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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    A word on Further Adventurers - on Evernight

    Ok, so I started these missions a couple of hours ago, and it was very busy around NPC Celebir. I got the first three chapters done, in about 30 minutes and then decided to come back to it later because the time it was taking to hand these missions in was becoming too frustrating.

    I logged back in about 30 minutes ago, and for the first ten minutes, it was still trying to give me chapter one. I had the green quest text saying that it was a repeatable quest that I had never completed. Eventually it loaded in and I got the quest to do chapter four.

    Spent literally, just a few minutes fighting off snowbeasts with Gloin, then left instance via NPC talk.

    20 minutes later, I still cannot hand in. Not just that, I cannot leave the vicinity either (red line walls).

    This really needs to be looked at, especially as it's a paid content (either through sub or through the store) regardless of a short duration free access.

    At this rate it is going to take hours and hours to get ten missions done.

    Edit: I am now in chapter 5. Fought some goblins on the road heading up to Caldwell Pool, and now I'm supposed to check out the campsite North-east for signs of Bilbo. I've checked every inch of the whole area as well as that campsite, as far as it will allow me to go in all directions and there is nothing. Is anyone else have problems like this?

    Edit 2: Turns out that the camp I needed (with some help from a fellow Evernighter) was the camp all the way down the hill, that I was in ten minutes ago, but lag inside the mission meant it didn't register. It then wanted me to defeat goblins along the path leading up the hill (which by this point, I'd already killed ages ago). I luckily found some new tracks and got to the dying goblin, and talked to him. Then I had to talk to him again to leave the instance - but that took five minutes too. Every time I tried to talk to him, he just kept repeating the same story, and the quest took five minutes to update. Celeblir had arrived long before this point.

    Now I'm waiting to hand in again.

    This is so frustrating.
    Last edited by Arnenna; Apr 19 2021 at 03:27 PM.
    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    It works seamlessly on internal servers. You should be blaming the 2999 others for choosing to play at the same time.

    I had to laugh at the known issue to run back to the instance start if something doesn't show up, as it works for many of the Missions not just one. Beats wasting a instance reset when you have only the 10. I'd have hedged my bets by only having 8 missions/chapters to cater for what happens on LIVE. So long as they just don't look at how flaky instantiation of all instances are under load how is it going to get better?

    At least they are short and not like spending a couple of hours to reach the end boss and find his mount is invisible.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Glad to hear I'm not the only one who got stuck on Chapter 5. The same thing happened to me, where the quest asked me to "search a campsite to the Northeast" but there was nothing clickable anywhere. I found a small campfire but couldn't use it, and then tried every goblin camp in the instance, but all were empty. No one in chat knew what was up either.

    I left the instance and found your post. Went back in and it had restarted. This time, I knew to enter the first goblin camp after killing the goblins there. If you follow the path, stand there and kill the goblins from ranged, then you are facing SE, so the directions to enter the camp "to the NE" don't make any sense. However, when I stepped a few paces forward the quest triggered and I could continue.

    Later, after killing some wargs, I again got the same instructions to "search a camp to the northeast", and this time there was indeed a camp directly NE. I wonder if the first set of instructions are supposed to be something else and they got mixed up somehow.

    Yes, waiting for several minutes for a turn in afterwards is also a pain.

  4. #4
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    Sep 2016
    We are looking into the delay players are experiencing when trying to turn in Missions.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Well I'd take a guess it's the high population along with world builders just harvesting a few land blocks along with a whole bunch of triggers and quest pop ups from the source landscape because they weren't asked to provide a usable space on LIVE.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Belegaer here...did the first instance, had to wait for more than five minutes to hand in the quest. This is even worse than Annak Khurfu. Fine, this is day #1 of Bilbo's missions, many people are playing this...but maybe we'd like to enjoy new content, instead of being instantly annoyed? It is well known the servers cannot handle the player load at mission hubs, and what are you doing, SSG? Ignoring the load problem and creating even more missions.

    Besides, the jewellery piece you can trade mixes offensive and defensive stats (critical rating + evade), so it isn't even worth replaying some missions to barter for it. So most people will run the ten missions for the deed, and then forget about it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Braer View Post
    Well I'd take a guess it's the high population along with world builders just harvesting a few land blocks along with a whole bunch of triggers and quest pop ups from the source landscape because they weren't asked to provide a usable space on LIVE.
    It may be an issue that is more visible when we have high population like today, but it appears there may be something we can identify and fix related to turn-in on some missions, so we'll see. Too early to say much as we have not really had an opportunity to dig into it yet, but we might have found a bug to fix today related to the reports in this thread.
    Community Manager, Lord of the Rings Online
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    We are looking into the delay players are experiencing when trying to turn in Missions.
    There has been horrendous delay in turning in missions, anywhere, since you started them. All the standing around and waiting for it to update, can't open your vaults, can't get the carry-alls out of the vaults, can't get the carry-alls to open, can't put things into the carry-alls, NONE of that can be done without delay, after delay, after delay. And now it's gotten the same up in Echad Uial. It is much worse there now than it was when it was the game "hotspot"! So you're just NOW "looking into" this? Seriously?
    Linden Starfall, Leader of Mithril Crowns of Elendilmir and Arkenstone

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    It may be an issue that is more visible when we have high population like today, but it appears there may be something we can identify and fix related to turn-in on some missions, so we'll see. Too early to say much as we have not really had an opportunity to dig into it yet, but we might have found a bug to fix today related to the reports in this thread.
    That is an issue that is not exclusive to the mission system, the same also happens when exiting an instance. You get trapped in the red barriers and the instance quest gets stuck at the quest overview, also you cannot open a new instance. A few seconds or lately minutes later it goes back to normal. This is more likely a server side issue than something in the code for handing in some quests.

