Welcome to our fourth open preview of Update 21: Mordor. These notes are for Bullroarer, released on Saturday, July 15th. Both these notes and the update are a work in progress, so you should expect things will change over time.
- New Epic Volume 4 Book 9 will not be available during the U21 open beta.
- 'The Black Book of Mordor: Where the Shadows Lie' is not available during this preview weekend.
- Mordor armour appearances are not yet in the game. New armour (including cosmetic armour) will appear invisible when equipped (defaulting to your underclothes).
- Due to special test server conditions, the Black Gate will not appear destroyed regardless of your quest status. You WILL however be able to walk up to and through the Black Gate without taking damage or being defeated (as of Monday 7/17 @ 3:30 am server time).
New since last preview:
- Avatar updating has continued for the human models (the elf updates are not yet available). To control the appearance of your avatar on your screen, use the Options panel - Advanced Graphics - "Avatar Update Visible". To examine the differences between the old and new models, you will note a toggle in the character generation UI that allows you to see the original or updated appearance for each option. The barber will also now allow you to adjust the body size slider. We would love your feedback on the changes in the human faces and hair styles.
- The High Elf race is again available and a number of cosmetic and animation alterations have been made since last weekend. We would love your continued feedback on the new racial starting area, racial traits, new animations, and the avatars overall.
- The Allegiance system is now fully available for preview (although allegiance point granting items have not been added to the tavern). Once you reach level 110 speak to Eomer just inside the Black Gate to pick up 'Men, Elves, Dwarves, and Hobbits'. Join an allegiance and begin your quests. We welcome your feedback.
- MonsterPlay - Creep Ratings and skills have been bumped up to level 115 equivalent. PLEASE give us your feedback on how the new values play; which things are now too powerful and which things still feel too weak - Fly my pretties! Fly!
- Featured Instances: Sammath Gul replaces Glinghant, Dungeons of Dol Guldur replaces Fornost: Wraith of Earth, Halls of Night replaces Seat of the Great Goblin, and StoneHeight replaces Sword-hall of Dol Guldur in the featured instance rotation.
- Grace of the Firstborn out of combat movement speed increase will no longer stack with other movement speed increases.
- The game credits have been updated.
- The last few lurking bog-lurkers have been removed from Udun.
- Off-hand weapons and shields have been hooked up as quest rewards.
- Crafted consumables and specific crafted gear have updated stats. Some missing crafting ingredients have been added to the crafting hall of the tavern.
- The human female forward run animations have been adjusted per feedback by changing the overall body mechanics.
- Barbers can now modify your character's body type.
- High elves now have different idles and the run while holding a shield has been adjusted.
- The male High Elf run animation has been adjusted to seem more grounded and to reduce clipping of cloaks by the right arm.
- High elves can enter and walk around inside hobbit homes.
- The incidence of High Elf specific class skill animations has been reduced for Hunters and Wardens. Shield-swipe animation will trigger.
- Set bonuses will no longer appear on future pelenor gear drops (existing pieces will retain their bonuses).
- Shadow of Mordor no longer wildly over-buffs ranged and tactal mob damage.
- Some incomparable Mordor Jewelery was missing an essence slot. This has been rectified.
- Fixed some incorrect values for outgoing healing on Mordor gear.
- The High Elf racial weapon bonus has been increased to 5%
- Weapon damage tables have been updated for Mordor. This included imbued legendary items.
- Doomfold hides now drop from mobs in Gorgoroth.
- New loot profiles have been added for all Gorgoroth monsters.
- Shadow effects visible on your character avatar will now only be visible to you.
- Increased the number of saved logins on the game launcher from 10 to 100
- Folks using Windows Vista, XP, and 2000 no longer need to download a TurbineLauncher.exe.config file in order to use the "legacy" game client that is compatible with those systems. If you previously downloaded the replacement config file, you can leave it alone or replace it with your original. There is now an option to "Use Legacy Client" in the launcher options. If you take no action, the legacy client will be used on Windows Vista and prior systems. This option cannot be changed if you have an overriden TurbineLauncher.exe.config.
Release Notes:
Explore Mordor
- Explore Gorgoroth, including:
- Udun, the entryway that holds great forges, quarries, and parade grounds of Mordor.
- Dor Amarth, the rocky plain holding the broken bones of Barad-dur
- Talath Urui, located south of Mount Doom, home to key fortresses, prisons, and military establishments.
