Good day, can i ask when become available new neighbourhood in Bree-land, on Landroval?
There are no neighbourhoods with more than 2 Deluxe Houses in one anymore.
It would be nice, because we want buy couple houses into one neighbourhood.
Thank you.
Good day, can i ask when become available new neighbourhood in Bree-land, on Landroval?
There are no neighbourhoods with more than 2 Deluxe Houses in one anymore.
It would be nice, because we want buy couple houses into one neighbourhood.
Thank you.
I think when all the houses in one neighborhood are full, another neighborhood is automatically created. So if you can find one that is almost full, you can buy the last remaining houses, wait for a fresh neighborhood to appear, then abandon your old house and buy the ones you want.
Ill do a neighborhood pass today to open more up on servers that are short. Thank you for letting me know!
Ok all worlds have been resupplied with neighborhoods if they were running low on deluxe houses. The only one that should be short is Gwaihir who has hit the cap on human housing, but should have availability for the other races.
I have been wanting this for a long long time.......
Of course the current housing is accessible to all levels, and you can buy a house at level 15. Houses in Moria and Rohan etc are "locked", and one needs to be careful that a level 7 can't just use the house-travel skill and get ported into Moria somewhere. I guess you could make the portal to move OUT of the housing area only accessible to people of a certain level so you can't just head out to Moria 21st hall as a low level or something....
But yeah, new housing in level 50 or higher zones would be great:
Dwarf: In Moria, off of the 21st Hall somewhere with a door.
Elf: In Lothlorien, probably with a zone entrance on the north side of the zone.
Human: Wildermore! Winter homes that can be reached by going up the mountains near Harwick.
Hobbits: The Stoors of Enedwaidth have hobbit holes for rent.
Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.
Thank you!
3 days later I just checked the neighborhoods in Landroval. Except for some Thorin's that have 2-3 deluxes, the other neighborhoods have only "the house that nobody wants" or the "kinship house that nobody wants" each. For example, Michel Delving has ~50 deluxe houses, but they are all useless for those who want to have their kinship and members in the same neighborhood. I don't see any differences in Falathlorn.
There should be a way for a group of players to generate their own neighborhood, and then release it to the public. 5, even 10 new neighborhoods from time to time, are just a drop in the desert.
Please ignore my ridiculous running animation.