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  1. #201
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    I would tend to think not ooga, the lore master ancient cures spell presently gives a disease and wound resist buff after diseases and wounds are removed, the proposed changes to lore masters abilities has these buffs removed. It would seem inconsistent for cappy? resist buff to be applied across all resistances.
    Last edited by Idiotvillage; Jun 22 2011 at 09:54 AM.

  2. #202
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    Quote Originally Posted by Gummii View Post
    jeez... Gilean-EU try reread the whole thread and you come upon this assumption a couple times and just as many times an explanation WHY there is NOT a typo in the blog
    Okay, there's no need for an attitude like that. I didn't read the whole thread this time and didn't realise it was already asked (by Lilka) and answered (by someone else) already. So I understand it now.

  3. #203

    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    Quote Originally Posted by Clover View Post
    Stats will be getting an update with the launch of The Rise of Isengard™. Read more about these changes in the latest developer diary from Ken "Graalx2" Burd and post your comments here!
    So, two questions about the content that I haven't seen addressed amidst all the doom, gloom, and whining. (The more my fellow Captains complain, the more I think you need to nerf our melee damage HARDER just to get them all to just quit already.)

    Re Finesse: As a "new stat", will it be something that all characters have and progresses by level, like the existing stats, or will it solely appear on gear? Because, when it comes to concerns about "gating" and "Radiance 2.0", giving everybody a scaling, baseline amount seems like a good way to mitigate the worst consequences of the old Radiance system. Providing Finesse food, etc., and basically just treating it like any other stat would go a long way, I think, it easing acceptance of it.

    Re consolidated ratings:

    These changes are being made to make items with these bonuses more useful to more classes.
    Are you consolidating ratings on gear or on players? If the latter, does this affect monsters, too? How does that effect, for instance, that boss fight in Haudh Valandil where one boss is basically invulnerable to all but Westernesse damage?

    That is, do the split up resistances still exist in game, or will all specific resistance buffs, including ones from cure skills like the Captain's Muster Courage, be reduced to one stat?
    Last edited by furtim; Jun 22 2011 at 10:31 AM.
    Cainwen Ciaphas, Captain of Crickhollow, HERO OF MIDDLE EARTH!!!
    I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! My opinions are my own!

  4. #204
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    Quote Originally Posted by Raven-EU View Post
    This is looking really good

    My sole concern is that Finesse will be the new Radience. "Sorry, you can't come to this raid w.o. this or that gear. You need at least X Finesse to do raid Y or you'll hit squat". I'm sure the devs have learned from the Radience backlash and won't go down the same path
    Exactly, and even if it isnt intended this way you know this is how its going to be used.

  5. #205
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    I think that the finesse system is very raw yet because it looks like different classes have different soft caps of fenisse rating.

    For example, tanks have to maximize fenisse rating for stable threat generating because they stay face to face with boss.

    At the same time melee/ranged DD can do their work with minimal fenisse rating, stayng behind boss, because in that case Block and Parry are always 0% and Evade is only half of base value

    Next, tactical DD/Debuf classes have to maximize fenisse rating, but healers dont need it at all.

    I hope that Turbine rethink the finesse idea.

  6. #206
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    Will Virtues be updated for the Resistance changes? I mean, how many will just give generic Resistance boosts now, where once they were Poison/Fear/etc. resist?
    Now for wrath, now for ruin and a red nightfall!

  7. #207

    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    Quote Originally Posted by Jennifern View Post
    4) Where's the love for captains? For every single other class I can see benefits, be it through increased crits, removal of useless stats, increased/removed caps, increased DPS through these changes. But nothing for captains. We still need every stat, which means removal of caps means nothing to us unless we min-max for a certain role and thus stop fulfilling our role in raids. Please, get Raskilnikov onto the captain forums so we can actually have a discussion with him about his proposed captain changes which are rubbish. These changes wont affect us, his changes are rubbish, so effectively captains being left behind again
    We don't deserve it. Purely based on the terrible attitude of other Captain players, I'd say we should LITERALLY have all of our weapons turned to nerf. Or convert all of our skills to Tactical cries. But keep the Will*1 to damage.

    I've never met a more miserable, ungrateful, whiny, demanding bunch; considering how long I've been around the internet, that's saying a lot.
    Cainwen Ciaphas, Captain of Crickhollow, HERO OF MIDDLE EARTH!!!
    I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! My opinions are my own!

  8. #208
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    Mar 2007

    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    Quote Originally Posted by Graalx2 View Post
    Ok all secondary characteristics Except for Critical Defence.

    For the changes to primary stat contributions I only listed the changes. Guardians and Wardens for example, still get 5 Morale per Vitality.

    Partial Avoidance is still at the present cap.

    Finesse will be a much kinder and gentler gate, if it even rises to that level. The numbers in the following example are for demonstration purposes only. Please do not take them as ‘The Way Things Are’. They are only meant to be an example of our intent.

