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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Well... good news and some... well, not sure what kind of news to call it.

    Got my 4th day credited. Originally was Apr 1, now its Apr 5, so that's all good. Thank-you Turbine!

    But lo and behold, this morning when I got on just now, I found a second 500 TP credited to my account. It was credited literally 3 minutes ago. It is marked the same way as the 500 points I got a few days ago as a result of my ticket. To recap:

    Got January TP, got February TP, on schedule, etc. March TP due around March 1st... 1-2 weeks go by with nothing. Submit ticket around the 12th (can't remember the exact day). Staff apply 500 points to my account on the 14th. I'm happy and life goes on. Now I got a second application of 500 TP today.

    In the same boat as y'all. I have still been in contact with Customer Support (my original ticket is still open because they were trying to sort out the 4 days of bonus time) so I replied to their last message with this new information. Things just keep getting weirder and weirder...
    R5 105 GRD Marevayave - Leader of Riddermarked For Death
    R8 115 MNS Fayah/115 LM Siennah/115 HNT Dinenol/115 RK Dhurik
    115 CHN Alachas/85 CPT Dinfaerien/61 BUR Dhax/115 WDN Godoric
    R9 115 MNS Fayeh (alt Wilya) - Lonely Mountain Band @ Landroval

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by maxjenius View Post
    I'm not VIP so this "extra points" so-called dilemma does not apply to me, but if it did, I would be totally baffled why someone would report receiving extra points. In my experience, if a merchant accidentally gives you more than you've paid for, they don't expect you to return or pay for the excess when the value is as minimal as something like 1000 Turbine Points (e.g., if you order a small soda and a restaurant accidentally gives you a large one, they're not going to ask you to pay the difference).
    They don't charge you for that soda because they are already making around 3000-4000% profit on it. And the soda is a poor analogy. Maybe you should look at it like a bank accidentally depositing $500 into your account. Would you try to spend it or report it? Because if you spend it, then you are legally responsible for paying it back when they finally catch their mistake. More than likely tho, they will automatically withdraw the funds from your account, causing you to become overdrawn, then hit you with tons of overdraft fees, deservedly so.

    Though if you were baffled why someone would report it to begin with, then I've probably just wasted my breath.

  3. #53
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    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Vandervahn View Post
    I always wonder how you can run an economy over there on dollar bills that stick together when new, and that arent stiff enough to hold when worn.
    We send them out to be cleaned and pressed with lite starch. Don't you?

    Ujest - 140 Lore-master, Opun Tia – 107 Warden, Tummi - 105 Captain, Veneur - 75 Hunter, Cneasai - 66 Minstrel, plus alts and mules
    Officer, Pipeweed and Ale, Arkenstone (formerly – Friends of Frodo, Vilya)

    and Star Citizen…

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Very cool - I was given my four days - I didnt even have to send tickets. I was on this morning and had no more overage in the TP than I did yesterday - that is good. Hoping they get this sorted soon so I know how much I have. My guess is that we might have to keep track of it ourselves for a while.
    there, they're, their

  5. #55
    Frisco is offline Hero Of the Small Folk 2013
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cavar View Post
    They don't charge you for that soda because they are already making around 3000-4000% profit on it. And the soda is a poor analogy. Maybe you should look at it like a bank accidentally depositing $500 into your account. Would you try to spend it or report it? Because if you spend it, then you are legally responsible for paying it back when they finally catch their mistake. More than likely tho, they will automatically withdraw the funds from your account, causing you to become overdrawn, then hit you with tons of overdraft fees, deservedly so.

    Though if you were baffled why someone would report it to begin with, then I've probably just wasted my breath.
    Yeah, you're talking to a brick wall there.

    But yes, the soda analogy was a horrible one. For one, the extra soda will likely not be stored until the next time the customer wants a soda, so the company loses nothing by giving the soda away. They cannot resell it, either, of course. There would be no reason to take it back.

    With TP, every point they let someone keep erroneously is potentially one they won't be paying money for in the future.

    So while keeping TP is like keeping extra money, keeping extra soda is keeping something essentially worthless.

    I can't say I'm surprised, though, that to some people, honesty is an optional virtue. Ethics may be subjective, but that doesn't make a thing less illegal in some cases, or make it less of a d-bag move. Society still has laws and mores, and I imagine the mores that frown upon lying for personal gain have run in pretty much every humanoid civilization since the chimpanzee.
    Work like no one is watching, dance like you don't need the money...

