Well... good news and some... well, not sure what kind of news to call it.
Got my 4th day credited.Originally was Apr 1, now its Apr 5, so that's all good. Thank-you Turbine!
But lo and behold, this morning when I got on just now, I found a second 500 TP credited to my account. It was credited literally 3 minutes ago. It is marked the same way as the 500 points I got a few days ago as a result of my ticket. To recap:
Got January TP, got February TP, on schedule, etc. March TP due around March 1st... 1-2 weeks go by with nothing. Submit ticket around the 12th (can't remember the exact day). Staff apply 500 points to my account on the 14th. I'm happy and life goes on. Now I got a second application of 500 TP today.
In the same boat as y'all. I have still been in contact with Customer Support (my original ticket is still open because they were trying to sort out the 4 days of bonus time) so I replied to their last message with this new information. Things just keep getting weirder and weirder...