  10. #10
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    Nov 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by greendarner View Post
    There has been horrendous delay in turning in missions, anywhere, since you started them. All the standing around and waiting for it to update, can't open your vaults, can't get the carry-alls out of the vaults, can't get the carry-alls to open, can't put things into the carry-alls, NONE of that can be done without delay, after delay, after delay. And now it's gotten the same up in Echad Uial. It is much worse there now than it was when it was the game "hotspot"! So you're just NOW "looking into" this? Seriously?
    They clearly don't care that their servers can't handle the smallest population of any game in the mmorpg world. 2000? 3000 players? Midday on a Monday Pacific Time and enemies are just lag-porting all over the place, skills freezing for 20 seconds, it's really really pathetic.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    It may be an issue that is more visible when we have high population like today, but it appears there may be something we can identify and fix related to turn-in on some missions, so we'll see. Too early to say much as we have not really had an opportunity to dig into it yet, but we might have found a bug to fix today related to the reports in this thread.
    Sorry what? There have been numerous threads about the missions taking minutes to hand in, it's been reported countless times as bugs (it's one of the few things you can do whilst waiting to hand in a mission) and I've seen it raised on your stream many times - you even admitted on a stream that it is a systems issue i.e. not lag but poor implementation. SSG can not pretend this is a new issue - missions are broken
    Evernight - Walred (Champ), Walmur (RK), Walbert-2 (Cappy)

  12. #12
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    Jun 2016
    News flash, lotro severs can't handle what would be very small population on any other MMO.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    It may be an issue that is more visible when we have high population like today, but it appears there may be something we can identify and fix related to turn-in on some missions, so we'll see. Too early to say much as we have not really had an opportunity to dig into it yet, but we might have found a bug to fix today related to the reports in this thread.
    Thanks to hear, but I have to agree with the others, this isn't a new issue. It happens at places where a lot of players start instances. The mission hubs made the problem very very visible. Symptoms:
    - Mission quests take minutes until they can ben handed in. This happens because we are in some kind of "halfway stuck in the instance" state:
    -- After leaving an mission (instance) you can right-click your portrait and select "leave instance" (despite being already outside)
    -- If you walk some steps, red walls appear that block your movements like these in instances, despite being outside an instance
    -- when you try to fire up another instance from the instance finder, you get a message "not possible in private encounter"
    Other things that go wrong at the mission hubs:
    - Accessing bank space, moving items from and to inventory takes minutes
    - Sending mails with attachement & removing an attachment from a mail takes minutes

    My guess is that the server use some kinds of "segments" to run blocks of the world, and every instance started within one segment runs in said segment. Start a lot of instances at one place, and this server segment gets totally overburdened. The layering system is supposed to spawn new segments in this case, but this somehow doesn't work.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Once_of_Bree View Post
    Sorry what? There have been numerous threads about the missions taking minutes to hand in, it's been reported countless times as bugs (it's one of the few things you can do whilst waiting to hand in a mission) and I've seen it raised on your stream many times - you even admitted on a stream that it is a systems issue i.e. not lag but poor implementation. SSG can not pretend this is a new issue - missions are broken
    Correct, not a new issue nor a new investigation.
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  15. Apr 19 2021, 06:58 PM

  16. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    We are looking into the delay players are experiencing when trying to turn in Missions.
    Thanks for the response. I do hope you get to the bottom of it, because it's pretty much unplayable at the moment. It's not just the new ones either, the ones in Elderslade are also a problem, but not as bad.
    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.

  17. Apr 19 2021, 07:04 PM

  18. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorikon View Post

    Besides, the jewellery piece you can trade mixes offensive and defensive stats (critical rating + evade), so it isn't even worth replaying some missions to barter for it. So most people will run the ten missions for the deed, and then forget about it.
    This ^^

    I understand the idea that these missions shouldn't carry BiS uber gear pieces, but the main stat on them alone is low enough so that they are no competition for raid gears. The evade needs to go, and put something useful onto them instead, then they'll be good enough to aim for on alts, but not too good in that they undermine gear from harder content.
    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.

  19. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    It may be an issue that is more visible when we have high population like today, but it appears there may be something we can identify and fix related to turn-in on some missions, so we'll see. Too early to say much as we have not really had an opportunity to dig into it yet, but we might have found a bug to fix today related to the reports in this thread.
    Here are some pointers for you.

