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  1. #651
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: I am getting REALLY tired of being spammed these nasty emotes!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dormouse2 View Post
    and considers the emote by itself, and used responsibly, a fun part of the game.
    There is no responsible way to use something that has a negative effect on other people without their consent .. and that's fun only to griefers. Same goes for the asinine minstrel and captain skills which force others to do things when they don't ask, again, those too are abused by those who find it 'fun' to annoy others.

  2. #652
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: I am getting REALLY tired of being spammed these nasty emotes!

    Last night I was in the center hub of Galtrev by the LI NPCs, in a period of 45 minutes I was hit 17 times with these emotes from 3 different people.

    There's no argument than can support that kind of use of these emotes.

    Give us a Toggle or take them out of the game...
    Reconadan 90 Hunter/R7 ::: Reconamir 75 Captain/R4 ::: Reconien 75 Champion/R6
    Reconi 75 LoreMaster/R7 ::: Elavyan 75 Minstrel/R4 :::Reconorin 75 Guardian
    Westfold/Kindred::: Tinker/Armourer/Historian/Explorer/Woodsman

  3. #653
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: I am getting REALLY tired of being spammed these nasty emotes!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerin_Eldar View Post
    There is no responsible way to use something that has a negative effect on other people without their consent .. and that's fun only to griefers. Same goes for the asinine minstrel and captain skills which force others to do things when they don't ask, again, those too are abused by those who find it 'fun' to annoy others.
    No, that's not exactly fair or true. I do enjoy being emoted upon from time to time. I like being a part of an online game world which can affect my character just as much as I can affect the environment. I'd actually like MORE of that kind of interaction. Not necessarily just adding more holiday emotes, mind you -- but maybe if it's raining my hope diminishes by 1 or something... more unscripted things, or events off the script, should happen to me. That outlook doesn't make me a griefer at all: that doesn't logically follow. In fact, I've only used the holiday emotes that I collected in the chest, and I always would wait until I saw someone using them first before I would use them.
    Last edited by Dormouse2; Nov 08 2011 at 11:10 AM.

  4. #654
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: I am getting REALLY tired of being spammed these nasty emotes!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dormouse2 View Post
    promotes the thoughtful use of the in-game report feature
    If the report feature actually worked, that would be a valid response. But since the same people are running around doing the same stuff weeks later, even after multiple reports, that means the GMs don't see it as harassment, regardless of how far we're followed, how many times we're emote-bombed, etc.

    One purpose of this thread is to convince Turbine that it IS harassment when we're followed from one zone to the next and hit with another emote every ~20 seconds. If a toggle will fix the issue, so be it. If Turbine changes their stance and starts punishing those few who do legitimately harass others, that will also fix the issue. Unfortunately, this thread will likely end up locked before any of the devs get a chance to see it, let alone take our concerns seriously.

  5. #655
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: I am getting REALLY tired of being spammed these nasty emotes!

    Win or loose, it is all the same,
    You are all playing the same kind of game,
    Cry or laugh, it matters not,
    All your opinions are way too hot,
    If an emote is considered a grief,
    Stelaing your pleasure, you yourself are the thief,
    Lighten up, relax and let it go,
    Else your heart be filled with woe!

    Folks... its just a game.
    Roses are red, Polar bears are white, if you meet one at night you'll get quite a fright.

  6. #656
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: I am getting REALLY tired of being spammed these nasty emotes!

    Quote Originally Posted by Thorgrum View Post
    Referring to Turbine/lotro as a “nanny state” has made this thread really spectacular IMHO. Do we have a hall of fame or something for stuff like this?
    I think several of the more spectacular examples of silliness have been trimmed from the thread, rather than celebrated as a profound model of herpaderp.

    Apparently, the internet does have a filter, occasionally. Or at least a cattle guard!
    --Fomites Trenchfoot, R7 Burg, Knights of Amon Sul
    --Yaril Verklemptimous, R5 Weaver, Burglars Anonymous

  7. #657
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: I am getting REALLY tired of being spammed these nasty emotes!

    Quote Originally Posted by StavroMuellerBeta View Post
    Because it means you can't loot the chest again for 24 hours, even if the chest originally contained the scroll for the skeleton mount.

    Tell me, how exactly would removing the ability of these items to interrupt other actions make the game "boring"? Are you one of those who are entertained by making others lose out on rare loot?
    How can you have used the skill if the induction is interrupted? How many times has this happened to you. As I've said I've never seen this or heard any rumblings about it on Brandywine. I spend a good bit of time at the Haunted Burrow as well. Every night I've been there the atmosphere has been friendly and well.... Festive. Not a hint of malice with the tricks. Just playful fun.
    Jeffaman-Guarding Hobbit Jeffro-Burgling Hobbit Tinulaurien-Elf Lore Master Cephus-Champion of Men Lilnooblet-Hunting Hobbit Jeffrandir-Snooty Elf Rune-keeper- All of Brandywine
    Long live the halflings! Praise them with great praise!
    RIP Nidor - Brandywine's bravest warrior

  8. #658
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: I am getting REALLY tired of being spammed these nasty emotes!

