Downtime Notice: Tuesday, October 18th 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT)
The LOTRO game worlds will be unavailable on Tuesday, October 18th from 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT) to release Update 19: March of the King. Thank you for your patience, and we'll see you in the game soon!
Cedar trees in North Ithilien lose their fidelity at a moderate distance.
A Premium House owner who transfers to another server will receive a mail that says funds to purchase an equivalent house on the new server are attached, but no funds are attached.
Premium Housing Belfalas vendor discounts are not applying in the Cape of Belfalas neighborhood.
The Premium Housing House UI does not display the house's owner.
Animations - Elf NPC's are running faster than they should.
Fall Festival - Dyes are missing from Dwarf, Hobbit, and Elf barter vendors.
Quest - North Ithilien - The objective doesn't indicate to speak to Lokhu-achi after using the final mossy stone.
Quest - North Ithilien - Warbands are not awarding boxes of spoils.
Skills - Smell the Roses toggle skill does not suppress a mount speed buff if you are already on a mount.
A couple more Known Issues that cropped up today. We're working on a fix for these.
Premium and Classic Housing - Players will occasionally be locked out of their premium houses for a five minute period. We are currently working on a fix for this issue.
Premium Housing - Several wall and floor surfaces are not displaying their hooked surfaces and colors.
Premium Housing - VIP players are getting an erroneous UI display for housing upkeep. VIP players do not need to pay for housing upkeep on their Premium houses.