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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Done posting on the forums...

    So, I just got done posting a nice, long and informative post on the Hunter forums, then I hit the Submit Reply button, and BAM, I get logged out. My message is lost (what's the autosave even for?), and I really don't feel like typing everything all over again.

    Yeah, I could have copied it as a backup, but I shouldn't have to that every time I make a post here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Elderban View Post
    So, I just got done posting a nice, long and informative post on the Hunter forums, then I hit the Submit Reply button, and BAM, I get logged out. My message is lost (what's the autosave even for?), and I really don't feel like typing everything all over again.

    Yeah, I could have copied it as a backup, but I shouldn't have to that every time I make a post here.

    I feel your pain. Hopefully the forum revamp (at the end of the month?) will fix that issue.

    You bring up a question I've wondered about as well.

    What does auto-save do? What does the little auto-saved message mean? Anyone know? Is there a place it saves it to that you can go to recover your message?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkoftheRealm View Post
    What does auto-save do? What does the little auto-saved message mean? Anyone know? Is there a place it saves it to that you can go to recover your message?
    I actually discovered this for myself the other day, when I was composing a forum post and got logged out when trying to post it. After logging back in, I was able to navigate back to the same thread and hit "reply" again. This time, I noticed this at the bottom of the reply box:

    Hitting that button magically restored the auto-saved content!

    Because I logged back in immediately, I don't know how long the auto-save delay is or anything, but I was impressed and grateful that I didn't have to retype everything.

    Of course this is probably about to go away with the forum revamp, so discovering this functionality may be too little, too late.

  4. #4
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    Did some searching, and found a post on another site...and it actually worked!

    The most recent version of vBulletin has an Auto save feature - you will see Auto Save popping up periodically in the lower right hand corner of your screen. If you should lose your data, go back to the page you were on and hit Reply to Thread. At the lower left hand corner of the dialog box, it will say Restore Auto Save. Click on the message.

    Your lost message will appear in the dialog box.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanteIL View Post
    Of course this is probably about to go away with the forum revamp, so discovering this functionality may be too little, too late.
    Considering I *think* they are going with an upgraded version of vBulletin (not sure if it's 5 or the latest version of 4+), hopefully the function will stay.

    Would have been nice to know about this feature a long time ago though, would have saved a lot of "I LOST MY POST BECAUSE I GOT LOGGED OUT!" threads.

    Quote Originally Posted by DanteIL View Post
    Because I logged back in immediately, I don't know how long the auto-save delay is or anything, but I was impressed and grateful that I didn't have to retype everything.
    I was able to recall my message more than 10 minutes later.
    Last edited by Elderban; Jul 11 2013 at 03:49 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elderban View Post
    Considering I *think* they are going with an upgraded version of vBulletin (not sure if it's 5 or the latest version of 4+), hopefully the function will stay.

    Would have been nice to know about this feature a long time ago though, would have saved a lot of "I LOST MY POST BECAUSE I GOT LOGGED OUT!" threads.
    There's no way to force a save, and they're only periodic. As a result it doesn't tend to help me when I wind up logged out due to a server-side. =/
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  7. #7
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elderban View Post
    Considering I *think* they are going with an upgraded version of vBulletin (not sure if it's 5 or the latest version of 4+), hopefully the function will stay.
    Latest VB 4.x

    Quote Originally Posted by DanteIL View Post
    Of course this is probably about to go away with the forum revamp, so discovering this functionality may be too little, too late.
    Nope, it's part of 4.x. Actually trying to get some more of the standard 4.x features turned on for the next version as well.

  8. #8
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    Sapience, when the forum revamp goes live, could we get a sticky for the Forums, Lottery... page that gives an overview of the functional features of the new vBulletin we'll have? It could even just be a modified version of something that vBulletin likely already has as a written-up product guide.

    Knowing how to use the auto-save function, for instance, could save some user frustration, and there's possibly other nifty features that would make things easier or more useful.

