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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Turbine are we going to be able to play today?

    Just wondering going on 7 hours now and i still cant get past examining programs and examine game data. I'm only beating a dead horse cause turbine fails to acknowledge there is a problem with the servers. I mean when you go to a movie and its set to start at a certain time would you not be upset if 7 hours later said movie has not started?

    I have closed and relaunched the launcher countless times opened a support ticket as i am a VIP with a promise of support in 48 hours. does that mean your going to refund me 72 hours of game play time that i pay for that i cant access since you cant get your hardware to work correctly.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    We apologize that you're still unable to get the patcher working, but our patch servers are still under a heavy load! It took me a few tries too before I could get mine out of that state, but it does get you out of that state eventually.

    I encourage you to keep restarting your launcher periodically, and you will be able to get in soon. Additionally, our customer support team is answering the issues they are receiving as soon as they can, and I'm sure you'll hear from them soon!
    Seraphina Brennan -- Turbine Community Specialist
    "When in doubt, reach for the stars. That way you'll never come up short."

    Don't forget about our Facebook page! and Twitter page! =^_^= Questions on our policies? Read the community guidelines!
    I try to answer all of my PMs, but I get a lot! Sometimes I may not get back to you, but I have read your mail!



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