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  1. #1
    Kehleyr_SSG's Avatar
    Kehleyr_SSG is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Team
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    Bullroarer Update 30.3 - Beta 2 - CLOSED

    Bullroarer is CLOSED
    Thank you for your participation, feedback, and bug reports!
    Server Opening Time: Wednesday, 09/15 12:00 PM EDT
    Server Closing Time: Friday, 09/17 ~3:00 PM EDT (Subject to Change)

    Report A Bug
    Guide to the Eyes and Guard Tavern
    Character Copy is AVAILABLE. This can be accessed through the 'Transfer' button on any LOTRO Launcher.

    Bullroarer is open for a look at Update 30.3, specifically focusing on the Brawler class and the New Legendary Item System.
    Please refer to this thread for a breakdown of how these systems work:
    Bullroarer Update 30.3 - Early Beta 1 - CLOSED

    Release Notes
    • Ancient Script currency cap increased to 10000.
    • E&G Tavern: Penfold will now offer quests for the Completion deeds for Shakalush, the Stair Battle and The Fall of Khazad-dûm


    • Yellow line Skills "Share Innate Strength" are now active and should function properly.
    • The Fulcrum trait set bonus "Flurry of Blows" now functions properly
    • Tooltip for the Brawler Trait "Aggressive Posture" has been updated to better reflect how its bonuses are handed out
    • The trait descriptions for Battle Flow, Enhanced Battle Flow, and Battle Fury have been updated to reflect their actual functionality.
    • Iron Will always overrides Weather Blows if both are active at the same time.
    • New Blue-line trait "Healing Increase." Increases incoming and outgoing healing.
    • Brawler Skill "Joy of Battle - Offence" now triggers based on hitting enemies instead of being hit
    • New Brawler trait "Joy of Battle - Heal" now grants a skill. Heals the brawler upon hitting enemies.
    • Brawler skill damage has been increased

    Legendary Items

    Beorning Traceries & Skills:

    • New tracery: Nature's Bond CD
    • New tracery: Recuperate Heal Pulses
    • Thickened Hide Tactical Mitigation: Tweaked the tooltip for this effect so that it lists the bonuses separately, and added a duration bonus to the tracery.
    • Encouraging Roar: Now benefits from several old mods that were missing. No longer benefits from the Rally heal mod which it erroneously had.
    • Second swing of Beorning Dual Wield abilities now benefit correctly from tracery mods.

    Brawler Traceries:

    • Quick Feint: Replaced useless damage bonus with Evasion Buff

    Burglar Traceries:

    • Reduced Mischievous Glee tracery bonus as it was way overpowered.
    • Changed name of 'Gamble Loaded Die Chance' to 'Gamble Upgrade Chance' to reflect what it actually does.
    • Increased healing for Relish Battle and Bob & Weave. May need to change these to tiny % heals to keep them endgame relevant.
    • Fixed a number of skills that were receiving the wrong 'Word of Power' bonuses.


    • Unslotting and reslotting of traceries will lose all rank advancement. This will be corrected to be a non-loss action.

    Please keep in mind much is still in development, and many changes may not have notes here.
    All costs are placeholder.
    All Feedback in encouraged and Bugs are welcome!
    Please continue the existing threads with your Feedback, and as always thank you for your participation!
    Last edited by Kehleyr_SSG; Sep 23 2021 at 11:53 AM.
    Quality Assurance Team Lead
    The Lord of the Rings Online
    "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Nothing for champions?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Nubja View Post
    Nothing for champions?
    yeaaaaaaaa. i was hoping for a few things. i will do some comparison parses just to see how bad things are for myself. ive only seen people parsing up to this point

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    This is not full patch list, or you really think guard, wrd and champ have enough traceries....
    Or maybe u want ppl to stop playing theese 3 clasess and swap to brawler

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Seeing as only Brawler, Beorn, and Burg have changes lookes like they havnt gotten everything finished yet and have just the first 3 classes implemented this week... I think they have big things planned for champ/guard/capt but didnt have it done this week? After burg should be Captain and then Champ.

    Anyone freaking out over no champ changes yet though needs to chill at least one more week before losing it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2020
    Release Notes

    Changed traceries for three classes
    Quote Originally Posted by me two days ago
    Regarding working on not doing what has been done in the past, that's the big fear here with those like me not eager to adopt. We've been through this with Vastin before. It starts with a groundswell of support for a change and Vastin steps in. The hero arrives! There's a lot of early communication as things are developed and then Beta 1 arrives. We're unhappy, ask for changes. Beta 2 arrives. Nominal changes at best with the promise of more interating post-live. Nothing ever comes of it. Multiple call outs for help go unresponded to. Most recent example are the pvp changes post-28.2.