  9. #9
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkoftheRealm View Post
    Sapience, when the forum revamp goes live, could we get a sticky for the Forums, Lottery... page that gives an overview of the functional features of the new vBulletin we'll have? It could even just be a modified version of something that vBulletin likely already has as a written-up product guide.

    Knowing how to use the auto-save function, for instance, could save some user frustration, and there's possibly other nifty features that would make things easier or more useful.
    That's actually one of the things I'm trying to get. There is a mini "how to" built into VB. I don't think it's localized, however. I believe it's English only, which doesn't really work.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    That's actually one of the things I'm trying to get. There is a mini "how to" built into VB. I don't think it's localized, however. I believe it's English only, which doesn't really work.

    Does that mean you're working on the Sindarin and Black Speech versions?

  11. #11
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkoftheRealm View Post

    Does that mean you're working on the Sindarin and Black Speech versions?
    And Trollish, too!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    And Trollish, too!
    Silly Sapience, Trolls don't know how to read!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkoftheRealm View Post
    Silly Sapience, Trolls don't know how to read!
    Are you new to these forums or something? They must know how to read, they tend to post quite often.
    Originally Posted by Damian6988
    That is not unlike drinking a pot of coffee and taking a Valium.
    "I want to stay up and get more work done, but I don't want to remember any of it."

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rainith View Post
    Are you new to these forums or something? They must know how to read, they tend to post quite often.
    That only proves ability to write/post. I'm still skeptical about their ability to read.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkoftheRealm View Post
    Silly Sapience, Trolls don't know how to read!
    If only that were true, the Interwebz would be a much better place!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elderban View Post
    So, I just got done posting a nice, long and informative post on the Hunter forums...
    There's your problem. The hunter forum already reached its daily quota of QQ and rejected your post

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    Latest VB 4.x
    Latest VB is 5

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edrogar View Post
    Latest VB is 5
    I think you misread that. Sapience answered the question of will they will be using the latest version of VB 4.x or going with the newer VB 5, with it will be the latest version of VB 4.x and not VB 5.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Elderban View Post
    Considering I *think* they are going with an upgraded version of vBulletin (not sure if it's 5 or the latest version of 4+), hopefully the function will stay.
    Latest VB 4.x
    Sapience is saying they will be using the latest version of VB 4.x and not one of the earlier versions of VB 4.x (which is outdated or no longer supported).
    "Everyone's got one. Better to be a smart one than a dumb one." - me
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edrogar View Post
    Latest VB is 5
    Here Turbine is using the latest version of 4. Turbine has no plans at this time to switch to 5.

    I believe the difficulty is that Turbine has a lot of customizations to their VB installation. Turbine does not want to have to reimplement them within version 5.

    This situation is a very common problem for business. It is often very hard for software providers like Microsoft to convince corporate customers to upgrade their products. I know that my company totally rejected Vista. It took a long time to accept Windows 7. We are not taking Windows 8 because we do not want it on our PCs. We have no interest in Windows tablets. We got iPads and little interest in adding Windows tablets to the mix.
    Unless stated otherwise, all content in this post is My Personal Opinion.

  20. #20
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yula_the_Mighty View Post
    Here Turbine is using the latest version of 4. Turbine has no plans at this time to switch to 5.

    I believe the difficulty is that Turbine has a lot of customizations to their VB installation. Turbine does not want to have to reimplement them within version 5.

    This situation is a very common problem for business. It is often very hard for software providers like Microsoft to convince corporate customers to upgrade their products. I know that my company totally rejected Vista. It took a long time to accept Windows 7. We are not taking Windows 8 because we do not want it on our PCs. We have no interest in Windows tablets. We got iPads and little interest in adding Windows tablets to the mix.
    Not exactly. We're making a pretty serious effort to reduce down the number of customizations to the forums (which we can now do with the bulk of my.lotro.com going away). This should have the added benefit of letting us use features that had to be disabled due to conflicts with the customization and site layout.

    First and foremost we'll be able to use a fluid layout. So as you shrink and grow your browser window the site will scale in it.

