HI everyone! I'm just back from Gamescom and I wanted to take a couple of minutes to clear up some of the comments and hopefully tamp down some of the conspiracy theories they created.
First off, thanks to LowJ for bringing the questions to the show floor on behalf of the community.
Let's talk about a comment I see a lot, "I hope Turbine understands". We do. Believe me we do. In fact we take a great deal of time generating real numbers and real data to help us understand and make decisions. What's always a challenge is explaining to the community that we do understand, especially in light of the fact that an issue may appear large in the forums, but is not as large when one looks at the entire player base. Remember, the forum community is ony a small percentage of the whole. We don't ignore any group, but as I mentioned in the discussion at Gamescom, we do have to decide where to spend our development dollars and usually the majority will win out. That doesn't mean we don't try, or won't try in the future to address the concerns and desires of all players in all groups, it simply means we have to prioritize. AS Arbalister pointed out, sometimes we put community requests and small items of interest to some players into the cycle because they're small enough to slip in to the process. We also, as with LUA, occasionally put items that the community has reuqested that developers take on as pet projects in their own time working nights and weekends to build them.
Instances. Yes we are shipping instances after Isengard releases. That's all the information I can share right now. We'll have more to say about this after PAX this weekend, and if I can slip out some info from the show floor I'll do that too.
There was a sentiment expressed that I really want to address directly. The suggestion that we had made a "screw the community decision" or words to that effect. Never. We think (and I KNOW) we have the greatest MMO community and probably the greatest game community, period. I can say in total honesty that whenever a feature has to be omitted, cut, or re-scoped (changed from our original vision) no one is more dissapoointed than we are. Remember, while we are a business and have to make decisions that make the most financial sense, we are also gamers and there is nothing our dev team enjoys more than making new, exciting, and interesting systems and content. Just like players get excited about playing new things, our team gets excited about building them and when those systems, content, or items have to changed or removed, it's always a painful process.
As I said, I'll talk more after PAX and when we get back next week. Of course, if you're headed to PAX, please by all means come by the booth and say hello and I'll answer anything I can for you.
One last note, if you will be at PAX, drop an RSVP to our player party on Friday and we'll send you an inviation.
RSVP@turbine.com. Just make the subject PAX PRIME PARTY 2011 RSVP.