    This doesn't feel any different from that. Looking forward to what Beta 2 comes with, then we'll revisit this process.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Kehleyr_SSG View Post
    Release Notes
    • Ancient Script currency cap increased to 10000.
    I know that everything is using placeholder values right now, so I have no particular complaint about this. But a use case to be mindful off. If this currency is going to be awarded in festival, and can not be consumed until level 50, I hope the cap will account for that. For instance, through festival I typically had saved up all the required star-lit crystals that I needed at imbuement. They had to be stashed in my vault until they became useful to that character.

    I just worry that many of these barter limits introduce alot of extra work at gearing up due to having to purchase and stash stuff away until it is useful. For instance, you can not wait to purchase a piece of level cap equipment along with the essences all at once since the ember cap is too low. At least there is a work around where you can stash the boxes in inventory until you get all three/four.
    However, if the items for the new legendaries are going to be limitted to the same level ranges (ie: have to be lvl 50 to start bartering and using items for them) then you may be stuck with maxed out currency from festivals with nothing to spend it on because your level is too low.
    Last edited by Calding; Sep 15 2021 at 12:51 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Beta 2 open or closed

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Kehleyr_SSG View Post
    Bullroarer is CLOSED
    *Please note the database has been wiped!* Any characters created or copied before 11:00 AM EDT 09/15/21 are no longer available on Bullroarer.
    Server Opening Time: Wednesday, 09/15 12:00 PM EDT
    Server Closing Time: Friday, 09/17 ~10:00 AM EDT (Subject to Change)

    Report A Bug
    Guide to the Eyes and Guard Tavern
    Character Copy is AVAILABLE. This can be accessed through the 'Transfer' button on any LOTRO Launcher.

    Bullroarer is open for a look at Update 30.3, specifically focusing on the Brawler class and the New Legendary Item System.
    Please refer to this thread for a breakdown of how these systems work:
    Bullroarer Update 30.3 - Early Beta 1 - CLOSED

    Release Notes
    • Ancient Script currency cap increased to 10000.


    • Yellow line Skills "Share Innate Strength" are now active and should function properly.
    • The Fulcrum trait set bonus "Flurry of Blows" now functions properly
    • Tooltip for the Brawler Trait "Aggressive Posture" has been updated to better reflect how its bonuses are handed out
    • The trait descriptions for Battle Flow, Enhanced Battle Flow, and Battle Fury have been updated to reflect their actual functionality.
    • Iron Will always overrides Weather Blows if both are active at the same time.
    • New Blue-line trait "Healing Increase." Increases incoming and outgoing healing.
    • Brawler Skill "Joy of Battle - Offence" now triggers based on hitting enemies instead of being hit
    • New Brawler trait "Joy of Battle - Heal" now grants a skill. Heals the brawler upon hitting enemies.
    • Brawler skill damage has been increased

    Legendary Items

    Beorning Traceries & Skills:

    • New tracery: Nature's Bond CD
    • New tracery: Recuperate Heal Pulses
    • Thickened Hide Tactical Mitigation: Tweaked the tooltip for this effect so that it lists the bonuses separately, and added a duration bonus to the tracery.
    • Encouraging Roar: Now benefits from several old mods that were missing. No longer benefits from the Rally heal mod which it erroneously had.
    • Second swing of Beorning Dual Wield abilities now benefit correctly from tracery mods.

    Brawler Traceries:

    • Quick Feint: Replaced useless damage bonus with Evasion Buff

    Burglar Traceries:

    • Reduced Mischievous Glee tracery bonus as it was way overpowered.
    • Changed name of 'Gamble Loaded Die Chance' to 'Gamble Upgrade Chance' to reflect what it actually does.
    • Increased healing for Relish Battle and Bob & Weave. May need to change these to tiny % heals to keep them endgame relevant.
    • Fixed a number of skills that were receiving the wrong 'Word of Power' bonuses.

