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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    What Is The New Endgame In Central Gondor?

    I have checked out beta, but only superficially trying to avoid spoiling too much. I've seen the old essences are available from barter traders along with the new class essences. What is the actual endgame, though? Is it dailies like in DA? Is there a fellowship area like TC?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Coeprandua View Post
    I have checked out beta, but only superficially trying to avoid spoiling too much. I've seen the old essences are available from barter traders along with the new class essences. What is the actual endgame, though? Is it dailies like in DA? Is there a fellowship area like TC?
    I think the endgame is still DA dailies. There is not change to the level cap, then DA dailies are still the level cap repeteable action.

    Sergio :-)
    Moved from Riddermark to Landroval on 2/10/1015!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Olgomil View Post
    I think the endgame is still DA dailies. There is not change to the level cap, then DA dailies are still the level cap repeteable action.

    Sergio :-)
    Oh I see. Thanks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    That's disappointing. I crash constantly in DA (even if I've only been there a few seconds before porting out, I'm guaranteed to crash soon; compared to hours of uninterrupted gameplay elsewhere) and was hoping that we might have a different area that might not be so demanding a location to run dailies in. :/

    That said, this was also the case for me in Isengard, then Rohan, and later in HD. None of those areas bother my computer much at all anymore. So there is definite improvement as time goes on (I guess because the tech guys gradually close down any memory leaks, etc). Maybe DA will start improving soon...
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  5. #5
    ThePinion's Avatar
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    There's actually a series of daily repeatable quests that unlock at each reputation tier for Ringlo Vale, Dor-en-Ernil, and Lebennin once you finish the main story of each area and they'll bring you back to several of the places you visit during the content and also to some places you likely haven't explored.

    They reward varying amounts of the reputation tokens that drop off the Corsairs, Orcs, Haradrim, etc. in that region, and those in turn will be used to barter at each area's vendors (as opposed to requiring only the Silver Tokens).

    Also, you'll unlock a unique Epilogue quest for each area once you reach Kindred with the corresponding faction.
    Designer, Content

    "A man that flies from his fear may find that he has only taken a short cut to meet it." - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Children of Húrin

  6. #6
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ThePinion View Post
    There's actually a series of daily repeatable quests that unlock at each reputation tier for Ringlo Vale, Dor-en-Ernil, and Lebennin once you finish the main story of each area and they'll bring you back to several of the places you visit during the content and also to some places you likely haven't explored.

    They reward varying amounts of the reputation tokens that drop off the Corsairs, Orcs, Haradrim, etc. in that region, and those in turn will be used to barter at each area's vendors (as opposed to requiring only the Silver Tokens).

    Also, you'll unlock a unique Epilogue quest for each area once you reach Kindred with the corresponding faction.
    Sounds interesting!

    I guess those daily repeatables are not in beta build 1 yet?

    As for epilogue quests that open when character gets kindred with faction, I hope there will be some in-game way to tell people that you should build up that reputation because there's a quest/s available when you reach kindred (maybe by silver ring above NPC's head?). Otherwise many people might just not bother with reputation grind as there is so much of it already in game, and miss these quests.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ThePinion View Post
    There's actually a series of daily repeatable quests that unlock at each reputation tier for Ringlo Vale, Dor-en-Ernil, and Lebennin once you finish the main story of each area and they'll bring you back to several of the places you visit during the content and also to some places you likely haven't explored.

    They reward varying amounts of the reputation tokens that drop off the Corsairs, Orcs, Haradrim, etc. in that region, and those in turn will be used to barter at each area's vendors (as opposed to requiring only the Silver Tokens).

    Also, you'll unlock a unique Epilogue quest for each area once you reach Kindred with the corresponding faction.
    I like that. Thanks for the response.

  8. #8
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ThePinion View Post
    There's actually a series of daily repeatable quests that unlock at each reputation tier for Ringlo Vale, Dor-en-Ernil, and Lebennin once you finish the main story of each area and they'll bring you back to several of the places you visit during the content and also to some places you likely haven't explored.

    They reward varying amounts of the reputation tokens that drop off the Corsairs, Orcs, Haradrim, etc. in that region, and those in turn will be used to barter at each area's vendors (as opposed to requiring only the Silver Tokens).

    Also, you'll unlock a unique Epilogue quest for each area once you reach Kindred with the corresponding faction.
    Such a shame that endgame content is daily quests. I mean really? That's it?

