After joining the new alliegiance, clicking on Relic of the Last Alliance gives a now-outdated error message: "You must join an Allegiance before you can redeem an item that grants Allegiance Points. Allegiances are available at level 110 and can be accessed via the Reputation panel."
I had a brief stroll around BR1, and it was jaw-dropping gorgeous!
Bought it on the spot.
I was that "neurotic voice" that told that to my kinmates. Also the reason why the default damage ussually is not significant is because it only affect the default autoattack & parry events, that are few in comparison to the many RK skills damages, but they do something even if little, so will be dumb to don't put them to good use. Also i did told my kinmate that i have suggested to make the damage kinds be on tittles (not the 1st time i write it on the forums). & i do hope that instead the devs add to the clutter of varied weapon kinds each with a different damage kind, they put the tittles to good use on Gundabad release.
Oh & i just recalled, where i saw that the devs mentioned that they plan to bring the idea of legendary tittles but reborn as traceries:
+Cord of the Rings Friday Stream + Vastin Interview Summary: 9/10/2021, September 10th 2021:
- Vastin: "...The Titles for the time being, this one, I was hoping to get it in time but I don't think we'll get it in time for Launch. Right now I just changed all the base Items to just do Beleriand Damage so you don't have to worry about it in the short term. It turned out the way that the that the Weapon Damage got baked on through Titles was very special sauce with the Old LI and we weren't able to bring that over in time for Launch I'm pretty sure. So for right now they are going to do base Beleriand Damage and then my hope is that the Heraldries you will actually have different varieties of Heraldries which will change your damage in the future but for right now they are just Beleriand."
Last edited by YamydeAragon; Oct 24 2021 at 01:31 PM.
It's the same skills that were made usable while moving with update 30.3 (fire and frost lore, knowledge of cures, storm lore, blinding flash, ancient craft, pleasant breeze, etc...); these LM changes are already on the live server so I don't know why it's only now being reported here on BR.
Mydiel 140 LM
Uulanel 140 GRD
Transferring a character that has not done the quest line but is level 130. If I go to elderslade and go north I get to the door for the city but am denied access because I don't have the quest. You are correct that you can use the mission stable master, but since you do not have the location you have to use a MC to get to their destination.
Maybe I missed another location but my opinion still stands that a player should not be required to purchase an expansion and then, in the case of the stable master, buy MC to get to the new zone. The new zone should be accessible by anyone that has bought the expansion, period.
If I missed a possible route there, my apologies.
Hi All.
I'm trying to find Chapter 4.9, ‘The Lord of Gundabad’ in my completed quest log but am struggling. With the old epics, there was a book and volume number. Under which "heading" in the quest log can I find this: Chapter 4.9, ‘The Lord of Gundabad'?
Appreciate the assist.
I noticed that Hórin and Ausma are offering the same missions today as yesterday. Is that WAI or TBI?
Quality Assurance Team Lead
The Lord of the Rings Online
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf
I liked the fact that this panel was part of the reputation one, since it was possible to have the panel on a keybind to open it
May I request this new allegiance panel to be added to the keymap options? Currently the "Toggle UIs - Allegiance" from the character's frame doesn't work.
Also, Tokens of the Zhélruka aren't going into Premium Wallet and my LM pets have a lot of pathing issues inside the Missions.
Last edited by Laurelinarien; Oct 22 2021 at 04:59 PM.
Home base: Gladden• LI Reward Track Season 5 •
Guys, I have a question - will there be new crafting tools for the minstrel? and then if there is 1.5 million hp from a minstrel, and an instrument that adds only 9k, it will be funny)
I like the landscape a lot. It's vast, reminiscent of Moria while also being its own thing, and it seems like there's going to be a lot to do and explore. Everything there is looking good, and I had a lot of fun with the 3 man instance. It's a good length and is very beautiful with all the colors that it flashes. So well done on those fronts. I'm excited to fully explore Gundabad and see everything that there is to see. I think this is going to be a good expansion overall.
I do however want to say that I'm not at all happy to see that we now have to grind for more trait points. If you want to increase the amount that can be spent, fine, but give that additional amount from leveling and quit making it so that we have to seek out missing trait points high and low to grind for what feels like forever to get them in the limited ways that we can. It was such a step in the right direction when you capped it at 95 then started adding other ways to get trait points so that older content, that's very time consuming, isn't the only way to get them. Now you've taken steps backwards again and completely gone in the wrong direction to make the trait point grind more time consuming and more tedious. What's worse is there is still no in game way to check which ones you have and which ones you're missing either. The plug in for that does its best but something more accurate and reliable is needed. Are there really people on the dev team that believe the trait point grind isn't long enough and time consuming enough as it currently is? We already have to grind new LIs, new gear, new virtue caps, new reputations, a new trait points really need to be added to that? Really? I strongly believe this needs to be reconsidered and trait points should just be given for leveling up.
