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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Missions not allowing 2 players of different levels


    If I group on a mission with another 130 every thing is fine. If a 130 and a 50 try and group they cannot enter the same instance. Get an error that there is already an instance in progress when 2nd person tries to join.

    I had thought this was one of the points of missions? Is my understanding incorrect?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Faudyen View Post

    If I group on a mission with another 130 every thing is fine. If a 130 and a 50 try and group they cannot enter the same instance. Get an error that there is already an instance in progress when 2nd person tries to join.

    I had thought this was one of the points of missions? Is my understanding incorrect?

    Thank you.
    While I'm not willing to pay for this travesty, this is one problem that might have a logical solution. Have you tried having the lvl 50 start the mission? It could be that the first person to enter sets the level, and that SSG will scale a 130 down to 50 but isn't able to scale a 50 up to a 130. I wouldn't blame them for this, as it would seem logical. However, if it's the case they should have explained it up from.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Also... are you sure what both players have access to location where this mission takes place?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    We tried running a mission together with one char of lvl 130 and one char of lvl 127. Both have access to all areas and such. It is not possible. We always get the message that an instance is already active and there can't be another instance. No matter which char is group leader or the first to enter the mission.

    Running missions with a friend and having an alternative leveling route was one reason to buy this "mini-expansion". If you always have to be of the same level to play together a mission that is not quite possible.

    Quite dissappointing. With this limitation there is also no sense in buying this "mini-expansion" for another account.
    "...In the information society, nobody thinks. We expected to banish paper, but we actually banished thought."
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Froyo_K_Baggins View Post
    While I'm not willing to pay for this travesty, this is one problem that might have a logical solution. Have you tried having the lvl 50 start the mission? It could be that the first person to enter sets the level, and that SSG will scale a 130 down to 50 but isn't able to scale a 50 up to a 130. I wouldn't blame them for this, as it would seem logical. However, if it's the case they should have explained it up from.
    We did try that yes, same error.

  6. #6
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    Jun 2007
    Hubby is 130 and my RK is 130 all is fine we can group for these mission. I like alts but can not group get message mentioned above tried on my LM 128 and Hunter 81 so disappointed cant play alts with his toon.

  7. #7
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    Sep 2016
    We did testing on this yesterday and there is not an issue with players of different levels being able to access Missions. However, we have discovered that players may not be attempting to enter Missions through the expected flow, and that is causing some confusion when trying to enter a Mission that someone else with you has already entered. So, for clarity, here is how to join a Mission when someone else has already entered it:

    When one player enters the instance, the other player will get a dialogue stating the instance has started, with an OK button. Click the OK, then click on the NPC that granted the Mission quest. Scroll to the bottom of the list of quests, to a category stating Available Private Encounters. Click the quest showing there to gain access to the Mission instance your teammate is in.
    Last edited by Cordovan; Oct 30 2020 at 12:51 PM. Reason: clarifying terminology
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  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    We did testing on this yesterday and there is not an issue with players of different levels being able to access Missions. However, we have discovered that players may not be attempting to enter Missions through the expected flow, and that is causing some confusion when trying to enter a Mission that someone else with you has already entered. So, for clarity, here is how to join a Mission when someone else has already entered it:

    When one player enters the instance, the other player will get a dialogue stating the instance has started, with an OK button. Click the OK, then click on the NPC that granted the Mission quest. Scroll to the bottom of the list of quests, to a category stating Available Quests. Click the quest showing there to gain access to the Mission instance your teammate is in.
    So for clarity, follow this six step process that isn't documented anywhere in-game that I've found.
    1. Player A starts mission.
    2. Player B sees a dialog.
    3. Player B clicks OK.
    4. Player B finds the NPC that granted the mission quest.
    5. Player B scrolls to the bottom of the quest list.
    6. Player B clicks the quest listed at the very end.

    That doesn't fit my expectations of clarity.

    I expect something like a dialog that says, "Your fellow [PlayerName] has accepted the level [Level] mission [MissionName]. Would you like to join them? YES / NO"

  9. #9
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    Well, just tried to follow the steps mentioned by Cordovan with chars of different levels:

    Both took the same mission. One started the mission and entered it.
    The other got the message with the Ok button and clicked on the NPC after clicking OK.

