Re: Questions Over Lore
How come Gandalf loses to the Balrog in Moria? The elven king in the Silmarillion cuts down many of them in his rampage into Angband, and Gandalf is a Miar(Spelling)!
He doesn't lose. They kill each other, so it's a tie.
And if by the elven king you mean Feänor, he didn't cut them down, he just fought them for a while, and was in fact killed by them in the end.
Also, it seems like in LOTR, the older you are, the more powerful you are. Hence the Wizards/Sauron/ Galadriel being beacons of hope/dread. Is this an adequate way of looking at things?
It's not the older you are, the more powerful you are. It's just that the more powerful beings tend to either be semi-immortal (Sauron/Wizards) or simply survive longer (Galadriel), hence their age.
I know that in the extended version of RotK, Gandalf gets his butt handed to him by the Witch-king, which is just not right, hence why they took it out :P. BUT I have heard that Gandalf was just as powerful as Sauron, he just didn't really have the confidence to do it.... What do you guys think?
Gandalf was in fact more powerful than the Witch-king, MUCH more powerful. As Gandalf the Grey, he managed to fight the Witch-king and the 8 other Nazgûl all *at the same time*, stalling them for a whole night to give Aragorn and the Hobbits more time to travel without being chased. If he can fight all 9 of them as Gandalf the Grey and still win, imagine what he could do to to just 1 of them as Gandalf the White. Sauron would get 2 still-smoking Nazgûl boots sent back to him.
Why is Saruman more powerful than Gandalf in FotR? I don't know who Saruman's Valar is, but I know Gandalf's is Manwe (The leader of the Valar). Is it because Gandalf has physically lived on Middle-Earth for less time than the other wizards?
No, time has nothing to do with it.
When the Istari were sent to Middle-earth, they were given a mortal body and their power was greatly limited, because their mission was to defeat Sauron not by force, but by aiding the Free Peoples, giving them hope and uniting them. Saruman was chosen to be head of the Istari, and later to be head of White Council, giving him greater power than the others.
However, Galadriel, Cirdan and Elrond perceived Gandalf was the greater, and when he later died and was sent back to replace Saruman as The White, his power limitations seemed to have been lifted to some extent, making him more powerful than Saruman.
New Question:
How come Sauruman's orcs are digging the Uruk-hai like Lurtz out of the Mud? I thought that Uruk-hai were corrupted men, and orcs corrupted elves.
Never believe anything you see in Jackson's movies, they didn't follopw the books veyr well.
Orcs were indeed corrupted Elves. What Uruks were is still not certain, there were two main theories, that they were either a cross-breed of Orcs and Men, or Orcs that Sauron (and later Saruman) had been tinkering with to make them stronger.
In the sea without lees standeth the Bird of Hermes.
When all his feathers be from him gone, He standeth still here as a stone.
Here is now both white and red, And all so the stone to quicken the dead.
The Bird of Hermes is my name, Eating my wings to make me tame.