I would be an Ent for a day if could.
Pontin Level 140 Hobbit Burglar Leader of Second Breakfast Crickhollow Server.
other classes: Minstrel, Guardian, Captain, Hunter.
Taken many Screenshots of Middle-earth, Also a Moderator of the LotRO Community Discord server
"If you could transform into any Middle-earth creature for a day, what would it be?"
A groundhog, during groundhog day, starring Bill Murray.
There are groundhogs in Middle-earth, aren't there?
Last edited by Boristown; Dec 04 2018 at 03:59 PM.
When Life Gives You Rotten Lemons, Your Lemonade Will Taste Horrible !
Definitely Aragorn.
Because I really loved his role? Sure, but more than that because I already have his costume from my last role playing convention, so I could really get into character.
}A Giant Eagle!{ ...Second choice would be Shadowfax.
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay; Small acts of kindness and love. Why Bilbo Baggins? Perhaps because I am afraid, and he gives me courage.” ~J.R.R. Tolkien
I would make a great warg.
Landroval Music Community
Pouncival-Rank 15 aroo-Leader of the Pouncing Pwny
We Pounce Because We Care
Tom Bombadil.
Hey what's everyone replying for?
Hmmm "Creature" you ask?? I would have to say Gollum, he sure knows his way around!
As far as ummm "Non Creatures" go, I would like to be that silly and sometime brave Bingo Boffin, he finds the best adventures and Adventurers...MISadventurers included!
*~*~*~*~* Bereth - Hunter ~120 *~*~*~*~*
*Officer<3 ~Misadventurers~ <3 Elendilmir #1*
*~*~*~*~* <3 Arkenstone #2 <3 *~*~*~*~*
I got to be a Horse & a Chicken in Session play, and a Spider in Monster play. But it might be fun to be a Goblin? ...Or a Beorning!
"One thing drives out another." [Barliman Butterbur]
Bounder Boffin - head of the Hobbit Patrol and one of many banes of a Sackville-Baggins' existence.
Into my own char, an elf!
Itd be great to "really" know Middle Earth in person!
with a 2nd thought.........
i d like to be a dwarf again but Thorin oakenshield this time
not dead by chasing some stupid orc leaders, there was Dain ironfoot for this work......
but live long, kick eastrlings away n prosper in Erebor having everyday fests with my kin n friends!
6th of December, st Nickolas day, my name day .......
happy name day to all Nickolas, Nicko, Nicky, Claus, Nickollete out there!!!!
lotr enthousiast since 1996, over 12 years lotro player, lifetimer, Loyal member of the Spartans Kinship and Subleader, now in Evernight imigrants from Eldar
I would be a hobbit. Pretty sure I'd be serving drinks in the Green Dragon. I am very hobbity in real life and the Shire would be my home
A Middle-earth creature for a day? I believe that refers to humanoid and beast types of monsters. In that case I'd like to transform myself into a Frost-Grim with hope being them for at least a day would help me to figure out how they actually functionate and learn more about these peculiar Ancient Evils
If it was only for a day, I think I would have to be a Gauradan. I love the fighting style and have a short-list of candidates for roundhouse retribution.
An Oliphaunt
I hear the jury's still out on science...
Anonymous Ithilien Ranger or Rohirim Rider or some Elven warrior to create my own epic story
Yippy now the latest issue of Beacon will be posted soon I hope