I have a request for Bullroarer Update 31 - Beta 2 : don't remove the characters of the player. Thank you.
The 30.3 Bullroarer tests had character wipes on the rounds I have tested.
When they change stats and gear they need to convert those. When there already is a live to BR conversion in the copy process, a BRx to BRy conversion sounds like a lot of work for a small problem to me.
Little late to the party with my response but hello!
Firstly, I just want to say that the Fate of Gundabad expansion looks VERY promising and has many many people excited for what's to come.
Someone buy the world design team a beverage of their choice on me because gundabad itself was absolutely jaw-dropping. Each small region felt very different from one to the next and going from one to the other was very exciting as we were consistently surprised with the beauty of the world that has been designed. The team did a really really good job on this one. The scenery is amazing and Bill Champagne did a wonderful job with the music for this expac, making the overall experience brilliant.
The Hall of Vernozal would be a phenomenal place for a hub! The old hubs (such as snowbourne, galtrev etc) for endgame arent really seen anymore and everyone tends to hang out at bree due to the ease of access of travel and NPCs being close to one another. If we could have all the NPCs be within reasonable distance of each other and see increased travel destinations from the stable master, the HoV could be a great return to endgame 'hubs'. Besides, the place is so damn pretty!
The instance Den of Puglak (or 'Acid trip with froggy boi' as I call it) was very interesting. The potential for diverse mechanics on higher tiers is certainly enticing and the variety from the dream sequences is a welcome surprise to many of us who enjoy group content. Again, visually very appealing too. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the instances designed for this expac!
The moors returns! Thank goodness it is a wonderful thing to see some attention being dedicated to the PvMP aspect of the game. The new PvMP gear is statistically great and works well with the balance of Audacity being added back into the game (though to truly stress test it we'll have to see how real creep vs freep fights will be when creeps have 50 Audacity). There are certain players who wished that the new Audacity gear was a little more cosmetically attractive though I do understand as to why that's not a high priority on the list. Another idea that I've heard mentioned a few times is increasing the overall max rank from 15 (Captain General/Tyrant) to something even higher even if they do not deliver additional in-moors stat boosts. The higher ranks would be more of a sign of prestige and veteran status. Thank you Fantus for all the work youve put in!
As a Warden player myself I have to say Ill miss the 5s CD reduction without set gear but it's not something we wardens cant adapt around. ALTHOUGH we have noticed that warden self heals have received a considerable nerf this update rather than a buff that we were hoping for. Though mit caps and BPE stats can be easily attained, the survivability of a warden is still not phenomenal in blue line (which as is indicated on the description of a warden in game, wardens SHOULD be able to tank). This comes to a lack of self healing skills and any CDs in panic situations. Only Never Surrender is available at this moment and even then, it is not a life saving skill. There is only one decent healing skill at the moment and that's resolution but one skill amongst many (Conviction, restoration etc etc) is not sufficient for survivability.
What would be nice as well is to revisit the scaling of certain traits in the warden trait tree. At level 140, certain traits (such as Impressive Flourish) only give stat boosts for 6-8k... when stat caps are at over 2million. These are essentially, useless traits to have in the trait tree and should be removed, replaced or scaled accordingly.
As to warden DPS, I cant comment on that for sure as of yet due to the fact that our PM is not capable outside of moors so no real dummy DPS tests.
Minor Bugs
And because devs love to hear of these so much here's a small list of minor bugs we noticed.
Outside of the hall of verzonal there were some major issues with shadows of players (45.5S 115.0W)
Aslif has some reeeeally buggy loading times. It took about 2 minutes for many players for NPCs and various assets to load in once stabling in to the area.
Due to stat bloat the UI on character panels is now all smushed. If you push mitigations past 1million, the text needs to be scaled accordingly. (Or just smush the stats down)
Final thoughts
Really looking forward to the next preview! The work that's been put in is absolutely fantastic so a huge well done for the dev team.
And again, if people wish to join us on the BR discord:
The Doctor of Arkenstone
Commander General of Audacity Kinship-
Master of -Inquisition- Kinship
Avid Bullroarer Tester:
Glad to see you finally found time to comment, Doc! Testing with you was great fun!
1. Agreed on all points regarding instances/landscape. The design team really did an amazing job. I was genuinely shocked when I loaded in. Gundabad feels like a modern iteration of Moria but with an even more immense feel. I’m not one to gawk over landscape, usually. However, Gundabad gave me the feeling of grandeur that Forochel sparked in me as a kid when I started playing back in ‘09.
