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Thread: Lothlórien Map

  1. #1
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    Lothlórien Map

    All Maps are different... the Gondor Maps have the new photorealistic thing going on, the Enedwaith Map has cool colors and the Moria map looks altogether different. But they all have two things in common: they have roughly the same style, with border and label and the different areas are labled... wait, what about Lothlórien.

    Just because the Galadhrim are the most perfect beings in the known world (no sarcasm intended), that still doesn't excuse their bold exception from the map rule.

    Seriously though, please just add the names of the Lothlórien regions, that really threw me off... you even have it on the Misty Mountains map where the names are way too long!


    p.s. i am in fact almost through the cartogrophile deed, in case you were asking
    Last edited by one_ring12; Jun 22 2015 at 05:14 PM. Reason: to many "..."
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  2. #2
    Arbor's Avatar
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    In my opinion, with the way Lothlorien is laid out on the map, it doesn't allow a lot of places to place more text and therefore would be detrimental if you added more. That's why the point of interest flags are so useful.

    Besides, if you add more text, you run the risk of bogging a map down with too many words and can't appreciate the beauty of the art and how much time someone put in to paint the map.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arbor View Post
    In my opinion, with the way Lothlorien is laid out on the map, it doesn't allow a lot of places to place more text and therefore would be detrimental if you added more. That's why the point of interest flags are so useful.

    Besides, if you add more text, you run the risk of bogging a map down with too many words and can't appreciate the beauty of the art and how much time someone put in to paint the map.
    Yeah I was thinking... maybe replace Cerin Amroth with a landmark flag and take the text off and then add two area tags, but, I mean, it doen't REALLY matter as thing go....

    Thanks for replying!!
    "Wolves? Ha! We fear no wolves! They will not withstand our onslaught. They will be the next to fall! After we destroy the helpless red squirrels, we shall conquer the wolves, and then the world! No one can stop us!"
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    We should mostly just be grateful that Galadhriel doesn't take over our minds every time we get lost in her woods, or kill a protected deer by accident.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arbor View Post
    too many words
    Too many words, is that like "too many notes"?

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  6. #6
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    I wouldn't add more text to it, it's already too cluttered. But indeed there have been change on the maps lately, while they are more accurate because they are less painted/styled and more satelite images, I like old styled lotro maps. Sadly they have revamped many of original versions. What bugs me is that some of their regional maps doesnt have north arrow...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by siipperi View Post
    I wouldn't add more text to it, it's already too cluttered. But indeed there have been change on the maps lately, while they are more accurate because they are less painted/styled and more satelite images, I like old styled lotro maps. Sadly they have revamped many of original versions. What bugs me is that some of their regional maps doesnt have north arrow...
    Yeah, I like the old ones that look like an actual map and have some cool art on them, sort of like Tolkien's maps. The satellite ones aren't as good.
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  8. #8
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    Updated new maps would be great. Just like the "new" Bree/Archet or Thorin's gate map.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rainshade View Post
    Yeah, I like the old ones that look like an actual map and have some cool art on them, sort of like Tolkien's maps. The satellite ones aren't as good.
    I understand why some people would prefer the old maps and I agree that they're beautiful but it takes a lot of resources to paint one map and the new maps are comparatively much faster and easier to create, which frees up art time for other projects.

    As a player, I really like the accuracy of the new maps but do miss the home-style feel of the old ones. But I do think we're in a good place right now with maps.
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  10. #10
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    Yes, the old maps are very beautiful, but I don't mind the new ones either As long as they don't replace the old maps just to make them all match each other. I don't care if the maps don't look the same
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silmelin View Post
    Yes, the old maps are very beautiful, but I don't mind the new ones either As long as they don't replace the old maps just to make them all match each other. I don't care if the maps don't look the same
    I'm in the same boat with this, although I do have one map issue, and that's the overview maps, particularly for Rhovanion. The locations on that map are not aligned with where they are on the world map, so if you're in the Wold, the Rhovanion map thinks that you're in the depths of the Brown Lands, while Amon Hen is essentially on top of the Black Gate. This isn't really a significant problem, but I noticed it when running a kin event, and its a tad disconcerting.
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arbor View Post
    I understand why some people would prefer the old maps and I agree that they're beautiful but it takes a lot of resources to paint one map and the new maps are comparatively much faster and easier to create, which frees up art time for other projects.

    As a player, I really like the accuracy of the new maps but do miss the home-style feel of the old ones. But I do think we're in a good place right now with maps.
    That's really comprehensible. But i would really love to see the old maps from Eriador revised up to the standart of the Gondorian Maps. At least to reduce the diversity of the maps from 3 to 2

  13. #13

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Arbor View Post
    I understand why some people would prefer the old maps and I agree that they're beautiful but it takes a lot of resources to paint one map and the new maps are comparatively much faster and easier to create, which frees up art time for other projects.

