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  1. #1
    Tybur's Avatar
    Tybur is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Team
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    Bullroarer Update 20 - Preview and Release Notes

    Welcome to the Update 20 Release Notes for Bullroarer, released on Friday, March 10th. These notes will change over time.
    We have updated Bullroarer with a new preview build of Update 20.

    • Please note that the Beta EULA and ToS have not yet been updated, and will still incorrectly display the Turbine EULA and ToS.
    • New Epic Volume 4 Book 8 will not be available during the U20 open beta.
    • We would love your feedback on Update 20 and would particularly appreciate any comments you may have about the 6 person resource dungeons and their difficulty.

    Notable Changes Since U20 Beta 1:

    • Minor adjustment to Chat UI so that text doesn't get cut-off at the bottom.
    • In response to feedback, the Mark/Medallion cost increase of the Small Reputation Acceleration Tome has been reduced somewhat.
    • In response to feedback, Imbued legacy tiers will no longer increase with U20. Please note that if you unlocked all imbued legacy tiers in U20 Beta #1, you might note some oddities on your Bullroarer character. Please equip a new legendary item if you encounter difficulty.
    • Guardian Follow Through now increases Shield-Smash targets to 8 when fully traited. Follow Through increases Shield-Smash targets by +2 at rank 1, +2 more at rank 2, and +3 more at rank 3.

    Update 20 additions:

    • The world has a new area, "The Wastes" with 3 new regions: Noman-lands, Dagorlad, and the Slag-hills. You can access this area and start the new quest content in the Camp of the Host.
    • Two new resource dungeons: After completing the required quests, you can enter solo versions of Skoironk and Carchost using the doors found in the Slag Hills. For the fellowship versions of the dungeons you will need to speak to nearby npcs after completing the fellowship quests.
    • Four more custom tabs have been added to the chat panel. Chat tabs are now allowed to display across two rows at the top of the Chat window.
    • New crafting recipes for endgame tokens: Two Host of the West recipes have been added to the Anorien crafting tier for each profession (Cook, Jeweller, Metalsmith, Scholar, Tailor, Weaponsmith, and Woodworker). You can also acquire 2 additional recipes per profession via rep barter, and there is a 1-shot recipe that drops for each profession.
    • The pet collection has been re-vamped so that it now displays every pet available in the game. We are aware of an issue with kite pets not appearing in the camera, and some TBD pets which are planned for Update 20 but not yet complete. You should be able to preview pets, summon pets you own, and drag a pet skill to a quickslot from the collection UI. The old pet collections and associated titles can now be found under social deeds. To complete these deeds, summon each pet in the collection. Two new pet collection deeds were added: Best Bugs - beetles collection & Fetching Foxes - foxes collection.
    • With Update 20, the following instances are now in the Featured Instance rotation: Lost Temple, Glinghant, Fornost: Wraith of Earth, Seat of the Great Goblin, Sword-hall of Dol Goldur, and Flight to the Lonely Mountain. Featured Instances now have a chance to drop Wastes crit crafting items and rep token bundles for the Host of the West Quartermasters.
    • You can now acquire an "Ornate Inlay" in the T2 challenge Throne of the Dread Terror. This allows players to barter up their existing Throne of the Dread Terror equipment.
    • Two new flora repeatable quests for the Wastes have been added. These quests will count towards Assisting the Herbalists: North Ithilien. Both are bestowed by Arador out of the Host of the West camp after completing Noman-lands quest content. Phials of Golden and Violet extracts can be collected from flora in the Wastes, and traded for rewards at the Herbalist.

    Quests and Questing areas:

    • Players with the vector quest "Incubated by the Flaming Deeps" underway (incomplete) will have to reobtain the quest from the NPC.
    • You can now perform emotes on the stages in Belfalas premium housing areas.
    • The Bree Scholar's Hall no longer has a visible exterior.
    • North Ithilien - Cair Andros: The Captives - fixed Maushlak occasionally not entering combat.
    • Instance: The Reclamation of Talath Anor - Typo/wrong VO in instance entry dialogue and background dialogue has been fixed.


    • Skirmish - The price of the Small Reputation Acceleration Tome is being increased to better reflect Mark and Medallion acquisition rates.
    • Return to Arnach travel skill scroll now properly requires Friend standing with Rangers of Ithilien, not Kindred.
    • Older and scaling instances received a large scale pass to provide/improve Beorning specific container drops where they were missing or not class appropriate.
    • Nanu has finally come out of hibernation and started moving again! The turtle's hiding place has been updated.
    • Dyes - "Dark Purple" and "Deep Purple" were used in different places to refer to the same colour. All references to this colour have been unified to "Dark Purple."
    • Sigileth's daggers are now appropriately flagged as daggers, not swords, in the wardrobe.
    • Auction House - Cosmetic Pets - The Aurochs Calf, Stowaway Rat, and Sand Flies cosmetic pet items now properly post to the "Cosmetic Pets" Auction House category.


