Need a rewrite on the patch note quickslot section please.
Maybe I'm the only one confused by this, but ... here goes. From the patch notes:
Class Trait Quickslots Update
We now save/restore the state of your quickslots automatically when you change class trait configuration slots.
Woot! Very happy to hear this. When you say "class trait configuration slot," is that the same as a class trait tree? (I.e., it's one of the two trait setups that VIP's can save, or more than two if you purchase more.)
When you switch to a given configuration slot for the very first time, the quickslots for that slot will be initialized from the way they look before you switched
Before I switched for the very first time they didn't look like anything. Are you saying that they will be initiialized from the way the looked on the slot that you are switching from? Or are you saying they will be initialized from the way they looked before 12.2?
And -- you refer to "the quickslots for that slot" -- so, there is a set of quickslots for each of the trait specs you can save?
When you earn a new skill through leveling, this skill will be automatically shortcut to the first available empty slot in each of the "non-current" trait configuration slots (if there's room)
Okay, hang on. Skills don't go on trait configuration slots (if by that you mean class trait specs, which is what the above seems to indicate). Skills go in quickslots. So I think you're saying that skills will go into the first available empty slot in each of the non-current quickslot sets.
So if I've got Specs A, B, and C, and I'm running Spec B, with its associated quickslot set, and I earn a new skill through levelling, the new skill goes into the first empty slot in the quickslots sets for specs A and C. Is that correct?
Newly earned non-mounted-combat skills will be automatically quickslotted to the main (sword icon) quickslot page, no matter which page you are currently looking at (unlike previously)
I know there's a quickslot set with a sword icon, but in what sense is that the "main" one? Isn't there a set of quickslots for each of my saved trait setups? (As referred to above, "the quickslots for that configuration slot.")
Only the main quickslot page layout is saved/restored, and only for the main bar and bars 1-3. Bars 4 and 5 don't change when you change pages and their state will not be saved/restored
OK, so ... this makes it sounds like we do NOT have separate quickslots for each of our saved trait setups, and instead, we can set up the "main" (sword) quickslots as we please for each of our specs. So .... If I switch to a different spec, I don't switch to a different set of quickslots. Instead, I stay on the sword quickslots, and the skills on that set of quickslots will rearrange themselves so they match the arrangement I saved for that spec. Is that correct? If that's the case, what did you mean above when you referred to "the quickslots for that configuration slot"?
Confused in Combe
Last edited by Robeauch; Jan 14 2014 at 09:01 AM.
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