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So I am in the process of grinding my Hobbit up to level 15 so I can by a house for my "fellowship".
I have avoided going to see the houses as of yet (I am favoring a hobbit hole) mostly because I am afraid there aren't going to be any available when I get there. Kind of like not wanting to take off a bandaid.... so I thought I would prepare myself a little bit by asking, is housing hard to get on Landroval? Or are their usually several openings? The impression I get is that its a little tight, and you just have to be there at the right time when one cycles back to availability. I should just ride out there to see, but I don't want to until I reach 15.....
So...whats the Availability like?
The devs seem pretty open to adding more houses if the pickings get too thin on the ground. If there aren't any hobbit hole deluxe houses when you go looking for one, pop up a thread like that one.
Neddor, Untrustworthy Guardian of Arkenstone
Massan, Captain Nutter of Laurelin