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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Unlock more Cape of Belfalas neighborhoods PLEASE !

    So I've finally piled up (bought actually) enough Mithril Coins to buy a kinship house for my kin and a small house for myself in Cape of Belfalas on the Gwaihir server.

    Then I realized there is no kinship island left. ZERO. NOT A SINGLE ONE. ALL SOLD.
    As if it wasn't enough of a disappointment, I also realized there are only THREE small houses left ON THE WHOLE SERVER and NOT A SINGLE ONE in my desired location.

    Dunno if that's also the case on other servers but Turbine could you PLEASE unlock more neighborhoods at least on Gwaihir as soon as possible? Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Check every few days, believe they auto-release after a certain % of total homes are sold in total neighborhoods. Thursday mornings are usually a good day to check things.

    I'm so happy I bought homes in Belfalas now that Turbine is adding Auctioneers next update to our premium neighborhoods.

    Last four things Turbine needs to figure out in Belfalas:

    1. A way to summon people to your home. (Suggest a home placard on each mailbox next to every belfalas home allowing a home owner to summon fellowship members as well).

    2. Add a way to buy vault space for each home.

    3. Fix owner pop-ups, many of the homes don't pop-up owner information when you approach them. Example, 1 Silver Lane and 4 Bay Street.

    4. Join Instances from inside your kin neighborhood.


    Add kinship buffs at kin houses in Belfalas.
    Last edited by greetingsdownunder; Dec 06 2016 at 04:07 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    In addition to the above requests, I'd like them to add street names on the map, and street signs in the neighborhoods.
    “All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by DisplTru View Post
    So I've finally piled up (bought actually) enough Mithril Coins to buy a kinship house for my kin and a small house for myself in Cape of Belfalas on the Gwaihir server.

    Then I realized there is no kinship island left. ZERO. NOT A SINGLE ONE. ALL SOLD.
    As if it wasn't enough of a disappointment, I also realized there are only THREE small houses left ON THE WHOLE SERVER and NOT A SINGLE ONE in my desired location.

    Dunno if that's also the case on other servers but Turbine could you PLEASE unlock more neighborhoods at least on Gwaihir as soon as possible? Thank you.
    Why? Plenty of premium houses to rent on all the servers, heck some players charge as little as 500gold a month for a kin house. Just ask around in chat, it's pretty easy to find a player with at least 20-30 premium houses they rent out each month.

  5. #5
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    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by xinofie View Post
    Why? Plenty of premium houses to rent on all the servers, heck some players charge as little as 500gold a month for a kin house. Just ask around in chat, it's pretty easy to find a player with at least 20-30 premium houses they rent out each month.
    1.) I have more than enough gold to rent multiple houses from other players but renting is not an option. I want my kinship's name on the house, I want the house port and the freedom to set the permissions and much more.
    2.) I also want to support Turbine with my money instead of giving away some ingame gold to other players.

  6. #6
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    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by DisplTru View Post
    1.) I have more than enough gold to rent multiple houses from other players but renting is not an option. I want my kinship's name on the house, I want the house port and the freedom to set the permissions and much more.
    2.) I also want to support Turbine with my money instead of giving away some ingame gold to other players.
    Here is the thing with this, as soon as they do open up new housing areas they are all just bought up by players who rent them out. You are supporting turbine, either way as the houses are paid for the exact same.

    Just the way it is now, and they seem to not care.

  7. #7
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by xinofie View Post
    Why? Plenty of premium houses to rent on all the servers, heck some players charge as little as 500gold a month for a kin house. Just ask around in chat, it's pretty easy to find a player with at least 20-30 premium houses they rent out each month.
    Not everybody trust other players to rent. I would never do this.

    People should not have to do this. They opened up neighborhoods for the old housing, they can do it for the new. If this is causing such a problem of people buying tons of houses just to rent then Turbine needs to step in & do something.