    Missions cannot be handed in - anywhere (Elderslade, Threstlebridge or now Rivendell) until layering applies. If you take a character to any of the mission hubs at a busy time, you will notice that as soon as the layer icon appears, hand in is possible. The problem is, the layer icon isn't appearing and layering isn't applying quickly enough. I totally gave up on the new missions today, it was painful.
    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.

  20. #18
    istvana is offline Legendary forums 1st poster
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    Maybe I am lucky or maybe because the timing was off-peak but I did 40 Bilbo missions today (4 characters 10 each) and there was never more than 15 seconds of delay and sometimes none at all.

  21. #19
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    Dec 2019
    Let me guess, you play on an RP server like Cord does? Now Cord doesn't feel so keen to come down to the Evernight Neighbourhood. Lots of angry people about, feeling they have no Justice.

    Safer in a gated community away from trouble, not to be stirred unless we threaten to come by your door - then it's an attack on your freedoms and a call to arms.

    I've done missions at 3am UK time and had zero delay so I perfectly know how it works, but that's with pops below 150 non-anon. A quantitively analysis on pops, active user numbers in the vicinity against delay might show exponential delays, it feels like it anyway. They are so fond of curves, lets see it!

    But off-peek is really short here, likely many hours on low pop servers. But we can only guess because we aren't allowed to see pop data.

  22. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by greendarner View Post
    There has been horrendous delay in turning in missions, anywhere, since you started them.
    Very true, since missions came out, there has always been quite a delay on loading literally anything not only missions themselves. Nowadays it's only getting worse and worse the more missions come out. I don't think the servers can handle the constant barrage of encounters as missions are extremely short. Potentially up to a hundred or more people just ''spamming'' encounters pretty much. It's pretty heavy on the server and i hope it gets a fix.

  23. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    It may be an issue that is more visible when we have high population like today, but it appears there may be something we can identify and fix related to turn-in on some missions, so we'll see. Too early to say much as we have not really had an opportunity to dig into it yet, but we might have found a bug to fix today related to the reports in this thread.
    And another hint: This is absolutely *not* mission related. Missions are just worse. Just yesterday I had large "return" times from Shaka (minutes). It was the same at Ill Omens from skirmishes. It was possible to shorten it by launching skirmishes from unpopulated areas. This is the same all across the game in all instanced content.

  24. #22
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    I've noticed, literally in the past couple of days, that when I am waiting to turn in my mission, if I right-click my portrait I am still presented with the option to 'Leave Instance'. Which still functions and will port me back to the instance exit spawn location. It seems that there is some delay in leaving the instance, and the client recognising that you have indeed left the instance.
    Galuhad | Narvelan
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  25. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galuhad View Post
    I've noticed, literally in the past couple of days, that when I am waiting to turn in my mission, if I right-click my portrait I am still presented with the option to 'Leave Instance'. Which still functions and will port me back to the instance exit spawn location. It seems that there is some delay in leaving the instance, and the client recognising that you have indeed left the instance.
    People also have their mission NPCs with them in wildwood.

  26. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    After reading this thread, I think lag inside missions broke my Chapter 6 mission. This is badly designed mission anyway: First it says I should kill all goblins and wargs in Pinnath Fenui before advancing, and then it allows me to roam very large area around it, full of lvl 41 goblins on lvl 130 mission, and they all aggro on sight. And they also respawn... So, there is no lvl 130 mobs for me to kill, only endlessly respawning lvl 41 mobs - and I cannot advance because I need to kill all the goblins and wargs in area... And of course I cannot even mount my horse in instance.

    EDIT: Abandoned the quest, and tried it again. This time all Pinnath Fenui mobs actually spawned, as the first time I only got the first three at the first gate, and the rest of the camp was empty - aside from those lvl 41 goblins...
    Last edited by Gilean-EU; Apr 20 2021 at 02:06 PM.

  27. #25
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    Dec 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Gilean-EU View Post
    After reading this thread, I think lag inside missions broke my Chapter 6 mission. This is badly designed mission anyway: First it says I should kill all goblins and wargs in Pinnath Fenui before advancing, and then it allows me to roam very large area around it, full of lvl 41 goblins on lvl 130 mission, and they all aggro on sight. And they also respawn... So, there is no lvl 130 mobs for me to kill, only endlessly respawning lvl 41 mobs - and I cannot advance because I need to kill all the goblins and wargs in area... And of course I cannot even mount my horse in instance.

    EDIT: Abandoned the quest, and tried it again. This time all Pinnath Fenui mobs actually spawned, as the first time I only got the first three at the first gate, and the rest of the camp was empty - aside from those lvl 41 goblins...
    I think the server became sentient and took exception to dealing with the high pops. It's been that way at least since Minas Morgul instances but as a soloer maybe before... With experience you ofc get a feeling that something isn't right and can leave and reset. Not so great when doing 4 or 5 minute instances with the 10/hour limit.

    There must be some errors that occur under load that just aren't handled, or some long ago limit placed in the code that was never intended to be reached. Or just bad choices.


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