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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Riders of Rohan Lua/Skinning updates

    Howdy folks! My apologies for being rather silent as of late. As you can imagine, things have been quite busy. As many of you have already seen, we were able to get a bunch of neat Lua API additions into the Riders of Rohan expansion and will continue polishing/fleshing them out over future updates. I'm hoping to have a full documentation update out later this week and hopefully some more in-depth discussions with the recent additions.

    As for the skinning side of things, I have completed and uploaded the most recent skinning pack update to go along with the expansion. You can download the update here care of our friends over at LOTROInterface.com.

    For those of you who have not yet seen them, here is the brief patch-note overview of the Lua additions/changes:

    • Added IsMarkupEnabled, SetMarkupEnabled to the Label class. This will allow for a limited set of HTML style tags to be used for formatting text. Tags include<b>, <i>, <u>, <p>, and a custom <rgb=#XXXXXX> tag. Make sure you close them </>.
    • Added Graphic class. This class can be initialized with an asset ID or a path to a plugin asset and will then hold an instance of that resource that can be used by SetBackground on controls. Using this class allows for the caching of graphics used by plugins.
    • Added GetBackground to Control. This returns a Graphic object that can be used to set the background of other controls to the same graphic.
    • Added GetLanguage to Engine. This returns an enumeration value from Language that represents the supported client languages. This reflects directly what language was specified to the client to use.
    • Added GetMoney, GetMoneyComponents, GetDestinyPoints to MonsterPlayerAttributes.
    • Added GetStance and change event to WardenAttributes.
    • Added GetTrainedGambits, GetUntrainedGambits to WardenAttributes.
    • Added GetTrainedSkills, GetUntrainedSkills to LocalPlayer.
    • Added Harmony to the MinstrelStance enumeration.
    • Added GetWinterstormLevel, GetMasterOfTragedyLevel, GetMasterOfAllusionLevel, GetMasterOfConnocationLevel, and change events to Rune-keeperAttributes.
    • Changed ItemAdded, ItemRemoved in the Wallet to include the WalletItem in the arguments class as args.Item.
    • Added color constants for the standard web color set to Turbine.UI.Color.
    • Added GetMount to LocalPlayer.
    • Added Mount, BasicMount, and CombatMount.
    • Fixed an issue where dragging the chat window over a Lua window that supported drag drop would result in the chat window disappearing and eventually a crash.
    • Added Crafting classes to Lua! New classes and enumerations: CraftTier, Profession, ProfessionInfo, Recipe, RecipeIngredient, Vocation.
    • Added GetVocation, GetProfessionInfo, and VocationChanged event to FreePeopleAttributes.
    • Changed how events are fired from native code. The objects registered as an event handler can now be a callable table. The Turbine.Event Lua class has been updated to make use of this functionality as an example.
    • Changed Control.SetBackColor so that it can accept Nil. This can be used to reset the back color so that it will be transparent again.
    • Added TextChanged event to TextBox.
    • Added Sort to ListBox. Takes in a function that is callback with two list items for comparison.
    • Fixed a text positioning issue with Labels when they were below a minimum size.
    • Added GetFilter, SetFilter to TreeView. The filter is used to filter the displayed tree nodes. The filter is a function that is called back with each treeview item.
    • Added GetSortMethod, SetSortMethod to TreeView. The sort method is a function that is called back to perform node sorting.
    • Added Refresh to TreeView. This will force filtering and sorting to be reapplied. Useful if you change the data the filter relies on.
    • Added SelectedChanged event to TreeNode.
    • Fixed an issue with constructing TreeNode hierarchies and then adding the root of that tree to a TreeView. This now works as expected.
    • Added Get/Set Minimum/Maximum Width/Height/Size methods to Window. This allows constraints to be set on resizable windows. These constraints affect calls to SetSize as well.
    • Added ItemInfoControl. This is similar to ItemControl only it accepts an ItemInfo object and the quantity can be specified manually. This also supports a grayed out state when SetEnabled(false) is called.

    As always, if you encounter any issues/have any questions, post in these forums and I'll try to get back to you when possible. See you all on the plains of Rohan! Enjoy!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Thanks a lot Mr Narrel !