    A top-of the line Raid Boss will probably have BPE and Resistance around 35% total with lesser bosses and trash elites having much less. A few pieces of crafted or quest gear give 10-15% off those totals and another 10-15% Finesse available through instance/raid loot this will lower BPE into more than acceptable levels. That’s the plan anyway and as such subject to change.
    In other words: Radiance is now called Finesse. More gear gating fail. Sorry if this has already been said or disproved. I don't have time to read all 14 pages.
    Alanras - 65 Hunter, Codeo - 65 Warden, Gavari - Up and coming Champion
    Officer, Hammerfist Clan, Brandywine Server

  9. #209
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    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    Quote Originally Posted by furtim View Post
    I've never met a more miserable, ungrateful, whiny, demanding bunch; considering how long I've been around the internet, that's saying a lot.
    Clearly you haven't spent much time in the Hunter forums.
    7 Haven Way, Tund Loriel, Falathlorn Homesteads
    [COLOR=White]Elendilmir[/COLOR] Arda Shrugged -[COLOR=White]Crickhollow[/COLOR] The Colonists[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][SIZE=1]

  10. #210
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    Feb 2007

    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    I started a thread on the General Discussion forums, thinking that was an appropriate place for this, to discuss, and bring to my community and my dev's attention, some concerns about the stat updates. Since it seems to have gotten overlooked there, I guess I'll link it here.

    Please take a look at this: http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.p...y-Stat-Changes

    History became legend, and legend became myth, and some things that should not have been forgotten were lost...

  11. #211

    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    Quote Originally Posted by Ayrolen View Post
    Clearly you haven't spent much time in the Hunter forums.
    There are Hunter forums? What do they even have to talk about other than making "pew pew pew" noises at one another?
    Cainwen Ciaphas, Captain of Crickhollow, HERO OF MIDDLE EARTH!!!
    I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! My opinions are my own!

  12. #212
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    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    Quote Originally Posted by furtim View Post
    There are Hunter forums? What do they even have to talk about other than making "pew pew pew" noises at one another?

    "You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later." Too many funny posts to rep this morning!
    7 Haven Way, Tund Loriel, Falathlorn Homesteads
    [COLOR=White]Elendilmir[/COLOR] Arda Shrugged -[COLOR=White]Crickhollow[/COLOR] The Colonists[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][SIZE=1]

  13. #213
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    Mar 2007

    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    Quote Originally Posted by Digero View Post
    About Finesse:
    So does this mean that Guardians will be getting that many fewer block responses on raid bosses?
    Yes, if you maintain the 15% block in ratings that you are allowed now. However if you increase your Might and add +block rating gear you'll probably see even more blocks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Galahadur View Post
    Will the Knowledge of the Lore-Master skill be changed or, hopefuly, upgraded to accomodate this changes and give some Monster info back to us, players?
    Yes...well eventually. It may or may not be done for Isengard launch.

  14. #214
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    Mar 2009

    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    Quote Originally Posted by Tainted_Black View Post
    I'm more directly concerned about the vast superiority a warden will have over a Guardian with the ability for a warden to continually buff their avoidances to stupid levels, meanwhile a Guardian can do it for a certain time then it goes onto cooldown.

    I'm expecting Guardians to get a severe buffing since this is happening or a warden will be able to tank stuff that a Guardian cannot due to how difficult it will be for a Guardian to get their BPE up to 25% (30% with block stance?)

    Infact... why hasn't the guardian dev diary been announced yet? We got told it was coming a long time ago and everyone else (except rk) has had theirs already, meanwhile we sit here twiddling our thumbs reading through stuff which seems all doom and gloom until we know how it'll effect us.

    Guardian updates should have been announced before this so we knew how this would effect us.
    Benefits from givin up heavy armor for medium??? Finally pay off... Lol
    ________Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien________
    Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta

  15. #215
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    How (if at all) are creep classes being considered in being able to raise ratings/avoidances to account for the new cap?

  16. #216
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    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    Quote Originally Posted by Graalx2 View Post
    Yes...well eventually. It may or may not be done for Isengard launch.

    Sad to hear that. Eventually = probably never in Turbine's terms.
    Razor // Lusitanius // Crickhollow ~ Portuguese Kinship //

  17. #217
    Join Date
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    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    Eventually = When we get around to it, if we do, which probably wont happen...

    Another word to add to Sapience's "Soon" definition list?

    Quote Originally Posted by Galahadur View Post
    Sad to hear that. Eventually = probably never in Turbine's terms.
    Eh...not many Loremasters that I know of use it. The same information can be found on many of the LOTRO wiki sites on the web including the LOTRO Lorebook.
    Last edited by Elderban; Jun 22 2011 at 01:07 PM.

  18. #218
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    I like the upcoming change to the stat caps (Might just have to dust off my annuminas set ). As my main is a runekeeper, I am a little curious as to where fate will come into play and if crit chance will receive a cap increase or if it will stay at 15 (I see it as staying else many dps could then be considered OP). If someone could help clear up what will happen to crits and where fate will come into play that would be great.

