In Volume I Book 7 Chapter 6: Thror's Hammer, Dwalin sends you to Skorgrim's tomb to retrieve Thror's Hammer to make a key. So I've gone through the instance at least 4 times and killed Faerdamil the shade who is supposed to drop Thror's Hammer. However, Faerdamil never drops it for me. Please help, thanks.
We are working on a hotfix to address an issue where Thror's Hammer isn't properly dropping. This hotfix will also hopefully allow us to open the new raid, and correct an issue where some chests in classic instances aren't properly dropping loot.
We are working on a hotfix to address an issue where Thror's Hammer isn't properly dropping. This hotfix will also hopefully allow us to open the new raid, and correct an issue where some chests in classic instances aren't properly dropping loot.
V1.B8.C1 "The Flickering Flame" has the same issues. Also "The Mithril Slaves" a repeatable quest in Dolven-View that requires an infused Garnet when killing the slaves the mithril does NOT drop.
"I never feed trolls and I don't read spam" - Weird Al Yankovic
I thought my high Elf was going to go crazy with Thror's Hammer not dropping. Must've done it 10 times today. Sorry others are having a problem with it too. I guess I'll wait. *taps foot*