Returning to reality, such as it is, after an awesome PAX East weekend is taking some time here. But even if it's a tad late, I, too would like to thank those at Turbine for hosting us at Friday's party. I thought that being able to meet the producers, devs, and engineers behind the game would be interesting. What I didn't expect was that I would be able to have such great conversations with them. Special thanks go to Amlug, Ransroth, and most especially Rowan. I still hope I didn't take up too much of your time, but I greatly enjoyed all of the conversation. Please be nice to burglars.
Thank you for arranging things, Sapience, and for the coffee, still. Speaking of drinks, any chance I could get the recipe for the Watcher in the Water?
Last edited by Delaney; Mar 26 2013 at 02:56 PM.
[COLOR=white]Delaney ~ Burglar [/COLOR][COLOR=lime]*[/COLOR] [COLOR=White]Kimbre ~ Warden [/COLOR] [COLOR=lime]* [/COLOR][COLOR=White]Daeryth ~ Captain [/COLOR]
[LEFT] [URL=""][COLOR=darkorange]Pillagers of Pipeweed[/COLOR][/URL] ~ [COLOR=lime]Landroval[/COLOR][COLOR=lime]
[/COLOR]"Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken." - Frank Herbert