The following release notes are for the Bullroarer public test server only and may not reflect the final list of changes or updates included at release.
These notes are not final and should be viewed as a work in progress and subject to change.
Due to the method of gathering information for the patch notes, there may be duplicate/similar entries or topics that are not included.
The Eyes and Guard Tavern is now open! Please note you will also not be able to advance class and race traits for Beornings at this time.
Important Note: Given the scope of this update please be aware that the build you are seeing here is a work in progress and is by no means the finished Update 16 product. There are many items that are not yet complete or added into what you are seeing. There may also be items missing from this initial list, this is not intentional and will be added as we progress.
You can use Character Copy to bring over an existing character from the Live servers.
PLEASE NOTE: The New Legendary Item Imbuement system is not yet 100% complete. We did however want players to get their hands on it and give feedback as soon as possible. Most of the work that still needs to be complete is User Interface and Cosmetic, and there still may some functionality that will be adjusted or changed based on feedback.
Changes in this build
Sunken Labyrinth:
- The two lever puzzles in this instance have been fixed.
Imbued LI:
- You should now be able to disable leveling on imbued LI. Fixed some cases where imbued LI wouldn't be able to gain IXP
- Warden:
- Base Javelin range for all Wardens has been increased to 30m, up from 25m. Assailments javelin range passive has been reduced to 10m, down from 15m.
- Loremaster:
- Bane Flare has now had its base Max. Targets increased to 5, up from 3.
- Hunter:
- Rain of Arrows and Rain of Thorns has had its base Max. Targets increased to 10, up from 5.
- Low Cut has had its base Max. Targets increased to 7, up from 2.
- Guardian:
- Challenge has had its base Max. Targets increased to 10, up from 7.
- Shield Blow Damage will increase the duration of the Guardian's Forced Attacks by 5 seconds before increasing the damage.
- Champion:
- Champion Skill Bubble Magnitude legacy will now lower the cooldown of Sudden Defence by 15 seconds before increasing the Champion's Bubble Potency.
- Unbreakable Damage legacy will increase the duration of Adamant by 5 seconds before increasing Unbreakable damage.
- Fear Nothing Incoming Healing legacy will reduce the cooldown of Fear Nothing by 30 seconds before increasing the Incoming Healing buff.
- Ferocious Strikes Damage will reduce the cooldown of Ferocious Strikes by 5 seconds before increasing the damage.
- Rune-keeper:
- Combustion Damage will reduce the cooldown of Distracting Flame by 15 seconds before switching to increasing the damage.
The Ruined City Instance:
- Audio for the final boss fight is now in
- Boss reset mechanics are now in for Jukotor,Thrug, and Lumithil (Lumithil's has some more refinement coming to it in the future)
- Thrug now has some regen on him to counteract the effects of orc-on-troll violence
- Jukotor's Fell Feint is now about half as deadly
- Fixed an issue where Jukotor's adds get stuck in tents
- Now you can't leap into Jukotor's camp from an illicit pack window
- When Lumithil dies, the wraith illusion he projects dies too
- More polish for the instances in Epic Book 3, 'Voices of the Past'
- Fixed the incorrect name of the Epic Battle in IV.2.8.
Known issue:
- Ruined City - if you wipe on last boss, you have to fight Thrug again on your journey back