- Lhingris, west of the Morgai ridge, home to Cirith Ungol.
- Agarnaith, a valley southeast of Barad-dur with a dense, pestilent, and bloody swampland.
Level Cap Increase
- The level cap has been raised to 115.
Allegiance System
- This new end-game system allows players to pledge their allegiance to one faction at a time. Pledge yourself to the Dwarves, Elves, Hobbits, or Men, and unlock rewards through activities in Mordor, including a unique story arc! Currently you can access the system, but the items required to advance progress in an allegiance are not yet available in game.
Light of Eärendil/Shadow
- Areas of Shadow can be found in varying intensity throughout Mordor. These areas weaken visitors, but the Light of Eärendil can counteract this darkness. Your character will see a Shadow and Light Rating, which will help you understand the threat posed by the Shadow. Items that grant Light of Eärendil can be found in Mordor.
- Above level 105, class trait points are awarded at levels 108, 111, and 114.
- Beorning:
- Beorning skills no longer work through walls.
- Sacrifice bonus wrath generation now lasts 20 seconds, up from 12 seconds.
- Nature's Mend no longer behaves like a wrath consuming skill.
- Grimbeorn's Spirit and Bond of Trust no longer override each other.
- Vicious Claws will only refresh one instance of Bash bleed, and no longer remove others.
- Claw Swipe and Slash bleeds no longer replace each other.
- Expose now affects all Beorning damage skills.
- Fate stat contributions have been improved.
- Tier 11 crafting is now available for every profession. A full new crafting tier is now available for level 115 items. No new Craft Guild tier is required.
- Five new resource instances are now available to help crafters acquire the ingredients necessary for Tier 11 crafting.
- The Smoking animation will no longer hitch when starting, and the character will immediately move when breaking out of the emote.
- Landscape treasure containers can be found throughout Gorgoroth, and can be found in both common and uncommon versions.
- Item levels in Mordor now range up into the 300s.
- Ash of Gorgoroth system: This system allows players to break down unused or unwanted Mordor equipment into Ash of Gorgoroth, which can then be used to purchase new equipment from a vendor. Some items cannot be deconstructed. Each Crafting Profession also has a new recipe to create an item that can be deconstructed.
Legendary Items
- The Imbued Legendary Item level cap has been increased. There are now ten additional levels for Legacies, five of which can be unlocked, and five of which are granted for free.
- Some monster AI behavior has been improved.
- Fixed the pose for Heburga in East Rohan.
- Monster players can now be level 115.
Quests and Adventure Areas
- Several typos have been corrected in the Anniversary Scavenger Hunt.
- In the Quest: Scouting the Wild, the white stone marker being searched for is no longer obscured by a large bush.
- The waypoint teleportation horse in the Dead Marshes is no longer hiding in tall reeds.
- The name "Instance: One Hope Remains" is now consistent when replayed from the Reflecting Pool.
- Various floating stumps in the Pelennor Fields have been reintroduced to the ground.
- In the Wastes, a scrap deposit was lowered to within reach of prospectors, flickering water was removed, and some invisible physics were adjusted to match the surroundings.
- A title and second 10 Year VIP Portrait Frame are now available to qualified players.
- Settings that are saved in the userpreferences.ini file, such as graphics preferences, are now saved to disk when the character options panel is closed. This should reduce the risk of settings being unexpectedly lost.
- There are four new options in the advanced graphics options page:
- Frill Density: Specifies the percentage of frills that are loaded. Use a lower setting for better performance.
- Dynamic Particle Rendering: This is an experimental setting that allows you to select which particle effects to render on dynamic objects such as your player and NPCs. Note that some effects will still play even when disabled and you may lose important feedback.
- Static Environmental Objects: Enables particle effects on motionless environmental objects such as braziers and lanterns. Disabling this setting will improve rendering performance in areas with many environmental particle effects.
- Precipitation Effects: Enables weather effects such as rain and snow.
- Updated the Overall Graphics Quality defaults for the Frill Density and Frill Distance settings:
- Very Low = 0.0
- Low = 0.25 ( Frill Distance has been changed from none to low )
- Medium = 0.5 ( Frill Distance has been changed from low to medium )
- High = 0.75
- Very High = 1.0
- Ultra High = 1.0
- Fixed a floating chest in East Rohan.
- A quest has been added to the E&G Tavern for auto-completing Volume IV Book 8, 'The Black Gate'