2. The Puglak 3 man seems extremely interesting! I love that it is quick and most of the time spent in the instance is on a complex boss fight, rather than overly drawn out trash pulls. I definitely can’t wait to see the T3-5 mechanics when they’re more fleshed out. The setting of the instance is also beautifully designed.
3. Hopefully the PVMP work gets everything back in line with level 60-75 moors play. I used to love going out with my kin and having 6 man skirmishes or organized 1v1’s (miss the 1v1 circle back on Big E).
4. Few things I’d like to see with Gundabad that have me a bit concerned right now in u30.3
- There is currently no known source for Tracery barter items(the cracked/fragmented tracery coins) and this should be remedied by Gundabad launch at the latest.
- The tracery drop system from group content is entirely random. While this is fine for me as I only maintain 3 classes at any given level cap, it seems pretty brutal for people who play a lot of alts. If that’s the intended design, that’s fine but it needs to be made clear by the Dev team.
- Class balance has been thrown out of whack yet again and will probably be even more unbalanced as players lose the use of their class set bonuses. This should be pretty high on the priority list post Gundabad launch.
-Scaling for ratings based traits/skills on various classes have not increased proportionately to the new(nearly tripled) stat caps.
Overall, I’m excited for the next few Beta rounds. I really enjoyed getting a taste of Gundabad and can’t wait to see what is to come!
Changes to hunter damage here are not enough. Giving back damage on the second highest damage contributing skill and then lowing total crit mag from 100% to 75% is not the tuning that is required. Hunters needed quick shot nerfed not only for damage but to also keep the rotation interesting. ON TOP of that they needed a crit mag nerf. You basically canceled out any change in DPS here... Hunter needs top end damage to be reduced from 420-450k down to 320-350k, which for those of you that cant figure this out is a 25-30% damage nerf to be in line with other classes. All you have done here is take hunter from 420k and leave it at 420k. Problem not solved. It says that quick shot damage was reduced to previous levels... but im not sure what they mean here. Original beta numbers for last beta were way high and then they nerfed it down. So are they reverting to original high numbers? Or how are they basing this to nerf it down? My comments change depending on how they actually reverted it becasue it could be buffed.
Also for brawler, I have seen some screenshots of dps around 60-70k with the best rotations. Your change on live increased it to about 80-90k. In case people struggle with math. A 50% damage increase on literally garbage damage is still garbage damage. 300(about average dps) divided 60 = 5............... So brawler didnt need a 50% damage bump. THEY NEED ABOUT 500%. This isnt a joke its the actual numbers... In order for red brawler to even be considered they need thier damage not increased by 1.5 or 1.6 1.7 etc... They seriously need a total damage scaling and mulitplier around 5 TIMES the current damage at cap. IDK how the damage scales around levels 20-100 but at cap something is seriously off.
Someone from SSG please comment or something that you understand how far off things truly are. If you need data its been confirmed by numerous people over the last couple months and we can compile images for you etc.
Last edited by Khluzainn; Oct 27 2021 at 03:51 PM.
I just hope these Hunter nerfs are based on level 140 data and not 130 which we will only have for 2 more weeks. With it being harder to cap all stats in the first update of a new level cap, the situation we are seeing now at 130 may be a non issue soon.
Everyone damage will drop not just hunters with the new level cap... A little critical thinking here and you will release that the ratio of stats will be the same across classes. With the general removal of crit mag from most classes EXCEPT hunter all classes will scale PERCENTAGE wise almost the same way. So of a hunter is doing 400k and a champ 300k, if we lose 25% damage at 140 due to stats not being capped anymore then hunters will do 300k and champs will do 225k. MATH DANGER 300/400 = 0.75 or champs do 75% of the damage hunters do. 225/300= 0.75 OR Champs STILL DO 75% of the damage of a hunter. Pretty basic stuff here...
So the math is still the same ratio between the classes.... So classes should not be tuned SINGULARLY on the fact that 140 stats will be different at launch because the stats will be different for EVERY class at launch... Once every class once again gets stat capped at 140 after a couple rounds of gear the balance will be exactly the same as it is at 130... IDK how this is so hard to understand. You dont balance classes around landscape gear that people will have for one month at a new level cap. You tune classes with the end of thier scaling in mind and hopefully this scaling matches at all times of the gearing process. Not as easy as it sounds but at the bare minimum you balance around the stat caps.
Last edited by Khluzainn; Oct 27 2021 at 05:02 PM.
With recent change champ is very close to hunter, both could use either nerf or others need buff, Devs need to come out with targeted goals based on morale pools of 140 mobs.Champ(red) 300k dummy is same as hunter 384k (this math is for 50% mob mits since i cba doing for 40.2 that dummy has but its close enough)