    I don't know about you, but any house I buy in this game I want to have ownership myself where I can do what I want & when & not have someone else interfering.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Send in game ticket of that and they will open new neighborhoods.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by DisplTru View Post
    I also want to support Turbine with my money instead of giving away some ingame gold to other players.
    Wow, what a novel idea.
    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Are people buying to let in Turbine, what next. Just how would that work? How many houses can a person (Character) own? I have a kin house and a personal in Bree Homesteads on my VIP account and 2 F2P accounts that have 1 simple house each. IMHO buying to let is as bad as selling Instance Loot, luckily Turbine stopped that.
    Freep Loben:Hunter:(R14)130 Izuru:RK:(R5)130 Masakana:LM:(R5)130 Umdlali:Mini:(R5)130 Inkosi:Champ:68 Ukaputeni:Cappy:(R0)55 Umsizi:Warden:49 Isela:Burg:(R6)130 Umlondolozi:Guard:31 Boscovar:Hobbit Mini 29 Dwani RK:21 Irno Burg:16
    Creep Eish:BA:R7 Silentpaw:Warg:R5 Inyanga:Def:R3 Umgomo:Reaver:R2 Mpara:WL:R2 Isicabucabu:Spider:R3

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by xinofie View Post
    Why? Plenty of premium houses to rent on all the servers, heck some players charge as little as 500gold a month for a kin house. Just ask around in chat, it's pretty easy to find a player with at least 20-30 premium houses they rent out each month.
    just wow, idiocy strikes heavily here... 500g per month to someone, who can kick u anytime... and owning 20-30premium houses

    laughing, some ppl have to go over the bench all the times, in any direction...

  12. #12
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    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Lobengulu View Post
    Are people buying to let in Turbine, what next. Just how would that work? How many houses can a person (Character) own? I have a kin house and a personal in Bree Homesteads on my VIP account and 2 F2P accounts that have 1 simple house each. IMHO buying to let is as bad as selling Instance Loot, luckily Turbine stopped that.
    It would seem that Turbine are totally unaware of the lengths some players will go to to make in game gold. It will come to no good eventually, if they keep putting in these gold farming avenues. Not that all are doing it, but some probably are, and gold selling will be the downfall of the game in the end. Turbine have no control over it anymore with the ease that players can make gold - they'd be better off putting gold in the store, and making the money off it themselves, take the market away from gold sellers.
    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.

  13. #13
    Tybur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DisplTru View Post
    So I've finally piled up (bought actually) enough Mithril Coins to buy a kinship house for my kin and a small house for myself in Cape of Belfalas on the Gwaihir server.

    Then I realized there is no kinship island left. ZERO. NOT A SINGLE ONE. ALL SOLD.
    As if it wasn't enough of a disappointment, I also realized there are only THREE small houses left ON THE WHOLE SERVER and NOT A SINGLE ONE in my desired location.

    Dunno if that's also the case on other servers but Turbine could you PLEASE unlock more neighborhoods at least on Gwaihir as soon as possible? Thank you.
    Neighbourhoods will slowly roll out over time as houses are occupied, but if you find particular houses are in short supply, please do file a bug report with the server name and house type and we will try to advance the process on your server.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tybur View Post
    Neighbourhoods will slowly roll out over time as houses are occupied, but if you find particular houses are in short supply, please do file a bug report with the server name and house type and we will try to advance the process on your server.
    Would this apply for traditional housing too? There is a large shortage of new neighbourhoods/specific house types in the old homesteads.
    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I like those ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by greetingsdownunder View Post

    1. A way to summon people to your home. (Suggest a home placard on each mailbox next to every belfalas home allowing a home owner to summon fellowship members as well).

    2. Add a way to buy vault space for each home.

    3. Fix owner pop-ups, many of the homes don't pop-up owner information when you approach them. Example, 1 Silver Lane and 4 Bay Street.

    4. Join Instances from inside your kin neighborhood.


    Add kinship buffs at kin houses in Belfalas.

    Considering 'renting':
    With the prices of the houses I can barely imagine to buy up many houses solely to rent them to others -and perhaps having to run after the money if players leave the game or aren't online or refuse to pay.

