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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Landroval - the favored server?

    The new Galloping Gala events are taking place all over the place...well when I say all over the place I actually mean Landroval, landroval, landroval..yet more landroval, 1 in evernight, 1 in Meneldor, 1 in Withywindle, 2 in Laurelin and...more on Landroval.

    There are NINE racing events on Landroval with the rest as listed above.

    Now, whilst It's unlikely I would take part in more than 1 or two - well the one that's being offered on my server - I fail to see why Landroval is being favored so.

    I'd heard it was more of an RP server, but does that justify the ridiculously unbalanced share of events?

    Quote from the advert:

    "Many of these events have special prizes, like Turbine Points and the chance to win a Perlino Steed, so make sure to participate in them! Plus, even if you’re not racing, the event coordinators will be sending out a special coupon that will get you 30% off of the riding skill!"

    So Landroval players get 9 bites at the apple whilst we get just 1. Fair? No.

    Care to comment turbine?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Landroval - the favored server?

    All of these are PLAYER RUN EVENTS. If your server doesn't have an event, it's because nobody stepped up to submit a proposal for one. Or if they did, not one that Turbine can support... like one that there isn't tech for, or that would crash the server, or something like that.

    I hope that this type of thing will encourage more folks to participate the next time Turbine calls for proposals.
    <<Insert clever sig here>>

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Landroval - the favored server?

    Yup. These are all player-run events. Before this thing was announced, there was a post here on the forums ASKING for volunteers. Landroval had the most volunteers, while the other server I play on, Elendilmir, had no volunteers. It's not about the server being favored, it's about people taking initiative on their server to organize such things.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Landroval - the favored server?

    These are player organized events. Turbine (I think it was Celestra) posted a request for player organized events a week or two ago. Offered Turbine-provided prizes for events that got accepted. For any given server, if nobody came up with an event, then there's no event.

    Landroval happens to be an RP-encouraged server with a long history of player organized and run events. Lots of events going on anyway, so the organizers submit them to Turbine and get some special prizes in addition to their regular prizes. If Turbine had not done this, many of these events on Landroval would still occur and just have lesser prizes.
    The Lag is so bad I saw Sara Oakheart outrun someone - kickman77

    Cener, Ingo, Rilibald, Hesred, Halras, Belegthelion, Ingoror, Gloringo
    Arkenstone (ex-Elendilmir) - The Osgiliath Guard - http://www.theoldergamers.com

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Landroval - the favored server?

    Yet another case of players reaping what they themselves sowed, and still raising holy hell about it.
    A spaceship from another star / They ask me where all the people are
    I tell them I'm the only one / There was a war, but I must have won

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Landroval - the favored server?

    Also do not forget that the announcement was only made in english. Had the announcement been made in all three languages that there are servers for I am pretty sure we would see more events.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Landroval - the favored server?

    Yeah, Landroval is a pretty busy server from RP/community point of view. Although Brandywine and Arkenstone seem to have a higher population.
    If I hadn´t bought so many riding skills on my current main server, I´d seriously start considering moving there.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Landroval - the favored server?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nakiami View Post
    Yet another case of players reaping what they themselves sowed, and still raising holy hell about it.
    I don't frequent the servers all day, everyday; playing MMO's for over a decade has taught me one thing; mmo forums almost without exception show that whilst people like to play them, quite often they think everyone else playing it deserves contempt, often for reasons that defy logic, and are usually very vocal about it. - Having said that, so far, my few posts have not been flamed - except for the above - to assume I had read but ignored the post calling for volunteers, is ... foolish.

    The only time I come here is when I either need to check on something, or bring something else to peoples attention. My playtime is short enough without trawling through other peoples issues, that are individual rather than game wide.

    I was therefore unaware of the fact that these events were volunteer player based and run, no mention of that fact is part of the advertising - either unintentional or a deliberate attempt for turbine to claim laurels that they have no rights to, to look better than they are.

    Kudos should be awarded where it is deserved, lest the next time; even less players step up.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Landroval - the favored server?

    Quote Originally Posted by Raphedir View Post
    I don't frequent the servers all day, everyday; playing MMO's for over a decade has taught me one thing;
    It obviously wasn´t how to not get offended when in the wrong.
    You have been informed and (very) lightly mocked for a rather strong-worded (but not overly so) whine thread.

    I´m very not a Turbine "fan-boi", but when they so nicely support player run events, it should be commended not needlessly flamed.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: Landroval - the favored server?

    Quote Originally Posted by Raphedir View Post
    It is generally a good idea to make sure you are informed about a subject before issuing a complaint about that subject. You issued a complaint without being informed; others corrected you for doing so. I would suggest learning from this experience and taking the time to look into things before complaining about them.