    <Mellinniel-85 RK-R8-Main><Murkrachz-r3 Blackarrow>

  19. #219
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    Overall, I really like the changes, but like most, I have concerns about the "Finesse" stat. At a glance, I really like the idea, but in thinking it over, I feel that it should affect more than just offense, but defense as well (finesse counters finesse). This would make the stat important, but never have a chance to become overpowering. In addition to that, it could also be influenced by primary and secondary attributes in addition to armor. With a multitude of factors influencing it, as well as the ability for it to be countered, it steps away from being a huge game changer and back to being merely influential.
    [CENTER][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs. [/COLOR] [/CENTER]

  20. #220
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    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    30% crit chance for cappys, awwww yehhhh.

  21. #221
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Dev Diary: Stat Changes

    Quote Originally Posted by maradakia View Post
    4. And then finally topped off with ... diminishing returns. You thought after all that enormous amount of work, when you finally got that you'd have made some advance ...

    "...but they were, all of them, deceived."
    You're right, and you're wrong about this. You're wrong on the defensive side of things in that diminishing returns doesn't really exist, but right on the offensive side of things in that diminishing returns is ... weird (especially considering that there aren't exactly diminishing returns on the defensive side of things). So, I'm going to talk about why diminishing returns don't exist on the defensive side of things.

    First, start off by assuming that there are no diminishing returns and that for simplicity's sake, there's one defensive attribute that is damage mitigation. Consider your effective survivability, which is 1 / - what this means is if you take full damage, your effective survivability is 1 - you're as hard to kill as your morale bar says you are, but if for example, you took half damage, your effective survivability is 2 - you're about twice as tough as your morale bar, or twice as tough as someone with the same stats, except for having an effective survivability of 1. In terms of effective survivability, not all +1% increases are equal. To demonstrate the extreme case, if you have 0% mitigation and you get +1%, you go from 100% incoming damage to 99% incoming damage, or a little over a 1% increase in effective survivability. If you have 99% mitigation, and you get +1%, you go from 1% incoming damage to 0% incoming damage, or an infinite increase in effective survivability. Which is understandable, at 99% mitigation, you are killable; at 100% mitigation, you are no longer killable.

    Now, the diminishing returns formula is / ( * + ). So, incoming damage is 1 - / ( * + ). Which means effective survivability is 1 / (1 - / ( * + )). Doing some simplification, we get that effective survivability is 1 + / ( * ), or effective survivability increases linearly with your defensive rating.

    It's actually better than that, in that the best guess is that avoidances are summed, so on the avoidance side of things, your effective survivability increases faster than linearly assuming that you distribute your avoidance ratings amongst the three avoidances.

    There's no equivalent set up for the offensive side - i.e., the amount of rating needed to make you twice is tough, will not make you do twice as much damage. In fact, due to way the diminishing return equation is set up, it's impossible to get +100% damage solely from ratings. On the other hand, I note that there are numerous traits, legacies and set bonuses that give fixed +% increases to damage, but no real equivalents on the defensive side of things, which may be an attempt to balance things out. I don't know.

    Edit: I should note that the 25% point mentioned on the dev diary doesn't match the currently known formula for diminishing returns - as far as I know, it's not known what form the diminishing returns equation will take with Rise of Isengard.
    Last edited by moebius92; Jun 22 2011 at 01:39 PM.

  22. #222
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    Simplified mechanics and neo-Radiance are exactly what this game doesn't need. Doubly so since it looks like they're just being superimposed over the existing stat mechanics.
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  23. #223
    Join Date
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    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    Ok...developers just need to remember to let the MP's increase their stat caps to match.
    "To the beeches of Neldoreth I came in the Autumn.
    Ah! the gold and the red and the sighing of leaves in the Autumn in Taur-na-neldor!
    It was more than my desire." - Fangorn.

  24. #224
    Join Date
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    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    Many sensible improvements. Can't see the problems others do with Finesse.

    Way to drive the min-max people mad, the normals mental, the oldies insane and the newbies twizzle.

  25. #225
    Join Date
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    Re: Rise of Isengard: Dev Diary Feedback: Stat Updates

    Quote Originally Posted by Alanras View Post
    In other words: Radiance is now called Finesse. More gear gating fail. Sorry if this has already been said or disproved. I don't have time to read all 14 pages.
    Actually, there's one big difference: with the Radiance mechanic, if you didn't have enough, you simply were useless due to cowering; with the Finesse mechanic, you can still participate, even if you experience a few more misses or resists.

    Most importantly, it makes it way easier to bring an alt healer along. With Radiance, even your alt healers needed to be geared up in order to do their part. With Finesse, you can bring the alt Minstrel/Rune-Keeper along and still perform your primary role.

    So the content isn't really "gated" per se. There's still lots of incentive to gear up, but it's no longer "mandatory" in order to =try= the content. And that makes a huge difference.
    Dwarf Guardian, Hobbit Hunter 65; Elf Rune-keeper 55; Elf Hunter 49; others 7 to 36.
    Two of each class; 3+ of each of the ones I like; 8 x KSM and counting....
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