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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by quetzalcoatl View Post
    same here. It does scale some for me, but not as narrow as I'd like. The minimum width seems fixed at about 150 characters/line for me...
    I did some experimenting..

    "One thing that would help is there seems to be a border on the left and right. I'm seeing apx 1/2 inch border on the left before the title bar or any part of"
    This is the length it seems to be minimally scaling to. I'd like it to be able to have that scale to the next line a half that at a minimum. I'm running at a screen resolution of 1440x900.

    Hard quotes also seem to ignore the scaling entirely, but its hard to be sure at this resolution.
    Crell-L85-Champion - Riddermark ; Swego-L85-Burglar ; Kotvi-L95-Runekeeper
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  2. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Crell_1 View Post

    I could provide screenshots if it'd be helpful.. but I'm at a loss for what the difference could be.

    I've tried both manual window resizes (Clicking and Holding to drag and resize) as well as just switching directly between 'windowed' and 'maximized' by clicking the appropriate shortcut.
    As I remarked on my reply to your post in the other thread, I wonder what your desktop res is? Playing with it on my computer (FF 22.0, 1920 x 1200) I'm guessing the minimum width is in the 800-1024 area... so if you're screen is only that res, you're not going to have a lot of extra width to play with...
    Mostly Harmless since 1999!
    Silverlode: Ogord - Hobbit Guardian; Shaewyn - Hobbit Minstrel; Odorfi - Dwarf hunter; Ogordi - Human Warden

  3. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Drogo1 View Post
    ... I'm guessing the minimum width is in the 800-1024 area...
    Different person here, same problem. 800 would be wonderful. 1024 (which it appears to be using) is too large. Pretty much everything else I use scales happily to my preferred browser width (which is around 900 I guess).
    A vote for Sapience is a vote for progress! Vote today!

  4. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I have to admit that the new forum seems to work faster, but it it is pretty souless and seems to have nothing to do with Lotro at all. In fact it is almost identical to forums for various space/scifi games I play. I would have hoped for at least some connection to Middle Earth, rather than looking like it is the intraweb for a space station! It does nothing for me, except make me want for look for another Lotro site that isn't as blah!

  5. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    like the new forums too, miss some of the old functionality, but i love the fact that the forums are much faster to browse through, had no sudden forced log outs yet... only sad that with a refresh of the forum or after a while you have to log back in, would be nice if through cookies we could stay logged in if we wanted too
    Flixxer - Hunter - Imladris - 100 R7 ---- Danielleth - Minstrel - Imladris - 22
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  6. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I like it, I like it a lot, a job well done ...

    I'm really just posting to see myself in print.
    this post was brought to you by a Misguided Misfit ... no pixels were harmed in its making

  7. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Looks amazing! cheers Turbine

  8. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    New forums look great

    The new forums look great and load really fast. I totally agree with getting ride of all the leader boards , ect, ect, give you more time to concentrate on what matters the most
    The game.

  9. #34
    Thanks so much for the update, I'm really happy with it!

  10. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    after some warnings i swore i will never touch Lotro forums again. Also i just cannot say anything good about Turbine (sorry guys, you upset me too many times. But i must admit, the forums are ok now and indeed someone worked a lot for this.
    I can point some things:

    1. On Window XP IE 8 is just working horrible, taking massive amounts of memory and making the proc working at full capacity. I know IE 8 is obsolete, but even in compatibility mode is not great.
    2. On Firefox is working SO FAST. Good job.
    3. You have an login screen, wow.
    4. You can press reply and after you log, you can post your answer and not searching the topic again.

    For first time in some time, congratulations. FINALY you did something good.

    Bad part: is hard to read, the colour scheme is not very relaxing for your eyes. On short, i just cannot stay and read forums like i was, felling very tired in minutes.

    (if i get an warning this time as well ...)
    Andracy - Mns; Andrady - RK; Andrac - Hnt; Andracya - Brg; Gabytza - LM; Anduta - Warden
    Officer of Rangers of Eriador / Snowbourne

  11. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    The post color has been brightened a bit. It should be easier on some eyes.
    Definitely looks better today than it did yesterday. Thanks!

  12. #37
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Yes they load faster. That is a good thing. The tabs at the top are simpler. I can find the store and the developer tracker really easily. But.......
    1. Where is my home page? Do I still have one? I opened my account page-where you can change password and notifications,, I hit the house icon link at top of forums, I clicked on 'home' on several pages and still can't find it. I did discover i missed the test lottery (grump grump) I admit I am very tired, having driven for hours today and i'm old, but i'm usually ok at finding stuff. I can't even find a proper forum list for class forums etc. and I'm too tired to hunt. Guess I'll find them and bookmark them later.

    2. I am finding even the 'improved' light grey on dark grey still very hard on the eyes. The banner at the top is much easier to read-probably because it is a soft white on a dark brown it has tone and hue contrast rather than 'glare' contrast. I'm not printer but in the olden days when I did DTP courses my Master Printer teacher said that while white text on black background looks smart for small amounts of text it is very hard to read for long periods. In those days, grey on grey was a pet peeve of most trained printers and desktop publishers. My teacher also said to avoid using colours in the same range of tones and hues and then using brightness differentials and saturation to create contrast. (Harsh reflective white/light grey on mid grey/dark grey would get you a fail or a 'do it again' for feature articles and e-magazines. )
    The text books said black text on soft white/cream/parchment/sepia is usually easiest to read, or, to avoid screen glare from an over bright screen or pure 'white' page, we were encouraged to use soft yellow-whites/pale cream texts on dark browns/greens or nearly blacks. Or the reverse. This works for most people. When we tested new web pages for a government department in 2010, all user groups had difficulties with grey on grey and harsh white on black ....... just saying

    3. Aesthetically, the forums look a bit generic bulletin board circa 1990 atm. Not very Middle Earthy. But if that's what it takes to load easily and to not log me out while I post this, then I'm cool with the current simple bland design.