    And good luck for the new plugins and interfaces
    Last edited by Piedtendre; Oct 15 2012 at 04:23 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Hurray and thanks !
    [size=1]Freeps (Snowbourn): [b]Equanor (R11 MNS)[/b] - Equendil - Orlo - Equadoc - Quaolin - Oshia - Kaolin - Equaric - Equorn
    Creeps (Snowbourn): Veloch (R9 RVR) - Velrow (R10 BA) - Velkro - Oruk - Velrot - Velreth
    Author of the [url=http://tiny.cc/2zm50w]Legendary Item Planner[/url], [url=http://tiny.cc/m1m50w]Bootstrap[/url] and [url=http://tiny.cc/41m50w]Baruk[/url] plugins.[/size]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Thanks for the post Narrel.. Just thought I'd mention that unloading plugins using the plugin manager in-game has crashed my client twice this evening :s
    Galuhad | Narvelan
    Evernight (formally of Eldar) | Plugins
    Kinship Revamp Proposal

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Thanks for being so prompt!

    Crafting Cooldowns and fixing the crash that goes with /plugins unload would rock =)
    Crell-L85-Champion - Riddermark ; Swego-L85-Burglar ; Kotvi-L95-Runekeeper
    Delego-L85 Hunter ; Stodden-L51-Captain ; Edhul-L61-Loremaster
    Deglorion - SoA XP Disabler

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Yeah, I'm getting multiple reports of AltInventory crashing the client on unload, especially when switching character to a session play. Unfortunately it'll be at least another week before I can do any serious debugging to try to isolate what is actually causing the crash in the plugin (new hardware is ordered and on the way...)

    On a related note, was GetTarget() purposely left off the release notes (I had asked this in a PM a couple weeks back but it may have been lost in the onslaught of Beta messages)? It has one quirk of always returning a unique instance whether the actor has changed targets or not, but other than that it appears to be pretty stable and is a great new method for getting the player's target and from there, getting the target's vitals, etc.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    It sounds weird, but I've found that if I refresh the plugins from the plugin manager before unloading it seems to be ok.. for my plugins at least. But before that was having big issues with them crashing the client on unload
    Galuhad | Narvelan
    Evernight (formally of Eldar) | Plugins
    Kinship Revamp Proposal

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Thanks!! Updated documentation is very important!!

    I want to get some new Features into TonicBars and those docs save me a TON of time!
    "Shepherds of the Forest" -- RIP

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Narrel View Post
    I'm hoping to have a full documentation update out later this week and hopefully some more in-depth discussions with the recent additions.
    Any idea Narrel when we can expect the documentation? I'm trying to work out if there's an event for when craft xp changes - if there is I am unable to work it out so far

    Edit: Never mind, I found it

    Edit 2: Now I'm trying to work out if an event is fired each time a recipe is executed..
    Last edited by Galuhad; Oct 22 2012 at 06:32 PM.
    Galuhad | Narvelan
    Evernight (formally of Eldar) | Plugins
    Kinship Revamp Proposal

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Thanks, Narrel!
    [center]Dweller of Laurelin and creator of the [url=http://www.lotrointerface.com/downloads/info186-DelvingHills.html]Delving Hills[/url] UI skin.[/center]

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Galuhad View Post
    Any idea Narrel when we can expect the documentation? I'm trying to work out if there's an event for when craft xp changes - if there is I am unable to work it out so far

    Edit: Never mind, I found it

    Edit 2: Now I'm trying to work out if an event is fired each time a recipe is executed..
    Use the __index metamethod.

    For example, when I was playing around with skills, trying to get the events for TrainedSkills, I did the equivalent of...

    local skill = Turbine.Gameplay.LocalPlayer:G etInstance():GetTrainedSkills( ):GetItem(1);
    local mt = getmetatable(skill);

    mt.__index = function(t, k) Turbine.Shell.WriteLine(k); end;

    After that, you just perform any action that you think will trigger an event (change cooldown, change the usability of the skill, use the skill and start the cooldown), and you'll get print of any function calls made to the object.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by moebius92 View Post
    Use the __index metamethod.

