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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    A more detailed producer letter coming?

    I dunno, it was nice to hear some of the plans for Lotro of 2015. But it seemed a bit vague to me for some reason. I would like to know if along with Osgilaith and Minas Tirith, and the lands surrounding them, will we get any other regions in between the two big updates like last year? Maybe some region not even close to Gondor. Or we will see the Morgul Vale perhaps,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Osgilliath, east gondor, and minas tirith are what are coming. nothing else is announced. Don't expect any info on Minas Tirith till July's update.
    LvL 100s: Beorning, Burglar, Captain, Champ, Guardian, Hunter, Lore-Master, Minstrel, Rune-Keeper
    LvL 85: Warden, Minstrel
    All my forum posts are my opinions and may not even be that. Also On Twitter: @leixicon

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    One of Turbine's biggest sources of customers unhappiness has been putting too much information in official communication like Producer's Letter. The more detail, the less likely that it will actualize. Both the 2013 and 2014 Producer's letters describe a future that only partially occurred. The 'it turned out different than what we said originally' or 'it got cancelled' or 'it got delayed to the next year' or 'people did not like it so we revised it' or ... is very common.

    Many ways less said the better until you are close to live deployment when you are much more confident about what is going to be delivered.

    It is unfortunate aspect of a lot of humanity. There is no plan to them. Anything stated it is 100% commitment to deliver exactly what was promised on time. Plus the issue of what the human reading what was written and getting a different understanding than the author intended.

    Legendary items were a classic example of a disconnect between the author and the customer base. The phrase 'grow with you' was taken to mean that you would only get one legendary item. You keep it forever. It would grow stronger each time your character leveled up. What the author meant was that legendary items would grow within the fixed limits for that particular item. The limits would be set by the character level required to equip the item. Instead of getting an item at level 45 to keep forever, each time we leveled up we unlocked a better legendary item. Some levels we unlocked second and first age items to go with the massive number of loot drop third age items.
    Unless stated otherwise, all content in this post is My Personal Opinion.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Yula_the_Mighty View Post
    One of Turbine's biggest sources of customers unhappiness has been putting too much information in official communication like Producer's Letter.
    So, it wasn't the information that caused the discontent, it was the lack of follow through. Being more ambiguous isn't a solution to anything...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    There will of course be more Producer's letters in the future, but not related to the one we just had. What we are doing is giving more details as we get closer to things being done or when we feel like it is in a place where players would gain from the information. Take the server stuff for example. We spoke about it a bit in the letter and if you take a look at the dev tracker, you will see we have shared more detail since then, and will continue to share more as we get closer to the changes going live. This allows us to have more direct communication as well as avoiding the pitfalls of overstating then not being able to deliver for whatever reason.



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