    • Burglar - Using Track Treasure will deactivate an active resource tracking skill and vice versa. Only one type of item may be tracked on the mini-map at a time.
    • Captian's Reform the Lines skill has received a visual update.
    • Captain - Elendil's Fortune buff is no longer removed when the Captain is healed.
    • Captain - Five stacks of Elendil's Fury will now cause your next Blade of Elendil to consistently grant a defeat event.
    • Captain - Last Stand Heal legacy will now properly increase the Last Stand heal.
    • Captain - Increased initial value of Defensive Strike Armour Buff legacy.
    • Champion - Riposte now unlocks on partial parries.
    • Champion - The Physical Mastery Buff from Battle Frenzy now refreshes reliably.
    • Guardian - Guardian Follow Through now increases Shield-Smash targets to 8 when fully traited. Follow Through increases Shield-Smash targets by +2 at rank 1, +2 more at rank 2, and +3 more at rank 3.
    • Hunter - Archers Mark now properly reduces a target's critical defense.
    • Hunter - The Blood Arrow heal over time duration has been decreased from 20s to 10s without changing the overall magnitude of heal, so each tick is larger.
    • Lore-master - Enfeeble-modified debuffs should properly account for other sources of debuff strength.
    • Lore-master - The Fellowship Friend buffs from the Bear and Raven now properly reduce incoming damage.
    • Lore-master - The Firm Grasp trait now works with the daze effect that Lightning-storm can gain from certain items.
    • Lore-master - Lore-master Resist Legacies (non-imbued) have been re-balanced to be more effective at higher tiers.
    • Minstrel - Follow Up now works out of combat.
    • Rune-keeper - Essence of Storm no longer removes the "Charged" buff which makes Sustaining Bolt free.


    • In the Fellowship Mini Panel, fellows buffs and debuffs will no longer disappear after a fellow is defeated.
    • Fixed a display problem that would cause effects icons to jump around and flicker. This should also be a small performance improvement for the client.
    • The following emotes now have animations: assist, attack, blush, brb, curtsey, drool, fight, grumble, hug, innocent, mumble, pat, ready, resist, rest, stare, stretch, succumb, sweat, tear, wait, & wink. "Nothing" should be the only text-only emote remaining for all races now. The /pat emote chat text has been changed to reflect the new animation. The hug emote will now show hugging self animation.
    • You will no longer see any mobs above level 105 (until Update 21).
    • Updated french and german mordor map.
    • The accelerator button should no longer appear on the Deed panel for reputation deeds.
    • NPCs standing with crossed arms will no longer show held items.
    • Beleriand weapon fx is now more noticeable.
    • Mount skill icons should now all appropriately ghost when you cannot use the skill.
    • The Mordor map should now more correctly display fellow member locations.
    • Added a Stable-masters Collection button on the radar.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Tybur View Post
    [*]Guardian - Guardian Follow Through now increases Shield-Smash targets to 8 when fully traited. Follow Through increases Shield-Smash targets by +2 at rank 1, +2 more at rank 2, and +3 more at rank 3.
    Thank you for the targets tweak , but shield smash aoe is still broken and it doesn't spread very well.
    For example , if there is an enemy exactly behind your main target , he won't be hit at all.
    It only spreads left and right , like an arc...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Without too much checking out I really want to point out that the nodes in fellowship crafting instances should be made to quest items, so we don't fight over who picks those up with our fellows. Said this to Cordovan on the stream too, but not sure he understood I didn't mean landscape.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Thank-you for listening to feedback about the LI legacy increase!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Tybur View Post
    Notable Changes Since U20 Beta 1:

    • In response to feedback, Imbued legacy tiers will no longer increase with U20. Please note that if you unlocked all imbued legacy tiers in U20 Beta #1, you might note some oddities on your Bullroarer character. Please equip a new legendary item if you encounter difficulty.
    what person complained about more tiers on the LI system? I look foreword to more tiers, and personally am unhappy that they have been removed.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    • Minor adjustment to Chat UI so that text doesn't get cut-off at the bottom.

    Great to see this. Thought the issue might have been on my end

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    I think it would make pvp balancing harder, if you would increase the weapons now. And in my opinion some of the legacy should not scale further, like the burglar dmg sign.
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Thumbs up Well Played

    First time I am seing this kind of a reaction to feedbacks. I was begining to worried about the games future but with an action like this from you guys, I am more encourged to play the game in the future. Very nice job guys, this was what players have been expecting from you a for all the time. All that empos and crystals I bought for my alts will be pointless but I am still happy cuz this is for greater good. If you keep listening feedbacks like this and sorting out major issues/bugs we will be a nice big lotro family

    Keep up the good work!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    2 Things:

    Is just my hunter (in red line), Dazing Blow (meelee attack) now doesnt work ?!!!

