs AT ALL (in or out of combat)

    Just keep it a fun, fluffy system
    I usually do not prejudge something from the dev notes/producers letters before actually trying them out, but I agree.. I do not want or think cosmetic pets should any buff on them whatsoever except a glowy warm feeling that has nothing to do with combat. If they have buffs then everyone will have them out all of the time and I honestly believe it will get annoying. I did not really intend on using this system, but by adding buffs that would make more people like myself use them just to keep up. Not to mention you know the OP pets will only come from the store...
    Been kicking around since 2008... Better days...:)

  24. #24
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    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    This is about getting a letter from Kate, not the content of the letter.

    As a retired executive from a service business, we chose to focus on figuring out how to provide what the customers would say was excellent customer service and service products.

    I found that a significant part of providing excellent service and products, and having the customers say it was, was my being frequently and personally visible to my employees and customers.

    So, to encourage you, letters like this are a seriously positive way to be visible to your customers and to feed your customers information that makes them feel included, not ignored. Yes, it takes your time; yes, you get the good and the bad. But, from the perspective of figuring out ways to have us tell you that Turbine is giving excellent customer service and developing the game in ways we like, there is pretty much nothing better than getting, evaluating, and figuring out how to take advantage of negative feedback and the hidden requests in that negative feedback.

    So, I applaud your letters. I applaud the changes in the game that have been from you and your staff asking for and receiving feedback, both negative and positive. Barter Wallet, radiance gating, the LI system and LI system changes, on and on, there are so many past and current examples of how you all are learning to include your customers in helping you meet your customer's needs. Good job!!

    I look forward to experiencing things I've had to bypass in the game, and to the new adventures that are coming in Turbine's rendition of Tolkien's Middle Earth at the end of the Third Age. Thank you Kate, and all!!
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  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter December – 2010

    This is a nice letter summarizing everything up, mostly old news but very appreciated.

    all classes can customize their character by adding cute and fun creatures that may add small buffs to combat, but won’t be combat-oriented in their use. No release timeline is certain yet, but we are actively exploring what would be fun and cool.
    This however isn't fun or cool. Fluffy isn't even cool. Middle-Earth is serious. It's a war. This is Lord of the Rings Online, not Fluffy Bunnies Online. But little pets crawling around everywhere is obviously something that needs to be sold in the store.


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