Just wanted to be sure Iw asn't the only one who didn't receive the bonuses from the incentives of the Extra Life event; I got no word from Cordovan, but I guess they'll all been pretty busy with the xpac, and the movember event. Maybve Cordovan explained it on his stream and I just don't know about it.
Just wanted to be sure Iw asn't the only one who didn't receive the bonuses from the incentives of the Extra Life event; I got no word from Cordovan, but I guess they'll all been pretty busy with the xpac, and the movember event. Maybve Cordovan explained it on his stream and I just don't know about it.
Did You follow his requests to submit Your info to him in a PM via this web-site PM function ??? Have You checked Your PM Inbox here on the web-site ???
I did not participate this year, but last year we did, my son and I and we had no issues recieving our bonuses for donating. I did not even bother to claim some of it, like a unique title in forum or even unique avatar. Haven't even used the codes for a bear etc yet either. Maybe I will eventually, but that was not why we donated anyway. We donated to donate. Could be that he is piled up. Yes he did mention it in streams. Can't remember which stream or if in multiple streams even.
Just so you don't feel alone, I also have not received the Extra Life donation bonuses. I have sent a PM with the items I would like. I just think Cordovan is very busy.
I finally got around to watch the latest Cord Of The Rings stream from Friday.
Cordovan did mention it in more detail in this one. It's pretty early on in the stream too. About 3:04 into the video he starts talking about it and also get to info about the incentive bonuses from Extra Life etc.
In the coming two weeks or so, I will be working to get everyone their stuff. If you have already provided me with the things you are looking for from the Community Loot List, I intend to reply back with codes you can redeem. If I need to ask I will reach out to you. I will also send out separate private messages in the coming days to the winners of the drawings.
Per usual, please be patient, as I am doing this largely during my off-hours at night ahead of the holidays.
You are not alone, I have not yet been able to start distributing the incentives, although both games now have their winners lists published. In this next week (before Thanksgiving) I am intending to start getting these codes distributed.
Just wanted to be sure Iw asn't the only one who didn't receive the bonuses from the incentives of the Extra Life event; I got no word from Cordovan, but I guess they'll all been pretty busy with the xpac, and the movember event. Maybve Cordovan explained it on his stream and I just don't know about it.
Additional info on this posted by Cordovan today in another sub-forum section. Just so You don't miss it.
Originally Posted by Cordovan
Ok, all of the group incentive messages have gone out, and I've taken care of about thirty individual incentives (out of a bit more than 300 for Extra Life alone!) I will be working through the list in the coming weeks, both for Extra Life, then Movember. Thanks!