    Quote Originally Posted by Barrynor View Post
    Win or loose, it is all the same,
    You are all playing the same kind of game,
    Cry or laugh, it matters not,
    All your opinions are way too hot,
    If an emote is considered a grief,
    Stelaing your pleasure, you yourself are the thief,
    Lighten up, relax and let it go,
    Else your heart be filled with woe!

    Folks... its just a game.
    We have poet! That is pretty good, i think Tolkien would approve

  9. #659
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: I am getting REALLY tired of being spammed these nasty emotes!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark_J View Post
    Last night I was in the center hub of Galtrev by the LI NPCs, in a period of 45 minutes I was hit 17 times with these emotes from 3 different people.

    There's no argument than can support that kind of use of these emotes.

    Give us a Toggle or take them out of the game...
    So people used emotes in one of the most crowded hubs in the game? That seems normal to me. How does fainting or prancing around for a few seconds hurt anything? I was hit with these more than 17 times last night for sure and nothing was interrupted and no harm was done. We're talking simple character animations for the most part here, people. How is this a problem?
    Jeffaman-Guarding Hobbit Jeffro-Burgling Hobbit Tinulaurien-Elf Lore Master Cephus-Champion of Men Lilnooblet-Hunting Hobbit Jeffrandir-Snooty Elf Rune-keeper- All of Brandywine
    Long live the halflings! Praise them with great praise!
    RIP Nidor - Brandywine's bravest warrior

  10. #660
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: I am getting REALLY tired of being spammed these nasty emotes!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeffor View Post
    So people used emotes in one of the most crowded hubs in the game? That seems normal to me. How does fainting or prancing around for a few seconds hurt anything? I was hit with these more than 17 times last night for sure and nothing was interrupted and no harm was done. We're talking simple character animations for the most part here, people. How is this a problem?
    You cannot start a new interaction with an NPC if one of these emotes is in an animation, so they force me to take longer to do simple tasks.

    On top of that problem we also have this;

    I need to move to the Relic Master, oh wait I'm on the ground and need to get up first...
    I need to move to the Provisioner, oh wait I'm on the ground and need to get up first...
    I need to move to the Forge Master, oh wait I'm on the ground and need to get up first...
    I need to move to my Vault, oh wait I'm on the ground and need to get up first...
    I need to move back to the Relic Master, oh wait I'm on the ground and need to get up first...
    I need to go to the Skirmish Camp, oh wait I'm on the ground and need to get up first...
    I get up and want to interact with the NPC again, oh wait now I'm cowering....

    That's how it's a problem and that's only 7 emotes..
    Last edited by Mark_J; Nov 08 2011 at 11:51 AM.
    Reconadan 90 Hunter/R7 ::: Reconamir 75 Captain/R4 ::: Reconien 75 Champion/R6
    Reconi 75 LoreMaster/R7 ::: Elavyan 75 Minstrel/R4 :::Reconorin 75 Guardian
    Westfold/Kindred::: Tinker/Armourer/Historian/Explorer/Woodsman

  11. #661
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: I am getting REALLY tired of being spammed these nasty emotes!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeffor View Post
    How can you have used the skill if the induction is interrupted? How many times has this happened to you.
    If you don't use loot-all, and you're taking stuff out of the chest, at least one of the emotes will make the window close. Since the cooldown starts when you open the chest, that means you lose any unlooted items forever.

    This does not happen every time, and I do consider it a serious bug rather than intentional griefing, but all of my bug reports from last year have went unfixed, and sending in a support ticket (when one of my alts lost the skeleton horse due to this bug) only results in "this is working as intended, ticket closed".

  12. #662
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: I am getting REALLY tired of being spammed these nasty emotes!

    All right everyone, I think it is time for our discussion to come to a close. It's clear that we have two very different opinions here, and we are not going to come to a consensus. However, we certainly have come up with some good pieces of feedback and suggestions, and I think that's something to come away from this thread with.

    Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and feelings, and many more thank yous to those who contributed to the thread in a positive manner. You guys get a forum cat. =^_^=

    To those of you who decided to insult and berate one another simply because you have different opinions on the matter, I am very disappointed to see this type of behavior. It's not only a violation of the community guidelines... but also not necessary for a thread such as this.
    Seraphina Brennan -- Turbine Community Specialist
    "When in doubt, reach for the stars. That way you'll never come up short."

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