    I dont understand why Virtue Traits doesnt up at least one level - to 20. Mainly when Imbued legacy tiers will no longer increase.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Emraneth View Post
    Thank-you for listening to feedback about the LI legacy increase!!!
    does that mean there will be no new tiers with u20?why?if they want to listen to players then they shall remove imbuement system rather then stopping what it was intended to be about.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Zepherzaper View Post
    what person complained about more tiers on the LI system? I look foreword to more tiers, and personally am unhappy that they have been removed.
    same here under some point of view as about those tiers was the imbuement system.if so why they dont listen to greater voice calling for removing the imbuement system as its grindy as hell?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Turresmo View Post
    2 Things:

    Is just my hunter (in red line), Dazing Blow (meelee attack) now doesnt work ?!!!

    I dont understand why Virtue Traits doesnt up at least one level - to 20. Mainly when Imbued legacy tiers will no longer increase.
    I saw in another thread that main stat on cloaks was upped by like +100 additional points over last bullroarer relaes and on top of that 2500 crit or so. Perhaps that's enough of an increase?

    Personally I would not mind virtues to be 25 now, I would have a few max. But...you should see the locals here screaming about virtue grind being too much already at 19: the reason is they don't actually play the game much or enjoy the areas. They don't really enjoy hanging in the game much at all. Six or seven updates with too few quests to even finish rep with area factions made them lazy perhaps?
    They just want max everything gear and essences and emps for as little work as possible - preferably from an instance so they don't have to see the new area after epic but can sit in bree south spamming /lff.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Thank you for adjusting the stats of the will cloak.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Turresmo View Post
    I dont understand why Virtue Traits doesnt up at least one level - to 20. Mainly when Imbued legacy tiers will no longer increase.
    Personally, I think they should go back to the virtue cap being level cap divided by 5 like it used to be. That would put the cap at 21 currently.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Tybur View Post
    Notable Changes Since U20 Beta 1:

    • In response to feedback, Imbued legacy tiers will no longer increase with U20. Please note that if you unlocked all imbued legacy tiers in U20 Beta #1, you might note some oddities on your Bullroarer character. Please equip a new legendary item if you encounter difficulty.
    • Guardian Follow Through now increases Shield-Smash targets to 8 when fully traited. Follow Through increases Shield-Smash targets by +2 at rank 1, +2 more at rank 2, and +3 more at rank 3.

    Very nice, thank you!

    Permanently retired. Was Kibilturg, Guardian of Imladris (then Landroval & Crickhollow) and ~40 alts.

  16. #16
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    Jul 2012
    • In response to feedback, Imbued legacy tiers will no longer increase with U20. Please note that if you unlocked all imbued legacy tiers in U20 Beta #1, you might note some oddities on your Bullroarer character. Please equip a new legendary item if you encounter difficulty.

    You still have no clue why ppl complaining???
    Let me give you a free advice once again:

    You rised 10 tier more = you should granted 10 tier for ppl who just maked new LI !!!
    U19 you granted tier 35 for newly imbued LI - max tier 59
    U20 you will granted tier f.e. 45/50/55 for newly imbued LI - max tier 69
    why you listened again ppl who are casual/spent lowest possible time ingame n do not put any effort to gear them out :-)
    why you listened ppl who think that only them are cool to beat nearly 1 year old raid with their freshly collected flowers jewells :-)

    Game MOVEs on with NEW UPDATE and n ppl just stucked in one place because THEY ARE LAZY or have no time to play.
    So you gonna listen to those player base i guess :-)

    Who gonna run SS when new pocket is better?
    Who gonna run instances because they do not need new StarLits ?
    Who gonna run Featured Instances when LLC is outdated, essences recipe are outdated etc.

    The only reason were get new empowerment scrolls n Starlit is LI tier raised !!!

    Try harder "previous Turbine workers" pls !!!!
    "To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supereme excellence.
    Supreme excellence consist in breaking enemys resitance without fighting" Sun Tzu - the Art of War.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Now that housing items like Nanu are being fixed, how long until Sarumans Orrery item is once again animated like it is within the instance and doesn't just sit there idle?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Changes based on feedback

    I agree more LI tiers aren't necessary unless the content is harder, but be careful modifying updates based on forum feedback alone. People unhappy with changes are more likely to comment than those who are happy about the changes so ideally you could somehow ask the general population if they agree with the comments before acting on them?

