Hmmm probably Jajax!
Me of course.
Bilbo Baggins joke with disappearance was hilarious
Gimli is a fine contender ^^
Not all those who wander are lost
I have to say Radanir, because all his fellow rangers kept telling him not to jest whenever he was sent to do something serious. Like in the Interlude: The Ox and the Dragon. I found his attempts at trying to goad the worms quite funny.
Tom Bombadil of course!![]()
I think, Bingo Boffin! I like his prank with shoes at the Fall Festival![]()
"It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door. You step into the Road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to."
Bilbo Baggins
I'll say Pippin
Which resident of Middle-earth do you think has the best sense of humor?
Hmm probably Radagast...but who knows what he's been smoking![]()
*~*~*~*~* Bereth - Hunter ~120 *~*~*~*~*
*Officer<3 ~Misadventurers~ <3 Elendilmir #1*
*~*~*~*~* <3 Arkenstone #2 <3 *~*~*~*~*
That dwarf at Trollshow that enjoyed a good crawler's mash.![]()
Gandalf has to deal with every race of middle earth...he has to have an amazing sense of humor!
Tom Bombadil for me, especially the chapters involving Bingo Boffin.
I like that dwarf in the High Elf start instance. I would check the name but I am in the Anor server que! Oi!
I too think Tom Bombadil has a marvelous, other-worldly sense of humorNothing fazes him!
From the books, I found Treebeard quite humorous, although he wasn't really trying to be![]()
Bingo for sure !
Have to say Gandalf. He liked to play with words, and if that wasn't enough? he gave the ring to a hobbit, that's funny!
Which resident of Middle-earth do you think has the best sense of humor?
It's definitely Elrond. "Let's see how many time I can get {insert character name} to keep coming back to see me from all over Middle-earth." -Elrond
Barliman Butterbur
Jajax for sure!
Gwinthilnel: Elleth Hunter lvl 140~~~Hadniel: Woman Minstrel lvl 115~~~Gwynduilas: High Elleth Captain lvl 62 ~~~Gwindethen: Elleth Runekeeper lvl 28
Kin: The Cliff Divers
Orc Mazog
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cool, Bilbo
Mordrambor. I always have a laugh at the things he says while in captivity at Tinnudir. He's like an angsty goth teenager.
Gimli for sure
Thorin III with that "Rust and Rime" fetch quest. I was thoroughly punk'd