    For example, when I was playing around with skills, trying to get the events for TrainedSkills, I did the equivalent of...

    local skill = Turbine.Gameplay.LocalPlayer:G etInstance():GetTrainedSkills( ):GetItem(1);
    local mt = getmetatable(skill);

    mt.__index = function(t, k) Turbine.Shell.WriteLine(k); end;

    After that, you just perform any action that you think will trigger an event (change cooldown, change the usability of the skill, use the skill and start the cooldown), and you'll get print of any function calls made to the object.
    thank you for the tip will give this a try.
    Galuhad | Narvelan
    Evernight (formally of Eldar) | Plugins
    Kinship Revamp Proposal

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2010
    While actually having the last art assets pack at the same time that the patch was absolutely great, and for those working on UI a great help, we still have problems with the UI customisation.

    - Missing arts assets
    - wrong arts assets
    - missing codes

    1 - the *RoR_Differences.txt* giving the added and removed part is wrong.

    I personally took the time to remove from my UI all the removed elements you mentionned. THe result is that we miss parts. There is suddenly if applying this some strange graphics arising baring the UI to work and we have nothing to replace those.

    Putting back in game the *removed art assets* make the UI fully working and without error.

    I have the list if you want it of those.

    And you mentionnent some new panels but they are missing.

    2 - the *SkinDictionary.txt* is not updated since months. It contains no positionning for the new panels, nor some old ones.
    MountedCombat panels (appearance, traits, stats)

    We can only guess but then its very difficult to have a great rendering.

    I noticed while adapting one special piece that something was wrong.

    The graphism concerning the color swatch for pack horse, show the tail as if it was below the bar, when it fact in game the tail is above the bar. May be you change that during the beta and we dont have the good one?

    Rohan introduced a bug preventing the skills to be used (push) if you set your UI TOOLBAR scale at 1.
    To bypass this bug, you the workaround is to setup your Toolbar Scale above or below 1 : ex: 0.99 or 1.01

    You can find all details on not working assets there at LotroInterface : http://www.lotrointerface.com/forums...ead.php?t=1871

    Also here what we have gathered as missing or not working :
    The ID_UISkin_FellowshipMaker_Wind ow is still deadly bugged.
    Instance finder system buttons are still missing.
    Lotro store system button is still missing.
    Mounted combat system buttton is missing.

    There total of 8 buttons and I tried to rename the code as outfit 2 to 8 etc trying to guess the code but none works

    THank you
    Ashannae(LM85 Taylor) Laureanna(Hunter85/Sch) Annaelen(Mins/78/cook) Moranae(Mins/76/WS)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Galuhad View Post
    Edit: Never mind, I found it
    Trying to find it, cannot figure where... Please can you send/post a valid link to updated lua api ?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by F_Tobor View Post
    Trying to find it, cannot figure where... Please can you send/post a valid link to updated lua api ?
    There is no updated API documentation yet. I meant I had found out the name of the event I was looking for
    Galuhad | Narvelan
    Evernight (formally of Eldar) | Plugins
    Kinship Revamp Proposal

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Narrel View Post
    I'm hoping to have a full documentation update out later this week and hopefully some more in-depth discussions with the recent additions.

    As always, if you encounter any issues/have any questions, post in these forums and I'll try to get back to you when possible. See you all on the plains of Rohan! Enjoy!

    Well, I don't wanna be mean, but... This has been posted three weeks ago... Could we soon expect some LUA API update ? That would be easier for everyone : older plugin developers who already know many things about the API and who can figure out what they want, but also those who wanna get in the plugin adventure for their own fun, like I'd like to do...

    Thanks for all :-)

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Narrel View Post
    I'm hoping to have a full documentation update out later this week and hopefully some more in-depth discussions with the recent additions.
    I know you are probably very busy, but it's now been over a month since we last heard anything. Any chance we can have the documentation sometime soon please? Even just to see you post more often would be fantastic..

    Thank you.
    Galuhad | Narvelan
    Evernight (formally of Eldar) | Plugins
    Kinship Revamp Proposal



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