I'm not the Executive Producer, but I'm pretty sure you're referring to me. Truth is, when you release an update, it's still really busy for several days afterwards! I'm spending a lot of time watching content creators and reading various forums, not to mention time in meetings talking about what we're seeing from 30.3, our continued progress towards releasing Fate of Gundabad with 31, and discussing post-31 releases as well. I didn't get much time to play yesterday, but I did spend a lot of time keeping an eye on world chat
With the forums, I've mostly been taking the approach of helping out where I can, because I don't have a ton of time to get into conversations or provide long answers atm. I'm actually about to sign off, so this caught me at a lucky moment.
Suffice to say, while there're lots of folks with legitimate frustrations, the update seems to have gone pretty well overall. I've definitely seen things go far worse, so we're pretty happy atm. We're working on our next patch and upcoming Bullroarer as well, so folks will be able to see continued progress. We definitely understand that we should've had something for players ingame that gave them a heads up on the update - we frankly ran out of time and deprioritized it. We'll be discussing that decisions - among others - over the next few weeks.
And we'll keep reading stuff, though we'll probably not be able to respond consistently still, just because Gundabad is coming down the mountain pretty soon
Hope that all was coherent, my brain's a little mushy at this point.