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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    An Errand for Frodo bug?

    On the daily Mordor quest "An Errand for Frodo" I see the rings on the mini map of where the Nurnhoth should be but when I go to those locations they are not there. On some of them they might be on multiple levels but when I check they are still no where to be found. Is anyone else experiencing this or am I doing something wrong?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Same here. I'm running back and forth on different levels, but no Nurnhoths on marked locations.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Forodir View Post
    Same here. I'm running back and forth on different levels, but no Nurnhoths on marked locations.
    Thanks for the reply. I think I'm going to bug it. If other people are having the same issue on this quest please post here and bug it in game as well. Thanks!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    They are in different areas and levels. I have done that one a few times and have completed it. But they are hard to locate, also sometimes they do not respawn quest rings right away.

  5. #5
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    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Ainworth View Post
    They are in different areas and levels. I have done that one a few times and have completed it. But they are hard to locate, also sometimes they do not respawn quest rings right away.
    I'm glad to hear that it's possible -- if it's too much of a pain to find them I might see if I can add some more; many more of them currently spawn than you need to complete the quest, but it's such a difficult place to get around in that I wouldn't mind adding some more.


  6. #6
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    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Pathagarus View Post
    On the daily Mordor quest "An Errand for Frodo" I see the rings on the mini map of where the Nurnhoth should be but when I go to those locations they are not there. On some of them they might be on multiple levels but when I check they are still no where to be found. Is anyone else experiencing this or am I doing something wrong?

    As painful as this can be, these location markers could be the potential spawn points.
    In place of a dark lord, you shall have Queen...... All shall love me and despair


  7. #7
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    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post
    I'm glad to hear that it's possible -- if it's too much of a pain to find them I might see if I can add some more; many more of them currently spawn than you need to complete the quest, but it's such a difficult place to get around in that I wouldn't mind adding some more.

    Personally I think the biggest problem is that the rings occasionally appear before the Nurnhoth. I found lots and lots of rings, but even standing on the ring at 3 different levels found no Nurnhoth -- and it was a pain to have to check 2 or 3 levels to see which one it's on.

    Would it be possible to resolve the issue of having a ring with no slave to free? It would also help if there were a way to keep the rings from showing on multiple levels -- if I see it on my mini-map, I'd love for it to be on the level I'm on.
    Celordal: 130 RK, Galynna: 130 champion, Tiluriel: 130 LM, Jaenoviel: 120 captain, Aethyria, 120 hunter, and a few other toons -- Tortoise Society of Middle Earth, Brandywine; Lots of other alts

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bitza View Post
    Would it be possible to resolve the issue of having a ring with no slave to free?
    I think this is mostly happening because of the way I was trying to make them only appear when you're on this quest -- if it's fine for them to be there even for ordinary questing, this might not be an issue. It just felt weird to have these slaves you couldn't free when you're in there without the quest.


  9. #9
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    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post
    I'm glad to hear that it's possible -- if it's too much of a pain to find them I might see if I can add some more; many more of them currently spawn than you need to complete the quest, but it's such a difficult place to get around in that I wouldn't mind adding some more.

    After spending 2.5 hours running around Naerband on all levels and still being 0/6, a GM auto-completed the quest for me. So yes, I'd definitely say add some more.

  10. #10
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    Jun 2011
    I spent like 30min with a partner running Naerband to find the slaves. We even asked in World chat we they were and they told us that we could find them along the long corridor near the entrance.

    It wasn't the case. We went to the upper levels, to the flaming dungeons, to the other corridor, and nothing. We finally found them in the dungeons were there are a lot of torturers and also a Troll sitting there without attacking you. The problem was that if you are in a fellowship, when the partner frees the slave, you don't get credit for that and the slave dissapears. You need to wait for them to respawn, and some of them respawn faster than the others.

    Finally we finished the quest.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post
    I think this is mostly happening because of the way I was trying to make them only appear when you're on this quest -- if it's fine for them to be there even for ordinary questing, this might not be an issue. It just felt weird to have these slaves you couldn't free when you're in there without the quest.

    Ah, I understand the goal. My opinion is that is IS a dungeon, and they ARE slaves, so having them hang around (with no rings over their head!) when I don't have the quest isn't any different than having prisoners in cells; or empty stocks sitting around.
    Celordal: 130 RK, Galynna: 130 champion, Tiluriel: 130 LM, Jaenoviel: 120 captain, Aethyria, 120 hunter, and a few other toons -- Tortoise Society of Middle Earth, Brandywine; Lots of other alts

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    MoL. Was there going to be a change to this quest in the new build? I didn't see anything in the notes?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pathagarus View Post
    MoL. Was there going to be a change to this quest in the new build? I didn't see anything in the notes?
    Nothing yet, I don't have a solution ready. It would need to be in one of the bigger updates.


  14. #14
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    Jun 2011
    Initially I avoided this daily because there were quicker ones to do elsewhere.

    I have since done is a few times: I turn right along the first passage, take a first left and go up and round to the left and wait. There are 3 in close proximity and I reuse them over the few minutes it takes to re-pop. However like other quest where the npc you need just ups and runs off it just leads to player frustration. You find one only to have someone else use it before you. The new 6 elves in Udun quest has similar problems, I could see quest rings on the minimap but no elves to interact with. I logged off and on again to get them appearing.

    You could say arriving at your house and finding it empty a similar problem that may be linked and that's been around a long, long time now. Sometimes you get an error opening your vault and find no bank will open for you 'til you relog.