    Please keep in mind much is still in development, and many changes may not have notes here.
    All costs are placeholder.
    All Feedback in encouraged and Bugs are welcome!
    Please continue the existing threads with your Feedback, and as always thank you for your participation!
    Is it possible to create a special BR valar box so that it ranks /equips a new character to whatever the level cap is? I know all the stuff is available in the Tavern. but it takes "forever" to run around checking with each vendor and uses up a lot of testing time. Just give us decent "hero" stuff like in the retail valar boxes so that within minutes we're out the door and saving Middle-Earth.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Such a shame, warden could need so much work rn, from poor „traceries“, not to say terrible, to bad healing scaling, afaik bad dmg scaling as well (how in the seven seas is it possible to do 500k+ parses while champs do like 1/4 of it???), many useless traits (especially in blue and yellow line), from blue line overhaul not to speak. And the only reason that stops us from complaining is that so many other classes are wrecked a whole of a lot more currently.
    It would have been no shame to release LI revamp first and do brawler after, the way it is now it‘s just too much work to be done by just Vastin and probably 1-2 more folks.
    Warden - Nicl - lvl130
    LM - Telperinor - lvl130
    Burglar - Nicsa - lvl130
    RK - Telpinquar - lvl130

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    So I just ran 2 skirmishes at 130 - no LI item drops (may not be live yet). Ran a level 122 and 130 Minas Morgul instance. From those I got 3 runes (all yellow) and 2 purple class traceries (fellowship tradeable then binds to character) I got 2 runes from one chest and one from the other 1st chest in instance. I got the 2 class traceries from the final chest.

    I also ran a halls of lamentation level 130 duo - got runes first 3 chests (mix of yellow/purple) and from final chest got a purple tracery of crafting.
    Last edited by TexanHobbit; Sep 15 2021 at 02:36 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quick bit of feedback on Burglar heals:

    Relish Battle and Bob and Weave healing should definitely be % based as you’ve suggested in the patch notes. It just doesn’t hold up well at end game at all and the effect in its current state is not well balanced across changing level bands (OP at lower levels and totally useless at higher). It’s also interesting how it’s just so damn weak in the first place compared with Brawler and Beorning especially (I know they are heal classes but it’s like 50x difference which seems mad!)

    Also whilst on the subject of Burglar heals please could you also look at the blue line trait to increase Bob and Weave healing by 50%. Personally I don’t think it’s a very good investment of 5 trait points and never really seen it used. Might I suggest adding a heal pip for each point spent instead or focusing on Hedge your Bet heals instead as these are far more reliable and utilised? Just seems a waste otherwise.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    One problem (bug) I noticed with the brawler is that the skill "Shattering Fist" is bestowed twice. Once when reaching level 12 and once as a basic red line skill.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    Class balance is ALL over the place and only notes on two classes?

    Hunters doing 400k+
    Champions at less than 200k. And everything else between in that 200k gap.

    What's the plan? Who wants to play this?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    One thing that I want to toss out there, in terms of positive feedback: I love seeing Guardian's Ward Duration making a return on guardian legendaries. I was always annoyed that it went away with imbuement.

    Overall, I'm pleased with what I've seen of the new system, though champs definitely need help if the Crit Damage legacy is going away.
    Last edited by ManticoreFalco; Sep 15 2021 at 04:34 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by hunter4215 View Post
    Hunters doing 400k+ Who wants to play this?
    I do.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Good News for later then "Unslotting and reslotting of traceries will lose all rank advancement. This will be corrected to be a non-loss action."

    So now I have to go find my empty shell posts to edit. Unless answered already

    I wonder how this prior advancement is to be displayed, to distinguish it from another empty slot.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Nubja View Post
    Nothing for champions?
    If it's beorn, brawls and burg this time let's hope for cap,champ and guard notes next round. I don't mind what order it gets done in, just that it's all classes before it goes live and not just a few. Also for the last classes enough time is allowed for feedback , changes and testing.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    This ui is really bad lol

    Can't even see the item tooltip name

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    In game bug report down.

    Epic quest for new LIs is bugged, Volume 2, book 1 Chapter 10: Forgotten lineage says <string table error; tableDID [0x000000000] token [0x00000000]> on the Enhancement Rune, once complete quest you get everything else but don't get the rune item it says <string table error; tableDID [0x2500C6AC] token [0x0AD42783]> (in chat), then Chapter 11: Forged Anew, talking to Snar does nothing even after i reforged my mew LI weapon, therefore cannot continue quest.
    Pontin Level 140 Hobbit Burglar Leader of Second Breakfast Crickhollow Server.
    other classes: Minstrel, Guardian, Captain, Hunter.

