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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007

    How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    Sure it might change, as now there is a tentative patch for tomorow, but honestly - is it THAT difficult to communicate when Festivals start in this game?
    I practically derailed another post making this point so I want to start a new one.

    Why is it that EVERY SINGLE TIME there is a festival, you have to hear about it second hand? I log in about every other day. I watch the splash screens. I check into the forums once in a while to see what's up.

    Someone might say you have to look at the calendar to see events.
    And the Calendar is.....burried up in the maze of tabs (*looks at the top of the forum page - are there enough tabs there yet?*) with sub tabs that all repeat themselves and hang when you select one. Yup, getting ticked and will now take a breath.

    So, Yay or Nay? You were aware a Festival is about to begin?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    It;'s one of the loading screens now with the update. And given the update changes, that's probably bigger news.

    Would've been nice as a forum announcement sure, but technically to most of the game's players that itself is second hand (most don't come here, unlike you and me).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    hmm...been here forever...never once had an issue knowing when the fests were tentatively about to begin or end.

    when they start or end there are announcements in the launcher and forums

    then there are the splash screens....

    oh and lets not forget the C A L E N D A R which you can bookmark

    one look at the calendar tells ya when they expect it to start and stop

    sometimes it might get delayed...like it might tomorrow...

    but thats why it says tentative

    all yas gotsta do is pay attention

    but even if ya miss all that there is still the in game letters you receive

    so its not like you are gonna miss it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    I've known since last week, and have made it known to my kin as well. I cehcked the calendar and was pleasatnly surprised to see it starting tuesday the 22nd

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidster View Post
    Sure it might change, as now there is a tentative patch for tomorow, but honestly - is it THAT difficult to communicate when Festivals start in this game?
    I practically derailed another post making this point so I want to start a new one.

    Why is it that EVERY SINGLE TIME there is a festival, you have to hear about it second hand? I log in about every other day. I watch the splash screens. I check into the forums once in a while to see what's up.

    Someone might say you have to look at the calendar to see events.
    And the Calendar is.....burried up in the maze of tabs (*looks at the top of the forum page - are there enough tabs there yet?*) with sub tabs that all repeat themselves and hang when you select one. Yup, getting ticked and will now take a breath.

    So, Yay or Nay? You were aware a Festival is about to begin?
    Well, yes I was, but I know, generally, when each of the festivals begin each year and I usually glance at the community calender when signing up for lotteries on mylotro.

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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    I deserve the condescension I know.
    Bookmarking the calendar is a good idea.
    But really, take a "general" look around the forums, as I have done for a couple of days now since I heard of the Festival and it's not to be found.

    So I got a screen announcing the Festival between loading characters.

    I stand corrected, sorry for the attitude. But...but...it could be more obvious. And it is almost always as such.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    I sure miss the old forums, with the handy news screen of what was happening right next to the forum list. Now the news isn't in the News tab up on top (or anything under that), or on the "front page" like it used to be, it's instead buried somewhere else (like in the Calendar or wherever).
    As a level 1 burglar, Bilbo got a pony when he joined the Smaug The Dragon raid. Then he asked for leadership, looted the chest, assigned himself the 1st age Arkenstone and mailed it to an alt (Bilbo's a VIP so can mail from anywhere). They did some PvMP and an Epic Battle, then he apologized and gave the Arkenstone back because it wasn't BoA. He kept the pony.

  8. Mar 21 2011, 10:42 PM

  9. Mar 21 2011, 11:02 PM

  10. Mar 21 2011, 11:19 PM

  11. #8
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    Point taken.


  12. Mar 21 2011, 11:51 PM

  13. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    I expect tomorrow when I log in I will have a letter telling me about the festival. Is out of game notification necessary? Are loading screens notifications better than the letter? I don't think so - since I usually go afk while I load in.
    Clarrow PeopleEater - R12 (resting) BA
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  14. #10
    Join Date
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    Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    Thanks Lurkerinthemist;

    Yes I think the more notices the better. It's a festival, celebrate, make it a dominant message, every time. Did you look around for the notice? It's not that accessible.

    Now if the idea is to make it a surprise, a happening worth discovering upon checking your mail (tomorrow? In 4 or 5 days?) then yes, all the power to the players who tune-in every day.

    Is there a divide between us who feel the Festival is obvious and those who don't?

    It is not splashed around the forums. Ever. So I think it should more clear.

  15. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    I knew it was coming up. One of my kin officers mentioned it. Didn't realize it was tomorrow though. I suppose I would have found out when I got that mail.

    Yeah, it would be nice if there was a splash screen announcing it a week before it's supposed to start. Shoot, I was doing stuff all night and didn't see a splash screen for it even once.

  16. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Angry Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    As someone that doesn't play LotRO ALL the time, I'd say it was damn near invisible a week ago! I agree, they should put it in the announcements that appear on the launcher - at least give a week warning or something. I don't see why everyone else is shooting you down, btw, you definitely have a point!!

  17. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidster View Post
    Sure it might change, as now there is a tentative patch for tomorow, but honestly - is it THAT difficult to communicate when Festivals start in this game?
    I practically derailed another post making this point so I want to start a new one.