    Tree rats is another quest that has the players at odds with each other, as someone bags "your" Rat, "Squeeek". If only everyone knew the technique to use. Can only imagine these are designed to promote player conflict. Same with Hatches and Locked Doors dailies in Udun. If everyone would just CC the locked door mob, use door and run away none need to be killed. However it's poorly implemented, the mob has the nounce to threaten my Hobbit in a /say but can't initiate an attack? Yet someone arriving on the scene get the aggro? But both the last two quests just need players to work out how to use the hatch or door while the mob(s) are still alive to prevent a respawn if they want to leave it free of mobs for the next player. I think devs just haven't adjusted to the tiny QA dept, they need to get it right from the start. And why is Dalesman Crams better for regen than anything you can make in game now MoL?


  15. #15
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Macdui View Post
    Same with Hatches and Locked Doors dailies in Udun. If everyone would just CC the locked door mob, use door and run away none need to be killed. However it's poorly implemented, the mob has the nounce to threaten my Hobbit in a /say but can't initiate an attack? Yet someone arriving on the scene get the aggro? But both the last two quests just need players to work out how to use the hatch or door while the mob(s) are still alive to prevent a respawn if they want to leave it free of mobs for the next player. I think devs just haven't adjusted to the tiny QA dept, they need to get it right from the start. And why is Dalesman Crams better for regen than anything you can make in game now MoL?

    So you're one of the annoying people who leave the mobs at the hatches & doors, just kill em! Nothing wrong with the QA dept. Open the hatch & kill the 2 mobs or check the door & kill 1 mob, then move on to the next hatch/door.
    Evernight - Walred (Champ), Walmur (RK), Walbert-2 (Cappy)

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Once_of_Bree View Post
    So you're one of the annoying people who leave the mobs at the hatches & doors, just kill em! Nothing wrong with the QA dept. Open the hatch & kill the 2 mobs or check the door & kill 1 mob, then move on to the next hatch/door.

    Knowing that killing these mobs is much more of a challenge for many players than it may appear (especially for the softer tactical types thanks to the passive tactical DPS nerf), I don't get that upset to find these mobs left behind. For many doors, anyone can use a door without actually aggroing the mob already there (just approach from the side). For hatches, though, I do wish people would clean up after they are done by aggroing all of their generated mobs and running them off (they disappear quickly that way).

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post
    Nothing yet, I don't have a solution ready.
    So this morning I spent some time looking into this quest again, and basically I'm just dissatisfied. The random spawns for the Nurnhoth are there to get you to move through the space, so you don't just use the same one over and over... but sometimes the same one can spawn again anyway, and if lots of people are in the dungeon you're mostly encouraged just to stand by one spawn and hope he eventually comes back, which isn't great.

    It feels like the real way to fix this quest is to take out the random spawns, make three or four new versions of the Nurnhoth, and have you free those three or four. It won't have the randomness, but if it makes this quest less of a bummer it's probably worth it.


  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Once_of_Bree View Post
    So you're one of the annoying people who leave the mobs at the hatches & doors, just kill em! Nothing wrong with the QA dept. Open the hatch & kill the 2 mobs or check the door & kill 1 mob, then move on to the next hatch/door.
    Nothing wrong with the QA? So why does the Door spawn not attack when you use a clear door?
    Why can you open all the clear hatches without getting aggro from the goblins that pop?
    Why can you use the same Tree Rat six times to complete quest?
    How come one ally quest has you enter Lhringris to kill one bug and you're at the hand-in stage already? Do all the spiders in Lhingris only feed on one mob a day? If you catch some spiders bashing on a bug you can progress the quest with a killing blow stooping for a stone.
    Why is that Archer still stuck in that wall at the top of the mountain, it's been three months?

    For opening doors those squishy classes have better skills for CC and moving on. My Guard can equip a shield and stun but it takes an age. Frankly it's easier/quicker to kill mounted than on foot for a Guard. Are you saying on my Guard I have to kill the mob that's there and kill the mob I spawn? When it's quicker to just ignore the mob and move on?

    For hatches on my Guard I'll aggro the whole hillside if the goblins are spawned just because it's more efficient killing a mass of mobs just to watch peeps come along and freely use "my" cleared hatches. Not so bothered, I might get an ash deconn.

    As I said the design/implementation of many of these types of quest is just to have the players at odds with each other and delay our progress. Often it's down to whether of not a player has worked out how to efficiently progress through to completion; if you use a hatch or door whilst a connected mob is alive you don't pop a new mob. If you think QA is not undermanned then maybe you're less likely to realise this and be forever killing twice. CC use door/hatch finish off mob if want but don't kill twice blaming others for not being a champ or hunter killing machine.

    More on QA:
    Why has crafted regen food been surpassed by Dale-men's Crams.
    How come my metalsmith can't make lvl 115 shields after 10 years of shield crafting?
    How come my woodworker can make T10 essence without needing an 18 hour CD craft item? To make up for her career in Crossbow crafting coming to abrupt end?
    How come my crafted item level 326 outgoing heal necklace has +20 LoE when the other outputs give +10 LoE?
    Nine tiers of crafting with better crit item names given a different name/colour and discarded for mordor recipes with tooltips that show no difference between outputs. The whole tier needs an overhaul, not this piecemeal fixing.

    QA is there just to check the server doesn't crash, the players are the QA now!


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Alrighty, I've restructured this quest and I feel better about it. Now there are specific Nurnhoth Captives to free, the quest rings won't act strangely and it'll be a much less frustrating experience. Expect this quest to be better in the next big update (not 21.3).


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post
    Alrighty, I've restructured this quest and I feel better about it. Now there are specific Nurnhoth Captives to free, the quest rings won't act strangely and it'll be a much less frustrating experience. Expect this quest to be better in the next big update (not 21.3).

    Yay, thanks!
    Celordal: 130 RK, Galynna: 130 champion, Tiluriel: 130 LM, Jaenoviel: 120 captain, Aethyria, 120 hunter, and a few other toons -- Tortoise Society of Middle Earth, Brandywine; Lots of other alts



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