    The NPC who gave the mission in question lists the actual mission solely under the category "Current mission". "Available missions" only lists the other missions the NPC has. No further categories or scrolling available.

    Clicking on the mission in question under "current mission" gets the mission text and the button to enter that leads to the error message that there is already an instance active. No matter which chars starts the mission.

    I play the German client. Same as my friend.

    Sorry, but I do not see how to proceed differently given the lack of other ways to enter the mission. With chars on the same level it works, but not on different levels.
    "...In the information society, nobody thinks. We expected to banish paper, but we actually banished thought."
    Ian Malcolm
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    This is some quality S*** SSG

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Hi Cordovan,

    I appreciate you looking into this glitch, but the walkthrough you detailed simply doesn't work if the two players in the kinship are of different levels. Please go back to the devs/programmers re-test and ensure they group two players of DIFFERENT LEVELS. They will quickly discover that the notes they provided you with do not work.

    Please let me/us know.


  12. #12
    Kehleyr_SSG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frostbearde View Post
    Hi Cordovan,

    I appreciate you looking into this glitch, but the walkthrough you detailed simply doesn't work if the two players in the kinship are of different levels. Please go back to the devs/programmers re-test and ensure they group two players of DIFFERENT LEVELS. They will quickly discover that the notes they provided you with do not work.

    Please let me/us know.

    Cordovan's steps should work on all Missions when being attempted with two characters of differing levels.

    The name of the category is 'Available Private Encounters' and is found at the very bottom of the NPC's dialog box.

    If you are finding these steps do not work please file a bug with the specific Mission and we will look into it ASAP! Thank you!
    Quality Assurance Team Lead
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    "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

  13. #13
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    Aug 2014
    So, there are at least 3 different statements of how the game works.

    Cordovan states the category is “Available Quests” and works.
    Derquin states the category is “Current Missions” and doesn’t work.
    Kehleyr states the category is “Available Private Encounters” and works.

    This is from the same software? Hopefully some others would try this and chime in with results.

    Also, to note that there were never any instructions or clarification on any release or patch notes on how any detail of missions would work. This is the extent of the instructions that I can find for a completely new feature:

    Missions are a new way for one or two people to play together between levels 20 and 130! Players can access the Missions hub by visiting a Gabil'akkâ Stable-master, located near other stable masters including:

    Are there more details I have missed somewhere?

  14. #14
    Kehleyr_SSG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JERH View Post
    So, there are at least 3 different statements of how the game works.

    Cordovan states the category is “Available Quests” and works.
    Derquin states the category is “Current Missions” and doesn’t work.
    Kehleyr states the category is “Available Private Encounters” and works.
    There was a miscommunication between me and Cordovan - the category is called 'Available Private Encounters' and is shown at the very bottom of the NPC's dialogue box.
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    "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fredelas View Post
    So for clarity, follow this six step process that isn't documented anywhere in-game that I've found.
    1. Player A starts mission.
    2. Player B sees a dialog.
    3. Player B clicks OK.
    4. Player B finds the NPC that granted the mission quest.
    5. Player B scrolls to the bottom of the quest list.
    6. Player B clicks the quest listed at the very end.

    Is this honestly how it was designed to work?

    Wow...again...you just can't make this stuff up.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by JERH View Post
    Also, to note that there were never any instructions or clarification on any release or patch notes on how any detail of missions would work. This is the extent of the instructions that I can find for a completely new feature:

    Missions are a new way for one or two people to play together between levels 20 and 130! Players can access the Missions hub by visiting a Gabil'akkâ Stable-master, located near other stable masters including:

    Are there more details I have missed somewhere?

    Another brand new shiny feature...which combined with a total lack of communication from SSG leads to just more chaos and confusion.


  17. #17
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    So, I did some more testing.

    In the German client as updated with U28 on patch day there is no "Available Private Encounter" category in the window of neither Horin or Ausma. No matter which mission.

