How is it that server performance has been continually become worse and worse over the years with every single patch despite a decreasing player base?
How can an issue which affects 100% of the player base over multiple years in a negative way still exist?
How can it be that there has been very little communication by SSG regarding this issue other than "We're working on it" while not actually fixing anything (over years!)?
Why haven't there been any meaningful changes to performance that actually improved the server performance in any way ever?
How is anybody supposed to have fun if the servers fundamentally do not allow the game to run fluently in the slightest?
PvP isn't fun because of Lag. Raid vs Raid isn't even possible anymore. Even in PvE, the constant lags are incredibly disruptive nowadays. Hell, you can not even do landscape quests normally. This affects everyone!
Seriously. How do all these things still persist to this day? The server performance issues have become such a striking problem that it's pathetic how this couldn't be their #1 Priority of things to fix. How many more threads regarding server lag do we need for anything to happen?