  19. #19
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by tharielc View Post
    I agree more LI tiers aren't necessary unless the content is harder, but be careful modifying updates based on forum feedback alone. People unhappy with changes are more likely to comment than those who are happy about the changes so ideally you could somehow ask the general population if they agree with the comments before acting on them?
    Turine Turambare - Warlord - Warg Slayer - Weaver's Enemy - Reaver's Enemy - Blackarrow's Enemy - Warleader's Enemy - Defiler Foe
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  20. #20
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by BotLike View Post
    Thank you for the targets tweak , but shield smash aoe is still broken and it doesn't spread very well.
    For example , if there is an enemy exactly behind your main target , he won't be hit at all.
    It only spreads left and right , like an arc...
    Yeah thanks for the targets tweak. And yeah you don´t hit targets behind the casttarget. Interessting is you targetes behind you like a 360° aoe skill. So not all in front everytime but for that 360°.
    So 360° is not bad but i doupt it should work so but not hitting all in front everytime is a bad thing.
    But this both to getter don´t clarefying the mechanich, should it be a 360° aoe, fornt aoe or an arch with wich you run trough all until you have hit your target and all besides it, but then you stop and second line is save.
    At the current stateitlooks a little bit like rng if you hit 8 or not.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Thanks for listening to the Guardian folks feedback.
    Thanks for dropping the LI teirs - though out of all the backlash, that one didn't bother me that much - its the 59 tiers that are already in place that are the problem for newly capped alts.

    Rep tome decrease - is too small, and the new price will still affect low level players in a negative way. If you wish to slow down the reputation on the new update - do it by adjusting the rep reward amounts on the new update content, not by upping costs of rep tomes for players of all levels. That way, it only affects capped players running the new content - as it should be if you're just trying to make content last longer. Don't put those of us sitting on constantly replenished marks mountains at a massive advantage over players that are not - it's not right.
    Last edited by Arnenna; Mar 11 2017 at 05:24 AM.
    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arnenna View Post
    Thanks for listening to the Guardian folks feedback.
    Thanks for dropping the LI teirs - though out of all the backlash, that one didn't bother me that much - its the 59 tiers that are already in place that are the problem for newly capped alts.

    Rep tome decrease - is too small, and the new price will still affect low level players in a negative way. If you wish to slow down the reputation on the new update - do it by adjusting the rep reward amounts on the new update content, not by upping costs of rep tomes for players of all levels. That way, it only affects capped players running the new content - as it should be if you're just trying to make content last longer. Don't put those of us sitting on constantly replenished marks mountains at a massive advantage over players that are not - it's not right.
    well first it´s not heavy to levelup alts lis and equip them. second there is a reason why some players sitting on a mount of mark/meds and others not it´s called in-instances-spend-time, so it´s fair to have an advantage, wich is easy to get. It´s a simple system run instances (best t2c), earn marks/meds->no problem to equip alts( lvling lis and get the gear)

  23. #23
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    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Mukor View Post
    well first it´s not heavy to levelup alts lis and equip them. second there is a reason why some players sitting on a mount of mark/meds and others not it´s called in-instances-spend-time, so it´s fair to have an advantage, wich is easy to get. It´s a simple system run instances (best t2c), earn marks/meds->no problem to equip alts( lvling lis and get the gear)
    You don't have to tell me how marks are made.

    A level 65 player can run all the instances they can fit in, at the same rate as a level 105 player running t2c's. Their mark balance will be hugely different - yet, they both don't have the same requirement for rep tomes. End gamers require rep tomes - much less than lower level players need them, because they've already done all the rep grinds along the way, for their rep gated gear. They also all have their guild crafting done, so they could add their relics to their weapons. Lower level players still have all that to come, at much higher prices to speed it up than we every had. So . . . . not a fair advantage. This increase is pandering to level cap players with massive mark acquisition - I am one of them, and I see it as totally unfair and unjust on lower level players that do not have the same level of mark acquisition purely because they are lower level than I am.

    If they need to slow the rep gain on the new update - they should do it - within the update, so it only affects players that are doing that content. Of all the things they've added to make it harder for lower level players to get through grinds - this is by far, the worst. If it's a case of they think end gamers are making too many marks - then hit the end gamers with lower rep gains for content - not up the price across the board for all level players running all level content. Blanket fixing is rubbish. This is much easier to target and sort out than what they are doing. I know it, they know it - and you know it too.
    Last edited by Arnenna; Mar 11 2017 at 05:49 AM.
    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Arnenna View Post
    unjust on lower level players that do not have the same level of mark acquisition purely because they are lower level than I am.
    Why do low level players need these tomes and how much?
    Did they really farm it before the price increase on lower levels?

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Siddharta View Post
    Why do low level players need these tomes and how much?
    Did they really farm it before the price increase on lower levels?
    They don't. They can instead level cap , do 1 hour thorog farm and grab as many as they want.
    If they want to do rep on level , it will take longer , but at least they'll get to do them same way we did back on lvl ^^

    People seem to forget rep acceralator is a quality of life item , that simply speeds up things.

    Other games wouldn't have a similar item at all , other that the store.

    It was too cheap before , it looked ok-ish on build 1 , it looks perfect now , at least to me.


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