Sorry, but then we should close the game, cus many ppl plays too many hours, avoiding real life for this game. It's bad, let's close it! Many spends lot of money after it for mounts and cosmetical, 20$ for some coloured pixel on a screen, so selling mounts in the store is morally wrong too!
I've seen games where after 1 hour of game a warning pop up telling you to close the game and take a rest, need that too?
We can discuss everything, if its etical or not, but Turbine did his choice. It's up to everyone wisdom how to use it. I think is a better system than dropping lootboxes and rarely a key, pushing you to buy it in the store. You have a timer, timer usually helps waiting.
Stop complain about a choice that is our. There are more complains here than for weapon's sale in the US.