    Looking at the other side of that issue: We bought a small handful of houses in Belfalas and managed to get them in one homestead to allow our low chars from Gondor to play in an approbiate environment. I gave permissions of one house of mine to a kinmember but we are real life friends and so that is different from having to put trust in complete strangers. I wouldn't like to be at the mercy of one another with the 'renting' of a house - since I could be put out any time, not only losing ingame money but perhaps loosing account bound items left in the hooks until send back...
    With the shared storage chest between normal and premium house I wouldn't considering losing the chest or trusting a stranger with shared contents, too.
    Last edited by Derquin; Dec 10 2016 at 06:32 AM.

  16. #16
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    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Tybur View Post
    Neighbourhoods will slowly roll out over time as houses are occupied, but if you find particular houses are in short supply, please do file a bug report with the server name and house type and we will try to advance the process on your server.
    I have to wonder why it works the way it does. I should be able to buy any house I want if it's with premium currency. Oh, I know there must be some reason for a limitation, but if I'm putting "real money" behind the purchase, I should be able to start a new instanced area if "my" desired house isn't available. I don't understand the limitation on the size, either. I want an island, regardless of the kinship.

    You guys did a great job introducing new housing when people wanted it. I just don't know why you stopped where you did and put limits on it.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ardineck View Post
    I have to wonder why it works the way it does. I should be able to buy any house I want if it's with premium currency. Oh, I know there must be some reason for a limitation, but if I'm putting "real money" behind the purchase, I should be able to start a new instanced area if "my" desired house isn't available. I don't understand the limitation on the size, either. I want an island, regardless of the kinship.

    You guys did a great job introducing new housing when people wanted it. I just don't know why you stopped where you did and put limits on it.
    My personal opinion as always.

    There is permanent increase in the operating cost of a world when a neighborhood is created. In addition, there is performance hit on the world after a neighborhood is created. Turbine does not want all the communities created quickly.

    Slowing the creation process down has several nice features:

    1) It makes it more likely that people will fill up existing neighborhoods before a new one is created.

    2) It gives Turbine time to see how the performance is degrading. Turbine can take corrective action such as upgrading the world. Disabling neighborhood creation. Without running into the situation where the performance is not acceptable.

    3) The neighborhoods are finite. Turbine would want to know when they are getting near the limit. That way they have time to update the game software to create additional neighborhoods.

    4) It would delay any sudden increase in operating expenses.
    Unless stated otherwise, all content in this post is My Personal Opinion.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by peachykins View Post
    Not everybody trust other players to rent. I would never do this.

    People should not have to do this. They opened up neighborhoods for the old housing, they can do it for the new. If this is causing such a problem of people buying tons of houses just to rent then Turbine needs to step in & do something.

    I don't know about you, but any house I buy in this game I want to have ownership myself where I can do what I want & when & not have someone else interfering.

    As pretty as the new housing area is it all feels so tainted somehow for me.

    I'm not adverse to buying stuff from the store and really the more money Turbine get the better from a game continuation point of view but I just couldn't rent off somebody else I'd be worrying all the time about them pulling the plug (even if I paid reliably). There is much in the game where the real life store is evident but with the new housing it is too in your face for me (and I didn't complain about the mannequins when they came out).
    Must remember to engage brain before using keyboard

  19. #19
    Tybur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arnenna View Post
    Would this apply for traditional housing too? There is a large shortage of new neighbourhoods/specific house types in the old homesteads.
    Yes,this also includes classic housing. If you cannot find a particular house type, please file a bug report with your server, the type of neighbourhood (belfalas, elf, dwarf, hobbit, man), and the type of house (standard, deluxe, kinship, stately, luxurious, premium kinship, kinship island). However, on some servers, we have reached the current upper limit on Bree neighbourhoods, so in that case a game update will be required before we can respond to any bug report and speed the roll-out of new neighbourhoods.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tybur View Post
    Yes,this also includes classic housing. If you cannot find a particular house type, please file a bug report with your server, the type of neighbourhood (belfalas, elf, dwarf, hobbit, man), and the type of house (standard, deluxe, kinship, stately, luxurious, premium kinship, kinship island). However, on some servers, we have reached the current upper limit on Bree neighbourhoods, so in that case a game update will be required before we can respond to any bug report and speed the roll-out of new neighbourhoods.
    Can you tell us which servers those are?



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