    Taken many Screenshots of Middle-earth, Also a Moderator of the LotRO Community Discord server

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    When you level up a tracery with enhancement runes and you find a more rare version of a tracery that you have already leveled up with the runes, at the moment when you slot the rarer version over the lesser version you lose your item level progress. Is this intended behavior or will this be changed so the item level stays the same?

    If it stays like this, my only hope is that enhancement runes (of each rarety) will drop really often.. else there is no incentive to use the runes on these lesser traceries.

    In the best scenario with the current incremental numbers from the enhancement runes you would need 240 runes per weapon to max out all 12 traceries.
    60 Uncommon (increases up to level 415)
    60 Rare (increases up to level 430)
    60 Incomparable (increases up to level 440)
    60 Legendary (increases up to level 449)

    If replacing a tracery with a rarer version of itself would undo the effect of 20 Enhancement Runes, the increase of stats should be massive or the Enhancement Runes should be so easy to find that won't be a big deal if you'd lose the progress.

    I had really hoped I could keep defending this system against my more negative kinmembers but with these numbers and rarety types it just doesn't feel like it's less of a complex system and less of a grind to improve items and let's not even talk about getting items maxed out.
    What would be the harm in just having 1 rarety type of enhancement rune instead of the 4 we have now.. same goes for the traceries, why add 4 rareties.. why make something overly complex and add more grind to it when the goal was to remove the complexity and the grind..?

    Something else I noticed was that reforging a weapon is only done at the next level cap, so from 121-129 the base stats on a weapon/item won't change, then at 130 you can finally reforge and the numbers shoot up to massively.. is this a bug or working as intended? It would be nice to have a more incremental increase, maybe reforge every 5 levels, or maybe even 2..?

    Leader of "The Gnomes" of Evernight.
    It's all about laughs and social gaming! Come join us at our discord!
    Recruitment is active

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Are there actually changes to other classes in this update?

    It's so incredibly frustrating that to test for you guys we also have to be detectives...

  23. #23
    Kehleyr_SSG's Avatar
    Kehleyr_SSG is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Team
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    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Pontin_Finnberry View Post
    In game bug report down.

    Epic quest for new LIs is bugged, Volume 2, book 1 Chapter 10: Forgotten lineage says <string table error; tableDID [0x000000000] token [0x00000000]> on the Enhancement Rune, once complete quest you get everything else but don't get the rune item it says <string table error; tableDID [0x2500C6AC] token [0x0AD42783]> (in chat), then Chapter 11: Forged Anew, talking to Snar does nothing even after i reforged my mew LI weapon, therefore cannot continue quest.
    /bug does not work on Bullroarer. Please use the 'Submit a Bug' button at the top of this forum.

    The Epic Book Revamp for LI has not been implemented yet, so yes, it will be a bit of a mess right now.
    Quality Assurance Team Lead
    The Lord of the Rings Online
    "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Kehleyr_SSG View Post
    /bug does not work on Bullroarer. Please use the 'Submit a Bug' button at the top of this forum.

    The Epic Book Revamp for LI has not been implemented yet, so yes, it will be a bit of a mess right now.
    Alrighty will use bug report at top for next time, almost forgot about that one.

  25. #25
    maartena's Avatar
    maartena is offline The Wise
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    I noticed the LI vendors in 21st hall have all been removed. There are three raids that give Emblems of Nimrodel, currently used to barter for First Age Legendary items with either 4 Emblems or 6 Emblems. This is pretty much the extend of Moria "end game". With the vendors now removed, what will the Emblems of Nimrodel be used for in the future? Shadowfax is on Moria now till roughly December, and Treebeard will be getting Moria in roughly December.... if the epic quest line to get into Moria will give you your "one and only and final" LI so to speak, what is the plan for Moria end-game?

    Quite frankly, PART of the end-game in Mirkwood, Isengard, Rohan and Helms Deep is getting the "Elder King" symbols to drop, and Shadowfax will be going through those end-games in December for Mirkwood, March or so for Isengard, and by summer 2022 it will be Rohan.

    Will alternative rewards be baked into the Moria raids and the subsequent raids after that in Mirkwood, Isengard, etc, etc.... such as maybe certain LI rewards to build up your "one and only" weapon, or perhaps better armor sets (very much needed for Moria and Mirkwood)? What is the SSG plan for those?
    Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
    Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.


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