what server has the most people and what servers do you guys recommend?
what server has the most people and what servers do you guys recommend?
So I went and signed onto that server, created a character, ran him through the intro and took him out into breeland....
and there were no other toons around. nobody chatting....nothing
So what time of day does the party start?
If you talking in order of size, from largest to smallest, its currently:
1) Brandywine
2) Landroval
3) Crickhollow (current "recommended" server)
4) Arkenstone
5) Gladden
But don't confuse quantity with quality..... As a new player, I would currently recommend Crickhollow. Because it is the recommended server, a lot of new players start on this server, which means you will have plenty of people in the lower level zones you could group up with, you may see a lot of newbie questions in World chat that you may also want the answer to, and there is a reasonable chance there are kinships recruiting new players because of the larger influx.
Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.
I am on Brandywine as I had heard that was the most populated. Although I only see maybe 5-10 players running around in the lower areas where I currently am. So if you want to be able to group up with other new players, check out Crickhollow. I do want to mention though there are at least two kinships recruiting actively on Brandywine that I saw!
My thanks : )
Welcome to Laurelin!
If you mean talking in the channels such as regional and LFF, role play talk goes on in /say. Player events start at (or around) 20:00 (UK time), but there are many other folk and role players that are on when EU sleeps, even entire (rp at least) kinships. In any case, feel free to write to me in-game and I will be glad to welcome you while on the server too.
And to the other recent posters, remember this thread was made especially about the Laurelin server, though I thank you for posting. But if the enviroment and community that this server offers does not interest you (and that is all right), I think it is not wise, nor profitable for you asking/talking about recommendations for other servers in this same thread. For apart from being not related to this thread and its content, and purpose (which is to welcome newcomers to Laurelin), if you start one yourself then more people will see your question and what you are looking for on a server, and you will have more replies.
As for population, Laurelin was very well populated even before the transfers, and since the server has ever being the only Official RP Supported (English-speaking) server of LotRO, along with the more Tolkien/lore immersive enviroment, naturally it has attracted very many over the years from other servers and this as you may understand has meant an important further growth of the population of the server. I have spoken with a great many players over the years who did/do not role play, but came to Laurelin for the additional rules, and the Middle-earth inspired creations that greatly enrich the experience one may have on the server.
Last edited by Erennor; Feb 11 2016 at 11:40 PM.
Sergio :-)
Moved from Riddermark to Landroval on 2/10/1015!
Sergio :-)
Moved from Riddermark to Landroval on 2/10/1015!
regarding finding few folks online when it is off peak time... remember laurelin is a Europe server, meaning that is you are from NA, you will not find the bulk of population on and all the nice events at your prime time, that is off peak for everybody else. Despite what some may tell, the difference in population during prime and off time is definitely very noticeable. saying "many" online regarding off peak is very subjective
The server surely has many folk that play when EU sleeps, and if one thinks that this is not true, or subjective, then he/she has not done his research it seems. The social panel can show this. And when it shows that there are more than sixty or seventy, (and even one hundred it may chance) people just in Bree-land, Ered Luin, and in the Shire, then yes, the many players from US/Canada that play during these hours stands true, and it is the other opposite view that is rather subjective it seems.
It has not been said, or presented that there are more players during these hours than on the US servers, nor that there are events at that time. And as was said before, Laurelin was a former EU world. It is not just and only a EU server now. People from US servers have been coming to Laurelin since 2011, when Turbine took over Laurelin (and the other worlds) from Codemasters. I know this (as many others too on the server, for they have seen it through their kins, role play, events, and more), as I have seen it, and experienced it on an even daily basis a lot of the times.
hm... yeah. It might just be that I don't see everything with rose tinted specs. Or that I don't take the opinion of one as the absolute truth while mine is automatically wrong. A bit touchy hm. Oh well, nevermind
But it is not an opinion only, or over-positivism, when that is based on an official source such as the Social Panel in this case, (and that does not show all players as there may be some set as anon). And this, like a few others, one may know well enough in his/her mind, though not willing to accept it.
I have opened it before many times over the years and I have seen that many players on when EU sleeps.
A hobbit wedding in the Shire!
[And to new folk that may be watching this and have not yet downloaded LotRO, this it seems is recorded on medium level; the graphics are more detailed in highest settings]
I love this server and its community/ies.
This is just another visual example of its long and rich Middle-earth immersive and player-character interactive nature captured in a video.
Last edited by Erennor; Apr 17 2016 at 02:54 PM.
Elves and music under the starlight
In the
Hall of Fire
[Pictures taken by the player of Herulomwe]
Sea-elves journeying to Rivendell.
[Screenshots by the player of Istuir]
I am a new player and I joined Brandywine, as I know a couple people who play on it. I've been bringing a few friends over to the server as well.There are a decent amount of people that I've seen running around the lower level zones. If you're new and on Brandywine, hit me up!