  9. #9
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    Aug 2009
    Shouldn't be a surprise. We've been told many times that there were no plans for "traditional" instances/raids for this year. Next year, we don't know yet.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amariel28 View Post
    Shouldn't be a surprise. We've been told many times that there were no plans for "traditional" instances/raids for this year. Next year, we don't know yet.
    It blowss my mind how often Turbine has to say thi as well. I agree it sucks but its not like they have 20 raids sitting there and they are pulling a cobra commander and holding them back. Things dont magically appear

  11. #11
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    Aug 2009
    They don't, but they might be secretly working on some right now. For all we know they may bring them up at the end of next year as a huge surprise.

    Probably not, but it's fun to imagine. :P
    "As long as people believe in absurdities, they will continue to commit atrocities." -Voltaire

    Mini - 100 |Hunt - 100 |RK - 100 |LM - 100 |Cap - 92 |Champ - 100 |Burg - 100 |Beorn - 81

  12. #12
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ThePinion View Post
    There's actually a series of daily repeatable quests that unlock at each reputation tier for Ringlo Vale, Dor-en-Ernil, and Lebennin once you finish the main story of each area and they'll bring you back to several of the places you visit during the content and also to some places you likely haven't explored.

    They reward varying amounts of the reputation tokens that drop off the Corsairs, Orcs, Haradrim, etc. in that region, and those in turn will be used to barter at each area's vendors (as opposed to requiring only the Silver Tokens).

    Also, you'll unlock a unique Epilogue quest for each area once you reach Kindred with the corresponding faction.
    Do we unlock new barterers when we have earned the kindred status with all areas? And if so, do these barterers offer new gear?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    It seems like another Part of a solo daily system. Sorry, but that is no endcontent for my point.
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    Kurt Biedenkopf (*1930), deutscher Wirtschaftjurist und CDU-Politiker

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Amariel28 View Post
    Shouldn't be a surprise. We've been told many times that there were no plans for "traditional" instances/raids for this year. Next year, we don't know yet.
    You forget we are getting an Assault Epic Battle in addition to a new rewards box that will allow for us to barter for the jewelry drops that really want for our characters. This in addition to the new landscape dailies I like a lot and have wanted for ages.

    This new Epic Battle/Big Battle is an assault on the besieged city of Pelagir and it is a lot of fun so far. Its only available in solo/duo right now but I've heard that its planned to have a 6 man version which I really hope is true as people would enjoy that a lot if balanced correctly.

    I know everyone is focused on wanting 'traditional' instances/raids but you need to remember that those take a lot of time to develope and we've already been told repeatedly that for the Battle of Pelenor Fields and maybe Osgiliath every tool in the shed is going to be looked at and possibly used. We were only told that for 2014 there would be no 'traditional' instances/raids and guess what we are almost at the end of 2014 so we need to stop harping on this. We don't know what end game content is to come for 2015 yet. We can be sure to have an Epic Battle since they are able to utilize mass drama Ai in it and give us long, large fights. We will probably some form of instances as well.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    No istances, no raids. Nothing new of that since 85. Or let's say 75 since erebor ones are laughable...WTG...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    i would trade my wallet to a new 6 or 12 man instance with a corsair boss on a corsair ship like the one in inn of the forsaken.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Waldwindred View Post
    i would trade my wallet to a new 6 or 12 man instance with a corsair boss on a corsair ship like the one in inn of the forsaken.
    I know this is not exactly what you meant, but new Epic book has solo and group options (like the one in West Gondor) and that involves corsair boss on a corsair ship

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Daily quests... again?

    I really miss a good, fresh 6-man instance.
    Razor // Lusitanius // Crickhollow ~ Portuguese Kinship //

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ThePinion View Post
    There's actually a series of daily repeatable quests that unlock at each reputation tier for Ringlo Vale, Dor-en-Ernil, and Lebennin once you finish the main story of each area and they'll bring you back to several of the places you visit during the content and also to some places you likely haven't explored.

    They reward varying amounts of the reputation tokens that drop off the Corsairs, Orcs, Haradrim, etc. in that region, and those in turn will be used to barter at each area's vendors (as opposed to requiring only the Silver Tokens).

    Also, you'll unlock a unique Epilogue quest for each area once you reach Kindred with the corresponding faction.
    Seeing that answer to an endgame content question made me...lol. Another grinding expansion with nothing interesting in the end. Thanks, time to move on.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    The Pelargir BB is also getting a 6 man version as well isnt it?
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