I know that gear that was ash'ing to Embers will now Ash to motes, but what happens to Embers in Wallet?
I know that gear that was ash'ing to Embers will now Ash to motes, but what happens to Embers in Wallet?
Cordovan said on his friday stream wallet embers will turn into motes.
Can't know for sure i guess.
I can not say definitively, but I know in the level cap increase after ember were introduced have not altered any embers that were already in our wallets. Also in the beta, very few items were changed from embers to motes, although those may still be changed by launch time.
What happened before is that the quest rewards of older areas switched from embers to motes.
I'd be very surprised if the embers in your wallet would be converted. It would mean your embers evaporate when you have motes capped.
They've converted wallet embers to motes before , although not on the most recent 130 cap...
I am not sure Cordovan understood the question tbh. He seemed sure , but...
Would be nice to get confirmation about this , but if we don't , 131 runes are a good investment anyway with 0 risk.
I think I understand what you mean.
In level cap 115 (Mordor) ash was introduced.
At level cap 120 ash was renamed to motes and embers were introduces with a 0 balance.
At level cap 130 nothing was changed in wallet currency but many items from earlier 120 zones disenchanted to motes instead of embers after the expansion went live.
So I am guessing it will be the same as last time, however last time they did not tell us which items were going to change before the release (which grant it would be huge list and risk of missing something and receiving backlash) and unfortunately the last beta did not have any of those changes either. We could always hope they are not bothering to convert the old gear immediately, but it would be nice to have confirmation either way.
I went into the Gundabad beta that was open a few days ago. The embers in my (copied from live) wallet were not changed.
I had the same amount of embers in my wallet in the Gundabad beta that I had on live.
Maybe there is a plan to turn the embers into motes but it wasn't implemented in the beta.
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Nothing will happen to embers in your wallet.
Sorry for causing concern, this was me trying to shorthand on the air that the sources for embers and motes will be changing but then it came out wrong. Nothing is happening to the Embers and Motes you've collected.
Are you going to allow players going through this imposed mote/ember level boundary access to open the lower level, now mote barterable coffers if they have over-levelled without gearing up due to a lack of ember access?
Don't answer if you don't understand the reason for the question.
Give +Cord a break ppl, the man had to shave off his beard and stash. He is still distraught over it.
-Fellow bearded man
Hope for less grind
[charsig=http://lotrosigs.level3.turbine.com/03202000000481db2/01002/signature.png]undefined[/charsig] Let it be.
Thanks Cord and Raninia for the conformation. Now people can decide whether to save their embers or empty them out on the enhancement runes in the mote trader (as they'll be 10x more expensive on release).