So...I'm about at about an hours gameplay after the patch supposedly fixed the problem, and I get a crash to desktop. Anyone else?
So...I'm about at about an hours gameplay after the patch supposedly fixed the problem, and I get a crash to desktop. Anyone else?
lots of us are. there are some half-work-arounds to keep you up for a bit longer. like lowere graphics to High or Low and restting directx to version 9.
my best advice is to monitor you RAM usage through the task manager and restart your game before it crashes. sucks, buts its been keeping me from crashing in fights or other bad times.
"I am always serious; I am never serious." -Me
"I make the most outrageous and exaggerated statements of any man to ever live, has ever lived, or that will ever live." -Me
Ive been reading that many are still having crashing problems. Many are repairing or completely uninstalling/reinstalling their clients. Personally i have not run into this problem.
Those who know HOW to think are more powerful than those who know WHAT to think ~ Dr Neil Tyson
The other thing is that you should disable your add-ons (if you have any) and make sure that all of your drivers (such as your video and sound drivers) are up-to-date. Both of these things can cause problems, such as crashing, and it's always a good place to start before considering a full reinstall.
Seraphina Brennan -- Turbine Community Specialist
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Damn, it's not fixed for me either - I'm still crashing at 5 minute intervals. Please help!
Ok, here's the score - I'm running Lotro in Windows 7 on an iMac using Bootcamp. Yes, I know from my DxDiag information that the video drivers are out of date, by a long way, but you try updating them - it's practically impossible! The Nvidia utility refuses to and getting the drivers any other way seems to be out of the question. But, what's important is Lotro worked perfectly right up till the RoR update. Then it started crashing at exactly 4-5 minute intervals.
After today's hotfix all seemed fine as I managed to stay in game for just shy of one hour, then had to leave. Back in to the game this evening and we're back to square one, 4-5 minutes and bang, crashed to the desktop with no warning, no 'connection lost' messages, nothing, Lotro is just gone.
I've had Task Manager and Resource Monitor running in the background and my ram usage when Lotro was running never topped 53%, that's were it got to on first starting the game and that's where it stayed. I've tried DX10 and DX9 with no joy. I've dropped the graphics to the lowest levels, no luck, still crash.
So like I said, help!
EDIT: I've no plug-ins at all. I'm going to try Sapience's suggestions from and see.
Last edited by Bikerthing; Oct 17 2012 at 03:56 PM.
Seriously now, Celestrata. People are having problems; they aren't isolated incidents. All the advice you and Sapience have given over the course of the last day or so all point to what the person experiencing the problem should do, i.e. update and change parameters, delete files, this, that, or the other thing. You're pretty much telling people who paid in good faith for a product that they need to be cool with an inferior product and make any necessary adjustments themselves.
Quit putting the onus on your customers. What are you, Turbine, doing to address the issues? When will the game return to normal? When will your customers get the product they paid in advance for?
(This is why I don't pre-order things. That's a fine sales approach to find out how many units are needed for production, but it doesn't work for beta-state software releases.)
[COLOR="#6666ff"][FONT=Century Gothic]To many people, free will is a license to rebel not against what is unjust or hard in life but against what is best for them and true.[/FONT][/COLOR]
I have the same problem, every 5 minutes the game crashes. I tried different graphicsettings - high, low, middle, dx 9, 10 & 11 - made driverupdates and many other things like reinstall the game or change the engine-speed, but nothing help me to solve the problem.
This is only a problem in the new Rohan region, in the "old" regions everything is fine.
Sorry for my english if it isn't perfect
I had the crashing problem pretty much all day yesterday.
I ran the game for about two hours this morning after the fix with no problems. Then I tried to log on about 45 minutes ago and got the same crashes every 5-10 minutes. Unless something mysteriously got "un-fixed" between this morning and this afternoon, I'm wondering if it might be a server load problem.
I don't think you understand software do you. There are an uncountable number of variables that could account for a piece of software to not work and a significant number are not within Turbine's control, but are the responsibility of the user. For example, maybe Turbine made use of some new graphics API provided by the latest video card drivers, but if the user hasn't updated their graphics drivers in the last year, that could be a cause for a crash. That's something the user is responsible for so stop giving the blue names &&&& about asking the customer to do things to eliminate some of the variables so they can get to the root of the problem and fix it.
If it was an issue that affected absolutely everyone and no one was able to stay logged into the game, your argument might have some merit, but that is not the case.
Your example is hardware, not software. Though I'm not a programmer or developer, I'm not completely ignorant, either. If Turbine is going to release a product that negates hardware already in use, they need to release a promo about that so people can make their adjustments prior to the software release. And as the developer, they have the business-related responsibility to release a "good" product, not one that a multitude of customers will have a problem with. They have a beta test period, they delayed the release a month (a smart move, btw, but did it really accomplish much?), and still bugs and hardware problems found in the test period are put out live. People pay to be treated in such a manner??
So perhaps I could say I think you don't understand business ethics, do you?
[COLOR="#6666ff"][FONT=Century Gothic]To many people, free will is a license to rebel not against what is unjust or hard in life but against what is best for them and true.[/FONT][/COLOR]
Two of my friends are getting this.
Crashing every 5 - 10 mins. Yesterday they were fine.
Ex Gilrain, - World First Watcher V1, - Server First Draigoch, - Server only ToO T2C None Burg stack on level.
Currently Evernight, Prime, - Shelob Wider, - World/Server First or Second for: Abyss, Anvil, Remmo, AD, FoKD, HoA.
Worlds Only Abyss T2 6 Manned - Minstrel.
+Celestrata - 'Surprise, it's not a glitch! :D'
+Celestrata tells you 'You are by far the best mini I've seen out of any server, Congrats on world first!'
Seriously? You don't think they are working on finding out what's causing the problems? The hot-fix today that fixed some players problems wasn't evidence enough?
A lot of people are experiencing similar problems but obviously there isn't "one cause to crash them all". They are working on figuring out what is causing it - some of that is on the user end (plugins, drivers incompatible with new patch). They are trying to help eliminate the easy issues (things that we can do) in order to narrow down the problems on their end.
If you take your car to a mechanic and say something isn't right - it just stops running, wouldn't you expect your mechanic to rule out user error before they tore your engine apart?
?ª"˜¨¨?ª"˜¨¨ ¯ ¯¨¨˜ª¤.¸`*•.¸*•¸??? LOTRO???¸•*¸.•*´¸.¤ª˜¨¨¯ ¯¨¨˜"ª?¨¨˜"ª?
I never said they aren't working on finding the problems. And sure, they've asked for input. But they haven't said what it is they're looking at. They don't need to give propietary details. What I'm saying is they should say "This is what we're doing" and give a specific.
See my above post. This is why there is a beta test period. And yes, /sigh, I know some things don't come to light until a live release. But not in the quantity we've seen with RoI and RoR.
So having a dated comp system is "user error"? Not everyone can afford a new system every year, or every game release. And would you actually pay your mechanic to tell you you need to change your spark plugs while we try to figure out what the problem is? I think not.
[COLOR="#6666ff"][FONT=Century Gothic]To many people, free will is a license to rebel not against what is unjust or hard in life but against what is best for them and true.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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