    I downloaded the English client today and there is that "Available Private Encounter" category. Which allows to start a mission with chars of different levels.

    I switched back to the German client after that and now I see that category "Available Private Encounter" in my German client, too. And can therefore enter a mission with chars of different levels.

    My friend who hasn't downloaded the English client yet does not see that category and can't enter the mission after I got in. He only sees the "Actual quest" and "Available quests" categories in the windows of both Horin and Ausma.
    And gets the "already instance actice message" when trying to press enter on the quest window from "Actual quest".

    If he gets in first I can enter now since my client shows the missing category now.

    So there seems to be a problem with the German client not showing that category prior to downloading the English client. Perhaps a missing file?
    Throughout the week there were several other players mentioning the issue of not being able to play together in World chat.

    We are on Belegaer.

    I'll submit a bug report but wanted to inform others that there might be a possible way to fix it.
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  18. #18
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    I tried the workaround with switching to the English client and back to German client on a second computer and it worked there, too.

    32-bit clients on both computers.

    Bug report is submitted. Hope you can sort it out.
    "...In the information society, nobody thinks. We expected to banish paper, but we actually banished thought."
    Ian Malcolm
    From: Crichton, Michael. Jurassic Park

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Be aware that whoever enters first sets the level. Myself (level 29) and a kin mate (level 130) tested this out. When I entered first the mobs were all level 29 and a level 130 was looking at them and they died. When she entered first the mobs were all level 130 and my level 29 was looked at and died upon entry.
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rugongrod View Post
    Be aware that whoever enters first sets the level. Myself (level 29) and a kin mate (level 130) tested this out. When I entered first the mobs were all level 29 and a level 130 was looking at them and they died. When she entered first the mobs were all level 130 and my level 29 was looked at and died upon entry.
    So no matter who enters first, one player is useless.

    Why did they choose to scale the missions to the player, rather than use the existing tech of scaling the players to the missions?

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Hi Folks,

    I and my wife's toon have followed the instructions to the letter. However, the part of the instructions that quote "The name of the category is 'Available Private Encounters' and is found at the very bottom of the NPC's dialog box" is the roadblock. Neither I nor my wife's lower level toon see this section at the bottom of NPC's dialog box. All I get is the same old blurb saying "You already have an instance in progress. You will not be allowed to enter a new one".

    Guys, I have chatted with more than a few others experiencing this same issue. Will you please provide a viable fix?

    Thank you
    Last edited by Frostbearde; Oct 30 2020 at 06:58 PM.

  22. #22
    Kehleyr_SSG's Avatar
    Kehleyr_SSG is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Team
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frostbearde View Post
    Hi Folks,

    I and my wife's toon have followed the instructions to the letter. However, the part of the instructions that quote "The name of the category is 'Available Private Encounters' and is found at the very bottom of the NPC's dialog box" is the roadblock. Neither I nor my wife's lower level toon see this section at the bottom of NPC's dialog box. All I get is the same old blurb saying "You already have an instance in progress. You will not be allowed to enter a new one".

    Guys, I have chatted with more than a few others experiencing this same issue. Will you please provide a viable fix?

    Thank you
    Try accepting all the other Missions the NPC has to offer - if you don't want to do them you can always cancel them - there has been some success in getting the Available Private Encounters to show when you do this.
    Quality Assurance Team Lead
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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narthalion View Post
    Another brand new shiny feature...which combined with a total lack of communication from SSG leads to just more chaos and confusion.

    Technically this mechanic is not new. For group-available quest instances, you have always gotten a popup when the first player starts it, then you have to join yourself from the NPC (or regional Reflecting Pool). That's always how it's worked for any instance that isn't in the Join list.
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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by gildhur View Post
    Technically this mechanic is not new. For group-available quest instances, you have always gotten a popup when the first player starts it, then you have to join yourself from the NPC (or regional Reflecting Pool). That's always how it's worked for any instance that isn't in the Join list.

    I assume he was speaking of the whole "Missions" idea. In numerous ways it's not working as it was promoted.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seregthol View Post
    I assume he was speaking of the whole "Missions" idea. In numerous ways it's not working as it was promoted.


    I was.


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