  6. #56
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    Mar 2011
    I don't know how to say this without sounding sanctimonious. hahahaha changed my mind about posting again but don't know how to delete, so.... guess I must say something. Wrong is wrong, no matter what the motive, no matter what the result or to whom the rewards are awarded. Stealing from a company or from the wealthy or from the poor - still stealing. Dishonesty has everything to do with the one being dishonest and absolutely nothing to do with the victim. So, for those that say that Turbine ( or the bank or the store, etc) can afford the loss is missing the boat. It's dishonorable. OK.
    there, they're, their

  7. #57
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Edrogar View Post
    Your father sound like a nasty piece of work, i would have dealt with him the exact same way i dealt with my own pos father, with a stick.
    I just learned to avoid him and kept out of his way most of the time. 2.5 years later when he was in one of his drunken stupors I got him to sign a few documents for my school but in amonst them was a parental consent form for me to join the navy aged 15, he didn't read anything, just scribbled his name and never saw how big my smile was.
    Aged 15 and 5 days I was in Portsmouth putting on my new uniform. The next day he recieved a postcard from the navy saying I had arrived safely.

  8. #58
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    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by qweqwrq View Post
    I don't know how to say this without sounding sanctimonious. hahahaha changed my mind about posting again but don't know how to delete, so.... guess I must say something. Wrong is wrong, no matter what the motive, no matter what the result or to whom the rewards are awarded.
    "Wrong" is subjective. What you consider wrong may or may not be considered wrong by others. You are not the universal arbiter of "Wrongness." If my cable company accidentally gives me access to HBO, I'm not gonna call them up and offer to pay for it (or even ask them to turn it off). If they later bill me for it, my response will be "I didn't order it. The mistake is yours." I would not, however, illegally tap into my neighbor's coax to "steal" his cable signal. Also, if I found a wallet with money in it, I'd return the wallet to the owner with the money in it. Others will be all over the place on these and similar ethical issues. So "wrong is wrong" is wrong.

    Stealing from a company or from the wealthy or from the poor - still stealing.
    Agreed. Stealing is wrong no matter who the victim or perpetrator. But the topic of the thread is not stealing.

    Dishonesty has everything to do with the one being dishonest and absolutely nothing to do with the victim. So, for those that say that Turbine ( or the bank or the store, etc) can afford the loss is missing the boat. It's dishonorable. OK.
    If a merchant accidentally gives you more product than you paid for, that's not theft. Theft requires intent to steal (in the United States and probably every other country which laws are based on English Common Law).

    Quote Originally Posted by Cavar View Post
    They don't charge you for that soda because they are already making around 3000-4000% profit on it. And the soda is a poor analogy. Maybe you should look at it like a bank accidentally depositing $500 into your account. Would you try to spend it or report it? Because if you spend it, then you are legally responsible for paying it back when they finally catch their mistake. More than likely tho, they will automatically withdraw the funds from your account, causing you to become overdrawn, then hit you with tons of overdraft fees, deservedly so.
    That's a terrible analogy because that $500 is coming from somewhere. Turbine has an infinite supply of Turbine Points. And let me be clear I am not condoning any sort of intentional hacking.
    Last edited by maxjenius; Mar 19 2013 at 04:32 PM.

  9. #59
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    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Flagge69 View Post
    dont be wiener
    My thoughts exactly.
    What is it? What do you smell?

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Mar-Evayave View Post
    Check to ensure you haven't be resubbed. There were problems where people unsubbed around the time of the downtime, only to find they'd been resubbed automatically by the system (apparently all the twiddling around and resetting stuff, requests to sub/unsub/etc were lost in the cracks).
    This happened to me.I had cancelled my sub,got a confirmation email stating so,and then later got a survey email.Just out of curiousity I rechecked the following month and found the VIP to be active.
    They straightened it out but never admitted any wrong doing.I just got the pre written explanation on how to go about cancelling my sub.
    Long story short,I then asked for my CC info to be removed.It has all been remedied now but it left me with a bad taste in my mouth.
    ^^Will this thing ever update?^^

  11. #61
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by maxjenius View Post
    That's a terrible analogy because that $500 is coming from somewhere. Turbine has an infinite supply of Turbine Points. And let me be clear I am not condoning any sort of intentional hacking.
    Turbine may be able to generate TP virtually, but they still have a monetary value attached to them, so I stand by my non-soda analogy.

    And I never said anything about hacking.

  12. #62
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
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    Aug 2008
    Before I close this, as the actual topic has been addressed, the idea that we have an infinite supply of points and thus it's no big deal is probably best disproved by arguing that apple has an infinite supply of music, so there's no harm in taking/sharing it because they can just make more. It's not a valid argument.


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