    Just an idea. :grins:

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Landroval - the favored server?

    Quote Originally Posted by Raphedir View Post
    I was therefore unaware of the fact that these events were volunteer player based and run, no mention of that fact is part of the advertising - either unintentional or a deliberate attempt for turbine to claim laurels that they have no rights to, to look better than they are.
    I would recommend you re-read the announcement about the events. While they did not *shout* "player-run" they did specifically say that all the events were player-run and only Turbine-supported.

    I also suggest you more carefully read this thread. Until the post from you that I am quoting, there was only ONE post that actually came close to flaming you for your OP. (Nakami's.) The rest of us were correcting your error but not attacking you in any personal way. We're generally a drama-free board... but that comes when people try to see the best of each other instead of the worst. I am hoping that this represents a rare lapse of calm on your part and not a general trend.
    <<Insert clever sig here>>

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Landroval - the favored server?

    I had thought I had quoted Naikimi to show that that particular one was the flame - oh well. Yes I was ill informed (as stated didn't see the thread for volunteers) - jumped to conclusions (as people oft do without actual facts at hand), did not see the nod to the players.

    As for the reply regarding how my time on MMO's had not taught me something akin to patience and understanding... cynicism and disillusionment is a hard thing to shake. Also; as I've submitted 4 tickets - genuine bug reports, not rants - without reply, contact by GM or anything else in the last month, so forgive me If I feel this MMO has become another in a line of "who cares about the bugs - get the cash!".

    You may consider me a whiner and that's fine - but sometimes shining a torch into the places they would prefer you not to look, keeps people honest.
    Last edited by Raphedir; May 09 2012 at 01:34 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: Landroval - the favored server?

    As an additional comment, no one needs to wait for Turbine to organize a player event, so if that's something you'd like to see, feel free to move yourself to do so. I have organized some small events on Gladden, and would have jumped to it if I had the time to do it in the fairly short lead time given for the Galloping Gala.

    1. Pick something you'll enjoy yourself, even if only a few folks show up. Sparring tourneys, races, even an outing to the freeze tag grounds in Bree are all things we've done as a kin which were hella fun.
    2. Figure out ways to bring players of various levels in. A successful event includes folks from out of the into to level cap, and allows all of them to have some kind of recognition or prize for excelling at the event.
    3. Be willing to start small (see also item 1), because player events need to build up over time. Just as it has on Landroval and a few other servers, because players both initiated and perservered.
    4. Promote. Promote. Promote. Do not spam, but use the server forum, the Free Peoples Press if possible, the calendars, and tactical placement of announcements in chat as you build up to the event.

    Hint, it's not as easy as it looks, and there will, I promise you, be plenty of folks willing to tell you "u r doing it wrong". So be willing to take the same kind of criticism you're dishing out, and consider giving credit where credit is due the next time someone takes it on themselves to organize an event you can participate it.
    LilyRose of Gladden, Mistress of the Rangers of the West Kinship. Come check out our kin at rangerswest.guildlaunch.com.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Landroval - the favored server?

    Quote Originally Posted by Raphedir View Post

    I was therefore unaware of the fact that these events were volunteer player based and run, no mention of that fact is part of the advertising - either unintentional or a deliberate attempt for turbine to claim laurels that they have no rights to, to look better than they are.

    Kudos should be awarded where it is deserved, lest the next time; even less players step up.

    We absolutely do not want to lay claim that we are the ones running these events... We are merely supporting these awesome event organizers with prizes to give away at their events, and we wish to advertise what they are doing to a wider audience.

    Each of the events in the Galloping Gala lists who is the event organizer and what kinship is helping to run the event. We also have noted that we are working with many, many kinships to get these events running across the servers.

    This is also, going back to your original question, the reason that so many events ended up being on Landroval. For one, Windy Acres/The Lonely Mountain band were already going to run the Spring Racing Carnival. They were kind enough to allow us to advertise it here in the Galloping Gala initiative. Secondly, many players on Landroval already run their own player events, making something like this very standard for them.

    However, we should entirely give many, many posts of thanks to the people who have stepped up to run these events across all servers. Event organization is a lot of work and a lot of pressure. They deserve the thanks. And, hopefully, through the Galloping Gala, more people across all of our servers will choose to create their own player run events. Because (and I can tell you this from personal experience) while running an in-game event is a lot of work, it's really fun too! =^_^=
    Seraphina Brennan -- Turbine Community Specialist
    "When in doubt, reach for the stars. That way you'll never come up short."

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