  21. #21
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    Just please try to ensure that when you revamp the forums your coders do a better job than got done with the DDO's forum revamp at the end of April. Over two months later and there are still goofy problems like illegible dark text on dark backgrounds or light text on light backgrounds especially in text input boxes, and getting logged out mid-post is more the rule than the exception (on top of getting rid of "remember password" and "keep me logged in" meaning you have to actually type in your login information every time).
    Zubgru Goldenmullet Warden 67, Andraiel Captain 64, and random alts
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  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    Not exactly. We're making a pretty serious effort to reduce down the number of customizations to the forums (which we can now do with the bulk of my.lotro.com going away). This should have the added benefit of letting us use features that had to be disabled due to conflicts with the customization and site layout.

    First and foremost we'll be able to use a fluid layout. So as you shrink and grow your browser window the site will scale in it.
    I am glad we're getting new forums, and I do get that businesses often make decisions based on needs and data customers (and even employees) don't have access to/always understand. We were just discussing that in a meeting at work yesterday! (oh joy..meetings). Still, I remain seriously bummed that my.lotro.com is going away.

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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yula_the_Mighty View Post
    Here Turbine is using the latest version of 4. Turbine has no plans at this time to switch to 5.

    I believe the difficulty is that Turbine has a lot of customizations to their VB installation. Turbine does not want to have to reimplement them within version 5.

    This situation is a very common problem for business. It is often very hard for software providers like Microsoft to convince corporate customers to upgrade their products. I know that my company totally rejected Vista. It took a long time to accept Windows 7. We are not taking Windows 8 because we do not want it on our PCs. We have no interest in Windows tablets. We got iPads and little interest in adding Windows tablets to the mix.
    Yes i know, i was just having some fun with Sapience. As to why they're not moving to Vb5 it's unlikely due to all the customization they have done, it's very likely to be more of a cost vs use thing, a VB license for business use like this is very expensive and they have to make a decision as to whether the license is worth the usage they will get out of it.

    Now if they were using it on a new title that they expected to get a large amount of people giving feedback for then i would probably recommend forking out for a Vb5 license, VB is evolving all the time and with the release of version 5 they have finally dropped the shackled of being a forum with plugins to become a full blown community development tool with an awesome variety of community tools.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yula_the_Mighty View Post
    Here Turbine is using the latest version of 4. Turbine has no plans at this time to switch to 5.

    I believe the difficulty is that Turbine has a lot of customizations to their VB installation. Turbine does not want to have to reimplement them within version 5.

    This situation is a very common problem for business. It is often very hard for software providers like Microsoft to convince corporate customers to upgrade their products. I know that my company totally rejected Vista. It took a long time to accept Windows 7. We are not taking Windows 8 because we do not want it on our PCs. We have no interest in Windows tablets. We got iPads and little interest in adding Windows tablets to the mix.
    In addition to everything you said I think the other two factors may be that Turbine feels that VBulletin 5.0 is to new to risk; and, they would prefer to have all their games forums on the same version of the software (they have already upgraded the other games to 4.20).
    May the winds of fortune sail you,
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    Who says, "this drink's on me."

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edrogar View Post
    Yes i know, i was just having some fun with Sapience. As to why they're not moving to Vb5 it's unlikely due to all the customization they have done, it's very likely to be more of a cost vs use thing, a VB license for business use like this is very expensive and they have to make a decision as to whether the license is worth the usage they will get out of it.

    Now if they were using it on a new title that they expected to get a large amount of people giving feedback for then i would probably recommend forking out for a Vb5 license, VB is evolving all the time and with the release of version 5 they have finally dropped the shackled of being a forum with plugins to become a full blown community development tool with an awesome variety of community tools.
    I don't think price would be an issue. Vbulletin 5.0 costs under $1,000 (even if you select almost all the options including remove all mention of VBulletin (debrand).

    May the winds of fortune sail you,
    May you sail a gentle sea.
    May it always be the other guy
    Who says, "this drink's on me."


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