On September 14th we will begin transfers off of the first two of our closing worlds Elendilmir- US and Estel- EU. On that day the transfer button will appear in the launcher and allow players to move characters and accounts for free from Elendilmir and Estel ONLY to any of the remaining worlds for the corresponding region. (US- Arkenstone, Crickhollow, Landroval and Gladden *Brandywine remains closed to transfers at this time. EU- Belegaer, Gwaihir, Sirannon, Laurelin, and Evernight) After this date free transfers off Elendilmir and Estel, will remain available. There is no need to rush into making a decision. You will continue to be able to play on your source world until 2016. If you wish to move to Brandywine and are on a US source world, you can stay on your source world until we re-open Brandywine as a destination world. We expect to do this towards the end of the year.
Kinship leaders and members of Elendilmir and Estel, prepare for your moves and make sure to check in to see where your kinship mates and friends plan to go. Remember that to make a Kinship transfer smooth, the Kinship Leader should move character and shared data to the destination world first, followed by the Kinship members so that everyone is auto-added on the new world. More info on Kinship and Tribe moves here: https://www.lotro.com/en/game/articl...transfer-guide
We will monitor these transfers and the health of the populations of the destination worlds and will move on to the next two worlds in the weeks following if all is well. You can see a list of closing worlds in order here: https://www.lotro.com/en/game/articl...e-announcement
In the meantime we are working away in the background setting up the new hardware and datacenter to make the remaining worlds ready for you to enjoy. Transfers between remaining worlds will reopen after the new hardware is in place.
All the info on the consolidation effort and the details on transfers and what goes with you along with an FAQ can be found here: https://www.lotro.com/en/game/articles/world-transfers
Thank you all for your continued patience and feedback on this process!
Athena “Vyvyanne” Peters
Executive Producer, Lord of the Rings Online