    As a player, I really like the accuracy of the new maps but do miss the home-style feel of the old ones. But I do think we're in a good place right now with maps.
    I think the each map is beautiful on its own way. Is hard to find a balance between information & art & i think that LOTRO maps achieve it pretty well.

  14. #14
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    The old (and original) maps were fashioned more like Tolkien's own maps for Middle-earth, more realistic and looking somewhat worn by time and use. The new style that came after is more digital-like and so less realistic and authentic for an ancient time period such as Middle-earth is set in. But alas, not only they introduced this new style but they also changed some of the original maps (such as Archet and Bree) with them, though they have left some other untouched. But from what I have seen they seem to be going back to the older style now with Gondor, and that is good from the immersion point of view.

    I understand though that less resources have lead to these changes.

  15. #15
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    Grondor Region Map Disappointment

    The map I'm most disappointed with is the current Gondor region map.

    Where are the POIs like other maps? It's blank. You have to hover over where you think something is to get a compass rose to click on.

    I'd like something like this:

    Is this map in the game and I'm not finding it? Its on the Wiki, so it must be somewhere. It looks official.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arbor View Post
    I understand why some people would prefer the old maps and I agree that they're beautiful but it takes a lot of resources to paint one map and the new maps are comparatively much faster and easier to create, which frees up art time for other projects.

    As a player, I really like the accuracy of the new maps but do miss the home-style feel of the old ones. But I do think we're in a good place right now with maps.

    As a player I 'm not a fan of the new maps. I actually think you moved into a worse place with them... all in the name of efficient and accuracy. Removal of the fog of war and these 'diner placemat-style' maps was an unfortunate move. The maps of middle Earth always felt so integral to the stories of Tolkien. They're more then just tools to get from point 'A' to 'B'.

    Remember taking long road trips with physical maps instead of GPS... it was a huge pain but I think something intangible was lost with the GPS. Maybe the sense of anxiety over the journey? In any case if feels like a little less of an accomplishment to make it to your goal now.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tirian-Hammerfist View Post
    I'm in the same boat with this, although I do have one map issue, and that's the overview maps, particularly for Rhovanion. The locations on that map are not aligned with where they are on the world map, so if you're in the Wold, the Rhovanion map thinks that you're in the depths of the Brown Lands, while Amon Hen is essentially on top of the Black Gate. This isn't really a significant problem, but I noticed it when running a kin event, and its a tad disconcerting.
    Yeah, I started noticing that myself during East/West Rohan testing. Unfortunately, there's no real way to fix that so the best thing was to remove the red arrow from the overview map because it was going to get worse and worse the further we moved on

    Arnorman, I don't know whether you're joking or not since the first image was a placeholder map for a time but I checked all three languages and the Gondor map looks normal.
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arbor View Post
    Yeah, I started noticing that myself during East/West Rohan testing. Unfortunately, there's no real way to fix that so the best thing was to remove the red arrow from the overview map because it was going to get worse and worse the further we moved on
    I imagined that might be the case, ah well

    Quote Originally Posted by Arbor View Post
    Arnorman, I don't know whether you're joking or not since the first image was a placeholder map for a time but I checked all three languages and it looks normal now.
    Is the top map what you get when you zoom out from Eastern Gondor, rather than the other two parts? I only ask because on the bottom map that Arnorman linked, Osgiliath is still greyed out.
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tirian-Hammerfist View Post
    I imagined that might be the case, ah well

    Is the top map what you get when you zoom out from Eastern Gondor, rather than the other two parts? I only ask because on the bottom map that Arnorman linked, Osgiliath is still greyed out.
    I can't exactly place the bottom map but I think it dates to between Central Gondor's release and East Gondor's development. Either way, it's not the most current Gondor map
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  20. #20
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    Yes that is the map I see when I zoom out from any region in Gondor.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by arnorman View Post
    Yes that is the map I see when I zoom out from any region in Gondor.
    Is this in English, French, or German client? PC or Mac?
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  22. #22
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    English. What map should I be seeing when zooming out from East, Central or West Gondor if not the blank one?

  23. #23
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    Pretty much the same as the second image, except Minas Tirith has been replaced by Eastern Gondor and Osgiliath is highlighted

    I honestly don't see how you're getting the first image
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  24. #24
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    Arbor, thank you for responding to my posts. Probably a bug. Kinda frustrating but not a game breaker. Every patch I look to see if it's been updated. Keep up the good work!

  25. #25
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    Are you on a PC or Mac? What OS are you running? I doubt it has anything to do with your problem but it's always good to ask

    If you want, you can also PM me your character name and server and I can copy your character and see if anything is up
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