    Why is it that EVERY SINGLE TIME there is a festival, you have to hear about it second hand? I log in about every other day. I watch the splash screens. I check into the forums once in a while to see what's up.

    Someone might say you have to look at the calendar to see events.
    And the Calendar is.....burried up in the maze of tabs (*looks at the top of the forum page - are there enough tabs there yet?*) with sub tabs that all repeat themselves and hang when you select one. Yup, getting ticked and will now take a breath.

    So, Yay or Nay? You were aware a Festival is about to begin?

    Me, ME, I knew it. What do I get? What the website is messed up? To many tabs? WoW, I never knew that, I never go to the website.

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  18. #14
    Join Date
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    Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    They had dev diaries for the all the festivals I've been a part of. I only started playing when F2P came out, so there hasn't been many.

    I'm the WORST warg on DD

  19. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    If there had been any more news about the FEstival than there was, people would be complaining about it being in their faces too much.

    (I found the news of it to be unavoidable...but I don't live under a rock.)

    --W. H. Heydt

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  20. #16
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    Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    Quote Originally Posted by whheydt View Post
    If there had been any more news about the FEstival than there was, people would be complaining about it being in their faces too much.

    (I found the news of it to be unavoidable...but I don't live under a rock.)
    No, dear, but you spend most of your waking hours in front of your keyboard.

    I saw a flash-screen for it today. Looks like the same as last year's -- stomp-a-shrew (NEVER AGAIN!!), mazes, horse races. I suppose I'll drop by the Party Field briefly to see if they're doing anything new and interesting, but I'm not holding out much hope.

    (I lucked out on the Autumn Fest, got the Raven Cloak and Mask. I figure I have enough party favours to last me till next year.)
    Eruanne - Shards of Narsil-1 - Elendilmir -> Arkenstone

  21. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Unhappy Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    In all fairness, I've been playing for a few years and generally always found out about the festivals...until recently. I saw that there was a contest for screenshots for the bullroarers festival, but I never saw anything about when the festival was, what was going on with it...nothing. I even kept riding over to the area it always used to be and it was never there. Now, not every player even checks the forums because we just don't have the time. We can either read the forums or log in and play...guess what we choose. We play. I know I've checked the calendar a few times before for festivals, even when one is currently going on at the time, and only ever see mentions of things hosted by kinships or various groups. Never the game wide festivals. I know I only check the forums for various things about once every 6 months or so, especially since it's busier and harder to find what you want since it was changed. My point, though, is that they used to let us know in all sorts of ways when a festival is starting. This thread is the only mention I've seen of the spring festival, other than the horse in the store which is usually a month after the festival. There was no mention, in game or out, of the bullroarer's festival. I have to figure that they've decided making all these changes to the game are more important than announcing special ways for us to have fun. They'd rather give us headaches trying to keep up with all the changes. Even the splash screens I've seen are only about the updates that just happened and nothing else. *shrug*

  22. #18
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    Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    I knew it was coming, but it usually coincides with the start of Spring, so...

  23. #19
    Join Date
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    Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    I agree that Turbine are appalling at passing on dates. There's an announcement forum and is the festival mentioned there? Not at all - in fact Update 2 isn't mentioned there either!

    Any sort of event or update should be noted on the announcements forum at least 2 weeks ahead of time - if the date has to be shifted, how much work is it to do that?

  24. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    It would also help if Turbine, for all the useless junk they already put there, would add the calendar to the tab bar(s) on top of the forum.

  25. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    Where is the festival located? I saw the splash screen for about 5 seconds before it changed so I missed where it's located...
    Last edited by Joreel; Mar 22 2011 at 12:34 PM.

  26. #22
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    Oct 2010

    Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    Quote Originally Posted by Joreel View Post
    Where is the festival located? I saw the plash screen for about 5 seconds before it changed so I missed where it's located...
    There are multiple locations with festival events (major towns with festival npcs).

    This should help for now, mind that it's based on last year's and anything/everything (but probably not everything) could be changed this time: http://www.casualstrolltomordor.com/...l-quest-guide/
    and another post on this year's actual festival:

  27. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    Tomorrow?? or the 18th throught the 24th like it says on the splash? lol

    I'm a noob, I admit...I have been looking for it since they said it started the 18th.. no clue where/how to start it..

    I'd say not "how many people know" but rather do any of the Devs know when it starts (18th through the 24th, oo I still have two days to try to find it) or "where the heck do you start it (whatever IT is) when/if if does"...

  28. #24
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
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    Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    Quote Originally Posted by Darmokk View Post
    It would also help if Turbine, for all the useless junk they already put there, would add the calendar to the tab bar(s) on top of the forum.
    It's under the my.lotro.com tab. Click the "Community Calendar" link and you're there!

  29. #25
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    Re: How Many People Know About The Spring Festival Tomorrow? !!??

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    It's under the my.lotro.com tab. Click the "Community Calendar" link and you're there!
    thats not very intuitive though

    having its own tab would be more productive

    because it is all hidden and not easily accessible (like on the superior layout of the old forums) i have to bookmark it and hope it goes thru


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