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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Exclamation BUG: Purchasing Additional Kinhouse Storage Using Mithril

    If you already have the maximum number of storage slots in your kin house chest (225) the option to buy more using 100 mithril coins still shows up.
    However clicking on this does not provide you with additional storage - it just simply deducts 100 mithril coins .... I clicked on it 5 times, before realizing the storage space hadn't increased....

    Have submitted a ticket in game (and been told it will take a few days to investigate).

    In the meantime I'm down 500 mithril coins while they sort this... so figured I would post to warn others not to make the same mistake.
    Last edited by Xvaliant; Oct 18 2016 at 06:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    So far we have been unable to reproduce this. When we check, the button to purchase additional Kin Housing Storage greys out once we hit the maximum possible to purchase. Can you provide us with more detail about what your purchase process was, and how you determined you purchased additional storage beyond the maximum limit?

    Individuals should currently be able to purchase up to 195 slots, and Kinships can purchase up to 255 slots. Note that we did increase the maximum available limit in U19 today.
    Community Manager, Lord of the Rings Online
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Hi Cordovan,

    I did the following:

    • Purchased Island Kinhouse (Tol Lochul, Cenodal) on my alt "Knightwatch" who is a kin leader of a small casual kin
    • Gave full permissions to "Knightly" who is my main and part of a different kin (larger mainstream raiding kin)
    • Visited Tol Lochul on Knightly and inspected chest - it showed 225 slots with option to purchase additional space using mithril coins
    • Clicked purchase additional space 5 times on Knightly
    • 500 Mithril Coins were deducted (5x 100) as per above screenshot but storage chest remained at 225 slots
    Last edited by Xvaliant; Oct 18 2016 at 06:57 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Seems like the bug is NOT that you can still spend mithril coins at the cap. The button doesn't grey out for you because you're at 225, while Cordovan says the cap is at 255.

    The bug is that you're not receiving extra storage space once you're at 225. This may help troubleshooting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Some additional testing:

    I went back to the same storage chest on "Knightwatch" (the toon which brought the kin house) and albeit hesitantly spent an additional 200 more mithril coins (2x 100 mithril coins) to increase storage.
    This time storage chest correctly jumped from 225 slots to 255 slots and the "Add Space" option disappeared as expected.

    I then logged to "Knightly" (my main character in a different kin) and inspected the same chest and can confirm the updated slots were available and the "Add Space" option also disappeared.


    • Still 500 mithil coins down (awaiting update/refund from turbine)
    • Recommend players are careful when purchasing additional storage - probably best to either purchase using the character that owns the kinhouse or in the very least falls under the same kin name (regardless of permissions)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    I ran into a similar bug. We had 75 slots open on the chest in the new kin house we bought and were eligible to purchase more for 240 gold. I purchased the upgrade, the game deducted gold from my account, but the slots remained at 75. I actually did it twice before noticing that something was wrong. So now I'm out 480 gold while they investigate further.


    P.S. I wasn't the kin leader or even in the kin, but was given full permissions, so maybe that's the issue.
    Last edited by Morbir; Oct 18 2016 at 07:01 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Silly question @XValiant but did you check the storage for the kin Knightly is in as I would be guessing that you may have upgraded that kins storage rather than the intended one ????

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Dirlettia View Post
    Silly question @XValiant but did you check the storage for the kin Knightly is in as I would be guessing that you may have upgraded that kins storage rather than the intended one ????
    Unfortunately I am neither an officer or kin leader for that kin so do not have access to the storage chests or knowledge of storage capacity beforehand or currently to compare.
    Furthermore, albeit I see where you are coming from it makes zero sense for the "Add Storage" function in a kinhouse in the bay of belfalas for one kin to affect the storage capacity of a completely different kin, with a kinhouse in the elf homesteads!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    We have been investigating this since we began receiving this report yesterday, and have discovered an issue with non-Kin members trying to buy Kinhouse Storage for other Kins. Until this is resolved:

    IMPORTANT NOTICE: Only members of a Kin should attempt to purchase additional Kinship Housing Storage.

    We are still investigating and working to resolve this issue.
    Community Manager, Lord of the Rings Online
    Follow LOTRO on: Twitter - Facebook - Twitch - YouTube
    Personal channels (No SSG talk): Twitch Twitter Facebook
    Support: help.standingstonegames.com

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    We have been investigating this since we began receiving this report yesterday, and have discovered an issue with non-Kin members trying to buy Kinhouse Storage for other Kins. Until this is resolved:
    IMPORTANT NOTICE: Only members of a Kin should attempt to purchase additional Kinship Housing Storage.
    We are still investigating and working to resolve this issue.
    Thanks for the update. I see there is a warning on the launcher also now.
    I have sent you a PM Cordovan.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Just to update that I received my 500 mithril coins back and as most would have gathered the issue is due to be patched.
    Thank you to Cordovan & +Caergoth+ for the assistance and pro-active action. Both Legends.



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