i find it disapointing that epic quests are 90% walking around on horseback. they should be more focused in fighting amazing enemies. having to spend half an hour walking before entering an instance-quest is a bummer...
i find it disapointing that epic quests are 90% walking around on horseback. they should be more focused in fighting amazing enemies. having to spend half an hour walking before entering an instance-quest is a bummer...
I know what you mean and is completely true.
Streamlining the Epic, should be done down the line, for example Moria used to be a mess of quests all over the place, now you go region by region with direction which is great.
Ask for streamlining of the Epic, you will get more attention.
First off...have you ever heard the description of flying an airliner that goes: Hours of boredom, punctuated by moments of sheer terror?
You're an adventurer. That's what the adventuring life would be like. There's even a quest in Edoras that makes fun of the idea of what an adventurer really does.
The Epics *have* been streamlined. The stuff you're complaining about used to be worse. And it used to be that you couldn't get a horse until level 35 (and it cost 4.22 gold...which was a lot back then).
On the flip side, there are many threads of people complaining about zone with questing patterns that lead you from quest cluster to quest cluster, so the solution has its problems as well.
I personally like the direction turbine is taking with the epic story line. But I will agree that more action would be awesome!
I was a little disappointed at the end of one of the books in volume 3 with that ice giant. When I saw that huge mean looking ice giant
I sat up in my chair and put my drink down and got ready for an epic battle! But was let down when I realized I wasn't going to get to fight him.
Personally I love the epic quest. Although there have been a few "awww" moments that I did not get to fight Skorgrim or Ivar the Blood-Hand or the Nazgul. But I'm a hunter, I have zap skills all over the place so I do not spend as much time travelling. I love the Instance: The Unmarked Trail. Absolutely awesome. But speak for yourself, I think that there is a nice balance thus far.
Night is falling,
So ends this day.
The Road is now calling
And I must away.
Having just finished book 15 this weekend. My biggest problem with the Vol 1 epic quests was the amount of pointless travel.
They could cut perhaps 20% or more of the quests, because the only thing you did was go from point A to point B and talk to a NPC. A lot of those times, talking to that NPC really didn't accomplish anything or even advance the story.
For example once I had to go talk to Elrond who send me to Aragon, who send me to Laerdan, who sends me to 3 other NPCs, two of which send me to another NPC one in the Shire, one in Thorin's Hall, and the 3rd sends me to an area in Angmar.
The trip to Aragon, the Shire and Thorin's hall was completely and utterly pointless. They could of accomplished the same exact thing if they only sent me to the one in Angmar.
It is because of things like that, that I will never ever do the whole Vol 1 epic quest again on any other character I make. The stuff they did for then max level characters is simply too much of a time sync to bother with again.
Actually... You *do* get to fight "Skorgrim" (I.5.5, IIRC) and one of the Nazgul (I.5.8). Bear in mind, with respect to the Nazgul, that there is a specific prophecy for the chief one's--well, "death" isn't really the correct term; perhaps "dissolution" would be appropriate--end. Tolkien played linguistic tricks with that, much as he did with his preferred take on Macbeth.
When I was nine or ten or so I had (what seemed at the time to be) an epiphany: why do movies spend so much time with talking and character development, when they could instead get around to all the action and excitement that happens at the end? What if you made a movie that was JUST the exciting parts? It would be the best thing ever!
Or not. And so a young MadeOfLions learned about the importance of pacing.
This is one of the most well-paced expansions for storylines, Eowyn, Gandalf, rounding up the rohirric towns and warriors for safety in the coming battle. Each story quest line has just the right amount of detail, and Stoke is probably the best storyline of any recent expansion, even better than the Thane of Cliving mystery line. It felt very much like Game of Thrones mini-game.
LvL 100s: Beorning, Burglar, Captain, Champ, Guardian, Hunter, Lore-Master, Minstrel, Rune-Keeper
LvL 85: Warden, Minstrel
All my forum posts are my opinions and may not even be that. Also On Twitter: @leixicon
"There will be no Dawn for Men" ~ Saruman the White
Eruanne - Shards of Narsil-1 - Elendilmir -> Arkenstone
[color=green][b]Gloarn[/b][/color] 80 Burglar [color=grey]|[/color] [color=green][b]Glorn[/b][/color] 75 Champion [color=grey]|[/color] [color=green][b]Gloirn[/b][/color] 75 Rune-keeper [color=grey]|[/color] [color=green][b]Glourn[/b][/color] 75 Captain
[color=brown][b]Glarnakh[/b][/color] R7 Warleader [color=grey]|[/color] [color=brown][b]Glarno[/b][/color] R6 Reaver
I wouldn't have the epics any other way. I really enjoy the story in LOTRO. I've never been in another game with such a thrilling story
"...None of us would join the Grey Company if we felt its errand was not important enough to brave those risks. For my part, I will not give in to fear of the unknown. We all have our role to play, and I hope only that when I have played mine, the world will have been better for my having been in it.
Carrying a barrel of weapons/iron from the entrance of HD to Aragorn which is probably a 1000m run on a dwarf guard where I can't use a mount or charge was silly (can't use charge when you've picked up the barrel). I hate those types of quests. The entire expansion was filled with too many fetch quests. I actually miss the days of filling up on quests and heading off into the wild blue yonder to do them all. I have 60 quest slots and probably never had more than 5 available to complete at one time. I was excited to get to an area with many kill x mobs because the fetch quests for each thane/npc were so boring.
In RoI we had the prison section. That was pretty boring too with all the running around and clicking on things. But at least I could get a speed buff when doing it.
Considering Epic Battles and the amount of clicking we do there and not fighting I think LOTRO:HD is a shoe in for a lot of end of year awards. I think it is a shoe-in for "2013 Best Clicking Simulator" and "2013 Most Fetch Quests".
This is one of those issues for which there is no solution.
For every type of quest, there is some segment of the players that don't like it (for varying qualities of "don't like"). It's why we get recurring threads asking for a way to bypass this or that quest type on subsequent characters, and it gets pointed out that if Turbine were to provide such a feature, they'd have to provide it for *every* quest type and might as well just hand a level capped character with all quests set as complete to anyone who asks.
Agreed. It is completely my personal preference. I generally like the story but as far as running errands I got tired of that in the Shire running mail and pies around. I do not mind them breaking up the pace a little bit but I think this game is way too far down the non-combat spectrum. I will give them credit for allowing me to click many of the quest objectives still mounted. They should add speed buffs whenever we carry anything (including mount speed buffs).
Last edited by Mysterion; Dec 03 2013 at 12:37 PM.
I enjoyed all the epic quests (though parts of RoI and RoR irritated me). I think the HD Epic is dynamic I love book 11. My complaint is that I wish I could skip it for other toons. I am on my fifth toon running through it, The second time I paid some attention to it just to see if I missed anything. Now I just put it on cruise control and look for the rings to light up. The fetch/messenger quests are so boring after the first time it is almost painful to keep doing them. I guess this is just me but I love the kill x anything because I am using my skills. With the new class changes I need to get used to skills in action. So I find myself wandering the landscape killing mobs and on certain toons gathering ore or wood. I just wish I could chose how I wanted to level instead of being gated through the epics.
they are all dead.. they just don't know it yet....
I agree! It would be lovely to have a "fast forward" button available for alts. Some of those dialogue scenes take forever.
Its torture to have to sit through them a 3rd 4th 5th time...