It even has its own custom login screen! Neat. Thanks for finally fixing up the forums, Turbine. It was long overdue, so I'm really really happy to see this get finished. Anyway... That's all Thanks.
It even has its own custom login screen! Neat. Thanks for finally fixing up the forums, Turbine. It was long overdue, so I'm really really happy to see this get finished. Anyway... That's all Thanks.
A lot of people on this side put in a lot of very long hours to get everything to where you see it now. Not everything is perfect, but we're swatting bugs as they come up and prioritizing things on the fly. Some of the minor layout and font issues are pretty low priority, but we will get them sorted out.
Woot! They look *much* nicer than the old ones - cheers for the update!
Yea, they're not perfect (gray on black is an odd choice) but they are definitely cleaner and *seem* faster than the beta forums. And I was able to log in on the first day! It seems like you guys learned from DDO's forum-change mess. Good stuff.
Looks great and is much more responsive than the old ones. Love it!
I agree. I quite like the look of the new forums.
Well done.
Wow is my first expression - I went through several sub forums and my account all in the time it usually took to load maybe two pages of one post on the old forums.
Thanks for all the hard work Turbine!
"Never argue with a fool, it's difficult to tell the difference"
Thank you for the new forums! Great job!
~ Itariele RK 105 ~ Itarille LM 105 ~ Gladden ~ Elendilmir
forums look amazing now,and this is coming from someone who is a forum junky, job well done, keep on doing awesome things turbine
If you are going to be bad, be bad with purpose, otherwise your just not worth Forgiving
Damon Salvatore
I have very mixed feelings. The response if vastly better, but the light gray on dark grey is a pain to read. Having full width margins isn't so good either (there are reasons why printed materials with wide pages go over to columns), and the default font size is a bit too small.
I haven't dealt with the 45 minute auto logout yet, so I can't definitively say that that will be annoying, but I'm certainly not looking forward to it.
*hands out pie and ale to celebrate new forums*
LilyRose of Gladden, Mistress of the Rangers of the West Kinship. Come check out our kin at
Thank you all for the hard work, it is much better and faster. That was a long beta on the old forums! Glad it's done.
It's me, just me
Responsive, but dated looking and pretty ugly.
Really the only thing at this point that particularly bugs me is the text/background colour combo. It's kinda awkward to read stuff, hence why I've taken to posting in white. I'm aware that a change to this is low priority, but I would hope that allowing people to more easily communicate with each other here would bump it up the to-do list some.
The new forums do look nice, and they run much more smoothly than before. Thanks for all the hard work.
I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. ~ Faramir
Undo the U12 class changes. The trait trees were, are, and will always be a bad idea.
Maedhric 105 Captain, Nunion 110 Champion, Taraviel 85 Minstrel, etc...
One thing I'd like to see changed is the width, I have to scroll left and right to read the entire post. please change this from a set number of pixles to a percent of the screen.
It is set to a percent of the screen! That's why it scales if you change the window size.
It would be nice if it were set to a slightly smaller percent of the screen, though. Looks like the max width is around 90% of the page. I'd probably prefer 80%. But YMMV.
Cainwen Ciaphas, Captain of Crickhollow, HERO OF MIDDLE EARTH!!!
I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! My opinions are my own!
I could provide screenshots if it'd be helpful.. but I'm at a loss for what the difference could be.
I've tried both manual window resizes (Clicking and Holding to drag and resize) as well as just switching directly between 'windowed' and 'maximized' by clicking the appropriate shortcut.
Crell-L85-Champion - Riddermark ; Swego-L85-Burglar ; Kotvi-L95-Runekeeper
Delego-L85 Hunter ; Stodden-L51-Captain ; Edhul-L61-Loremaster
Deglorion - SoA XP Disabler
The forums are 1000x better now.
@Sapience and everyone else involved in the revamp: THANK YOU!!!!!!
Helm's Deep Devamp killed my long time toons. Currently bouncing around between post-HD newbie alts (a warden and champ) and other games.
Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu!
I'm using google crome. The last 3 letters of each line are not visible with out scrolling left and right. The title bar I can see as far to the right with out scrolling is "Play F" of "Play Free Now".
One thing that would help is there seems to be a border on the left and right. I'm seeing apx 1/2 inch border on the left before the title bar or any part of the forum. On the right side of the forum "ow" of "play free now" and the ring are in the border.
that is with it full screen. /edit I did just try it windowed and it did not scale.
Just thought I'd let you know what I'm seeing if it helps track it down.