Since the instances are required, they should be able to be solo-ed. As a VIP, please allow me to add my voice to the casual players who enjoy the lore and greatly admire the artists and devs for what my supergeek friends say is the most beautiful-looking game online. I play for enjoyment and for the story line. I don't need the ubergear. I appreciate the scaling because I don't need the adrenaline rush of a beating a super-hard instance. I play to unwind. I'm in a kin of more mature players who live in different time zones and are not always available at the same time. Most of the players I've met are nice and while I am willing to fellowship, I have no to wish to depend upon some of these rude and immature players who feel the need to sniff-out your gear before they approve of you. If players want more challenge I hope you can help them out; just don't make the instances a roadblock to continuing the story line. Here's some feedback from yesterday's play with my lvl 100 hunter; instances scaled to 50 for solo attempt:
Dome of the Stars: traps and tripwires had no effect. Trolls' morale were beefy but defeat-able with better strategy and (thank you 3x) morale bubble potion.
Sunken Labrynth: Some of my kin had trouble getting through the first gates. Last boss hardly took any damage; dispatched adds but didn't get close to beating the boss.
The Ruined City: Defeated Jukotor but lost twice to too many after-mobs. For solo play, suggest adds to final bosses stay dead (yeah, I know it's actually a 3-man). Third time on final boss, instance bugged after I killed alter spirit during boss' dialouge. Boss stopped in mid-sentence and I had to leave the instance and come back in. When I did, boss finished his speech as I ran back to the boss room and as soon as I opened the door and got in, he jumped on my case.
Suggest morale bubble potions last longer (not sure how I'll afford them when it goes live but they're sure fun now). As a musician and composer, I complement the music in Eastern Gondor. It is very good. Thank you for much more exciting themes when fighting enemies.