    Thanks for the fix to the loading issues, and all the best with implementing the feedback from your ever passionate community

    Edit: got a bizarre error when I hit submit and then I relogged and Lo! I got the forums list page-including the class and gameplay forums etc. and there, under the correct thread was this, my first post in the new forums. Amazing! I'll even put up with the hard to read if they stay that smoothly functional
    Last edited by yvandriel; Aug 02 2013 at 10:25 AM.

  13. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by quetzalcoatl View Post
    same here. It does scale some for me, but not as narrow as I'd like. The minimum width seems fixed at about 150 characters/line for me...
    It scales, but only to about 1024 pixels width.

    It should, ideally, scale to half of that, if not less (450 is a common width).

    The big issue that I can see is that it's the top header causing the issue. It looks like they use graphical elements that do not scale down (which, I honestly do not know if it is possible or not). But because the header is so long on the forum, the minimum width is set very high.

    I will give them credit for one thing: the coding in the source code looks pretty darn clean. That's always nice to see.

    What would be really nice IMO is if they made the template they use for the forum content scale to a minimum width of 450. I would be surprised if the forums did not have their own template, but what I believe it would cause that to do is still create the little scroll bar at the bottom for the header of the page, but it would allow all content in the forums themselves to scale down so that, once you just center the bottom scroll bar, you'll still see all content rather than having to scroll back and forth.

    I've not ever nested a template inside another template with a smaller minimum width, so I am unsure if it would work, but it's a thought. If not, just setting a minimum width for the whole website and letting graphical elements get lost in a bottom scroll bar would be the lesser evil IMO.

    Of course, unless I meet the web development team myself, I doubt any changes of that sort will happen XD

    RIP ELENDILMIR • Jingle Jangle
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  14. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    The post color has been brightened a bit. It should be easier on some eyes.
    I thought there was something different about it. It's much appreciated. The color for the text box as you type in a new post is still a bit on the darker side and a bit harder to read than the forum itself-- could that possibly be made a little lighter (the background of the 'reply to thread' text box), that is if they're still doing little tweaks of the sort. Basically made the same color as the forum threads themselves are now

    Quote Originally Posted by yvandriel View Post
    1. Where is my home page? Do I still have one?
    Nope. No home page, as there are no blogs, no lotto widget, no character pages, etc. So it would be a bit superfluous.

    I can't even find a proper forum list for class forums etc. and I'm too tired to hunt. Guess I'll find them and bookmark them later.
    At the top of every page there is a link, on the grey background next to the dev tracker, called 'Forum'. Guess where that leads to? So that goes back to the main forum list every time. (looking at your edit, at the least, if they're loading! But yea, pointing this out just in case you did not realize this ^-^)

    Now get some sleep!

    RIP ELENDILMIR • Jingle Jangle
    : LAERLIN (Bio + Drawings) • LAERWEN • OLORIEL • AETHELIND (Bio + Drawing) • NETHAEL

  15. #40
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
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    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Panpantia View Post
    Looks amazing! cheers Turbine

    ONE Signature image and please make it relevant to LOTRO. I've removed both, feel free to put a single, nonanimated 350 width x 125height image relating to LOTRO in there instead. Please keep your file size as small as possible.

  16. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    You mentioned that you have the ability to pull out information from characters ( like for lotteries and titles ), and i'm not sure if this was answered before but, will we get character data back?
    Laurelin - E Voronwe
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  17. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morgoes View Post
    You mentioned that you have the ability to pull out information from characters ( like for lotteries and titles ), and i'm not sure if this was answered before but, will we get character data back?
    my understanding is that mylotro data eg. your character items etc. is no longer available out of game.
    Elendilmir - 95 Hunter Berenthalion - 80ish Burg Berendybuck - baby warden Berenion.

    Worst Reaver on the server BerendyBash - R4

  18. #43
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morgoes View Post
    You mentioned that you have the ability to pull out information from characters ( like for lotteries and titles ), and i'm not sure if this was answered before but, will we get character data back?
    Quote Originally Posted by Eldarian_Grace View Post
    my understanding is that mylotro data eg. your character items etc. is no longer available out of game.
    Yes and no. No you will not get it back on these forums. That's done and won't be coming back. Yes, you can still get the data via data.lotro.com through an app like LOTROHerald.

  19. #44
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    Yes and no. No you will not get it back on these forums. That's done and won't be coming back. Yes, you can still get the data via data.lotro.com through an app like LOTROHerald.
    lol you beat me to correcting myself with this dev tracker quote:
    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    It took quite a bit of wrangling, but the community team managed to convince the powers that be to keep the feed for LOTROHerald live. It may not be the most up to date info all the time, but it is still functional.
    I'm personally really pleased about this , thanks for fighting for it! hope plenty if others appreciate too.
    Elendilmir - 95 Hunter Berenthalion - 80ish Burg Berendybuck - baby warden Berenion.

    Worst Reaver on the server BerendyBash - R4


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